happening over
Italy has officially peaked
So only two more months of lock down then?
The orange bars look like uncooked spaghetti and the blue line looks like cooked spaghetti
>region runs out of people to die
Great now send back those Russian and Chinese "helpers" or we have to reconsider your membership with NATO
so no trumpbux?
thank God. I'm going crazy with staying home.
>happening over
So how quickly do you think they're going to reopen everything? All it takes is a handful of community cases to spread again and then you're back at square 1.
but what about THE THIRD WAVE????
Imagine the moment they ease the isolation, the virus deploys again. Honestly this plague is unpredictatble. i have no idea how all of this is gonna end. Eventually the warm weather could kill it.
Nigeria are in NATO now?
good, italians didn't deserve this
Zoom out fag
>closes the country 15 days ago
>Nobody leaves home or have social contact
>Infections stop
WooW, who would have tought measures work...
Nooooooo!!!!! I wanted to eat my own feces for survival!!!!!!
>blue sketty
Where the fuck do you by your spaghetti? Sellafield?
>Zoom out fag
>They think its going down
>Pump it
The next wave will be worse. Remember they quarantined the country so of course there is going to be a pause. When they go to reopen it'll start over again.
China has had 3 waves... they haven't made it back to normal yet and probably never will.
they cant let us stay inside for months. This government is laready hated as it is. for fuck's sake, they changed the self-certificate to go out 3(three) times in two weeks!
>Sir, the people hate us
Pic related: Gov response
It doesnt snow in florida and temps have been in the 70s and 80s... its spreading here. Temps won't offer any relief.
not in your country, you have no healthcare
Harpooners on suicide watch
Look at China, they controlled totally and probably stopped the contagion totally, as some low key contagion is still propably happening in Italy, my bet is that 1 month or 2 more inevitable for Italy, also infections from abroad...
This won’t change your situation, they won’t ease restrictions because it will start spreading again
Well, I guess we're fucked
Digits and it restarts with a deadlier second wave.
>Only 0.1% of Italians confirmed infected
>Despite everything they've been through
>Need 60-80% for herd immunity
>Durr, it's over
Imagine being a short-sighted and retarded as you are.
>Look at China, they controlled totally and probably stopped the contagion totally
BTFO. Happening is over
yeah guys just get out its just a flu..
Wow did you draw the trend line with MS Paint? Very scientifically accurate!
wave one complete.
dis-aggregate the Shitaly data by region
specifically, Lombardia vs all others
note the median age, smoking, drinking, and habitation of Lombardians
note the typically Shitalian behavior of the Lombardian and northern Shitalians in general during the critical initial outbreak phase
note that a community pneumonia outbreak had already hit Lombardia's at-risk population
note the average age and PMH of the Lombardia critical cases
note that Shitaly did nothing whatsoever to halt movement, to halt Chinese travel, to segregate ("quarantine") the Chinese immigrant laborers of Northern Italy
and finally, keep in mind that, as evidenced by all of post-Western Roman Italian history, the Shitalians cannot organize so much as a picnic
and you will see that this is the spiciest, nothingest of nothingburgers
fuck you subhuman slav filth
Lmfao btfo faggot. Nice bluff when you dont even know how to digitwalk
Happy for you bro, Forza Italia
Happeningtards on suicide watch
Could I get a quick rundown on this guy
My lord, shall we cause some more inflation? I got the American FED on the line... No my Lord, Yes my Lord
>Rothschilds bow to BOG
anyone got stats on the number of test done daily in italy? it could explain the decrease
>inflation bad
That's the first wave. The second wave is always worse.
No, the quarantine is just showing its effect. It's almost over.
324445 today, 296964 yesterday
Then one week of freedom follow by a new epidemic spread ans 3 months lockdown.
Repeat until death :)
Nigga, that's like calling 9/11 a nothingburger after United 93 went down in a field.
>Just one more jet incoming for the Pentagon and then it's back to hugging Chinese migrants, Mario!
Wonder how many shill threads there will be tomorrow.
This. Fucking retards don't know how to read and predict graphs.
We measure pandemic weekly, chap, not daily. Compare week on week.
are italians gonna stop kissing people now
Nigga the first wave is *maybe* half finished
Wave 2 for the Spanish Flu killed the most
Dont you dare skip wave 2
There second wave is always lighter. The only exception was the Spanish Flu because the worst strains were being shipped back to urban hospitals to spread, while the usually dominant weak, 2nd wave strains were left at the front, essentially quarantined, because those men were healthy enough to continue fighting. Generally the weaker strain thrives because it can spread further. Who knows what these mass quarantine effects will have on that though.
Sorry, i pasted the wrong line, those are total tests
27751 tests today, 21496 yesterday,
Lmao Hong Kong has been trying to open up 3 times, each time the virus reemerges
You're only going to beat it with a vaccine or with herd immunity
It will eventually take 50M people at least. No two ways about it
Ahah pasta italia bambini rembini
>doesn't have acounter argument
>This increased severity has been attributed to the circumstances of the First World War.[92] In civilian life, natural selection favors a mild strain. Those who get very ill stay home, and those mildly ill continue with their lives, preferentially spreading the mild strain. In the trenches, natural selection was reversed. Soldiers with a mild strain stayed where they were, while the severely ill were sent on crowded trains to crowded field hospitals, spreading the deadlier virus. The second wave began, and the flu quickly spread around the world again. Consequently, during modern pandemics, health officials pay attention when the virus reaches places with social upheaval (looking for deadlier strains of the virus).
Could the large scale lockdowns cause something like this? Those with the milder strains are chilling at home, not infecting anyone, but the severe strains are out at hospitals infecting doctors and others who then work with the public and pass them around?
Just like the fucking Bitcoinfags.
>$1 million end of year
>it's been going down for 5 years now but NEXT year it will finally hit its stride
The happening is 100% over unless the virus mutates to kill young people.
My country is retarded. We could have burned it out early and then chilled until the vaccine was ready, prepping for the inevitable Indonesian invasion. It's insane that New Zealand is handling this better than us.
Oh, so coronavirus moves like a stock now, KEK.
"I-Its just a correction guys. Buy the dip, I swear it's going up!!!"
>head and shoulders pattern
its only the beginning
Just open everything up and take the hit, as long as the borders are closed this will all pass eventually.
>Imagine the moment they ease the isolation, the virus deploys again. Honestly this plague is unpredictable. i have no idea how all of this is gonna end. Eventually the warm weather could kill it.
Stage 3: Bargaining
>he thinks this is the end and not the beginning
It's called wow classic bro. By the time you level a warrior to 60 the world would have forgotten about coronavirus
you underestimate my leveling powers
you're missing a green arrow, dipshit
qrd on these two?
Frate io me sto a tocca li coglioni e poi me lavo le mani ovviamente
You get out and I will snipe you user
yet the threads about this still grow exponentially.