Wtf America
Wtf America
imagine thinking this is a new practice.
I've already argued with union nurses on twitter that say they wont work without PPE.
No one cares, faggot. Go back to Twitter and stay there.
Holy shit same here, my wife’s son in new york got a call from mike pence saying it’s time to flee the city
if you need a vent you're already dead.
There are people in New York running out of gloves. I know someone who is probably gonna yeet if they run out of equipment to actually deal with the patients.
>what is something that didn’t happen, for $400 Alex?
The Triage System
>Killing old boomers
Okay, you have mu support there
>Giving them to young liberals/fags/minorities
Lets just destroy all the ventilators please.
These are the same nurses that brag about how much they sacrifice every time they are on strike.
Italy is already doing this.
Better get them equipment then bro :}
Or you know you could have closed your borders. You got your same first patient case as South Korea and did nothing about it.
Cool, my dad works at Nintendo too.
Good anons, please help. Politics aside, a family member is blaming trump for the lack of ventilators. My point is that this would’ve been a problem with ANY president - i.e. we don’t just have 100,000 extra laying around for a circumstance that no one could’ve envisioned. You can’t just build this things at the drop of a hat. Family member doesn’t care. “Trumps fault.” Indeed, he ain’t perfect but don’t go to this stupid black/white train of thought. Any rebuttals you would suggest.
The US is such terrible need of tort reform, that conversation like this are literally an everyday occurrence. Even for innocuous treatments. Doctors typically spend more on malpractice insurance than most people earn in a year.
Also, eat a dick shill. Eurofags have to ration care in the best of times.
Ask him where his 100K in his bank account 'for emergencies' is. Or where their 'spare car' is they can use if they crash their first one. You just need a visual example to point out how stupid their argument is to mock it.
Under the principles of the triage system, shouldn't you be giving life saving treatments to the people least likely to survive WITHOUT them?
Remind them that Trump does not run other countries, yet the whole world is experiencing this problem.
Excellent! Thank you
>med school deans
you mean a bunch of armchair doctors who have more of a career as an administrator in academia than actual medical practice
im glad they are scratching their itch for intellectual curiosity but this has no impact on practice whatsoever
Also excellent. Thank you too!
yeah and when family members find out about a doctor killing their loved one that doctor will end up with bullet holes
Lol imagine if these people ever find out there are lists in hospitals to decide who gets annorgan transplant.
Just imagine their face when they realize there are people who get taken off the list for being criminals, smoking, drinking, suicidal...
The professionals are more easily spooked than the general public because in general it is a large group of followers that cling to anything their immediate superior tells them.
You mean you niece you fucking retard
Our entire government has failed. It has tolerated a disasterous margin of unpreparedness and we are reaping the consequences. After this we have to ensure our government allocates the resources to establish a strategic reserve of medical equipment AND/or establish a red line for the manufacturing capacity of our industrial base domestically that would allow us to sucessfully respond to a sudden crisis of this nature in the future. Any politician who has an ambivalent attitude to this NECCESSITY must be removed and replaced by somebody who will use their position accomplish this goal.
>implying this is a new practice
>smacks lips
well ...guess it was a bad idea to dismantle our manufacturing capabilities.
>triage is murder
Underrated post
If they refuse to think you can spoonfeedthem the info. Italy reportedly has one of the best healthcares in the world and the situation there is so bad medical personell are forced to rather treat people more likely to survive. You can find sources by just googling. They can check themselves.
Why are boomers and their families so committed to keeping their 80-year-olds with heart failure alive for as long as possible? I would give up my life support to a younger person in that situation (as long as they’re white and not a drug user)
This is a inverted perversion of triage. You give help to those who need it most critically, then treat those whose general prognosis more positive in order of severity. These medical directors are proposing the opposite of that, AKA eugenics.
They constantly decide between two patients all the time
No since triage is meant to ensure those who can be helped will be over those less likley
With the assumption that those who in need of more immediate intervention than others who may also be helped by the same treatment get priority. You're only supposed to ignore the cases whose chances are equally dire whether you help them or not.
Boomers are now in their 70s and 80s. They are obsessed with saving themselves. Their kids are obsessed about it too because they love their parents, and most of them don't stand to make a fortune should they be allowed to go back to their shitty dead end jobs tomorrow.
imagine thinknig that vent isn't now contaminated
You'll have your chance to choose who takes your place on the ventilator in 30 years when this same virus makes a comeback.
Nurse: Okay, here are the young people who are waiting to use life saving equiptment. Feel free to choose.
user (you): Show me the white ones... oh, she looks like a coal burner... she's a jannie... of this kid is a onions boy... oh fuck......:
>wtf america, medical facilities are trying to decide what to do with sick people?
How about going out and building ventilators, instead of crying like bitches?
>Is this the Kindergarten of America?
It also means recognizing when you cant save someone and moving on to those you can.
>(as long as they’re white and not a drug user)
you don't make that choice, the doctor does. that is why they are so committed to keeping bla bla bla.
it's the same with transplants. niggers and other ethnic trash receive organs from whites, but they seldom donate themselves.
Trump had months to prepare for this.
imo just let people die human life is worthless
trump is a jew
Thats not what was under discussion though, if the tweet in OPs pic is to be taken at face value.
the ones who did get sick are also probably the ones who are working way past their retirement age, taking positions that could go to someone younger because they don't want to give up their veteran salaries and 6 weeks of paid vacation. my Grandmother is 81 but she isn't sick because like a normal 81 year old she spends 23 hours a day reading in her living room.
>1 post by this ID
The Annoying Orange was prophecy
How were they not prepared in the first place?
Death panels are real.
Why is a med school dean asking a bunch of other med school deans about legal issues in a hospital? Hospitals have their own lawyers, they don't sit around waiting for medical school administrators to figure this shit out.
...and everybody clapped
A husband just flew over my house.
let me guess, its blumpftler that did this because he built the current profit seeking medical establishment and the cancer business, right? is that what we're getting at here. its drumpfs fault because that's the default scapegoat, good job slave, great work accepting the programming, youre now dumber, nice.
An AIDS-ridden faggot is one of the "less likely to survive" types.
my husband works for the OSS and he says he heard it through the grapevine that theyre rounding up doctors and keeping them prisoner on prison ships infected witht he coronavirus
>How about going out and building ventilators
You're not allowed to unless you pay unreasonable amounts of money to your Jewish overlords. Copyright and patent laws have only ever served the jew.
That's normal in a crisis
...and post-op trannies. Even if they survive the Chinese Flu they are most likely just going to die by suicide anyway.