Has anyone here ever been to chyna?
Has anyone here ever been to chyna?
yes, about 10 years ago as part of a support team heading a bunch of conventions showcasing a new LED device IC reveal for a medium tech company
actually squatting to shit is actually better for you than sitting to shit.
Kinda smart actually atleast you dont have to put your ass on a dirty seat.
This forced niggerdry has never ceased to make me cringe.
>can't eat spicy food
>can't not take drugs
>can't be chaste
>can't stop refugees
>can't even squat
Holy shit what CAN you do??
lol @ wet floor
ps. dont fuck the shit, you are suppose to flush it
>and just drop the shitty tp into the trash
imagine the smell
that's pretty kino how the floor is elevated so no one can see your feet
Pretty sure they flush.
Better than the toilets in India at least
LOL based pajeet
have toilets that work
we found a believer
Was waiting for a superpooper
I was in China
Been to China four times in the past ten years, probably about two months cumulative time there.
These bathrooms are for poor people, no household has them. No apartment has them. No hotel has them. Just train stations, bus stations, etc.
kys boomer
Has anyone here ever been to chyna? PIC
burger info about the world: these toilets are more common than western toilets, based on how many people use which one
i wish toilets like that were commonplace in the us. typing rn squating on top of a regular toilet.
>actually squatting to shit is actually better for you
Who gives a fuck
>Can't eat spicy food
fecal matter isn't a spice poojeet
>can't stop refugees
make your own country less shitty (literally and figuratively) and they'll stop fleeing it for ours
Humans are better built to poop while squatting than while sitting. An obvious downside to this is what the fuck you do if you miss or have spray diarrhea.
No but I've had chlamydia before
how does the toilet cope with the weight?
>also you rn
Your wife when they have to pull your prostate at 40 and you can never get another boner.
You, when you die of prostate cancer at 45 without having a boner for five years.
How do you like them apples!
you'd think they'd have the common sense to make it a square. That way it would be easier for whoever needs to finish the flooring. Poor finish
>>can't eat spicy food
listen here amigo, we don't call them enchiladas for nothing
>squat toilets limited to chyna
all Asians use them even japs
I lived in China for 5 months. These were in public but at home I’ve got a regular toilet. I only I had one friend with squatter but he was waiting for his new apartment to finish
We can poo in loo and not the street pajeet
I heard China Flu is going to set india back 20 years. Or at least that is what your leaders are saying. Sorry pal, but hey... at least we'll be around for India SuperPooper 2040.
Oh like how eating bugs is better for you?
shitting in a hole is better for you
>the whole 3rd world is better than you goy
In the desert I can squat to shit & dogs will eat it before it hits the ground. Some other animals eat the dog poo. Sewage systems are bad for the environment & wasteful.
I have my AA homegroup with somebody who lived in shanghai as a western businessman so obviously it’s not a look at the country in its totality but he says it is amazing. Super clean and everyone reveres you as a white man, you don’t even have to follow the rules that the natives go by. There are children that are hired by the state to clean up the streets 24/7. He saw a delivery truck knock over a bunch of leaves from a tree and went to get his camera form his apartment to take a picture of the scene. By the time he got back 30 minutes later they were all cleaned up.
I unironically run a company with a warehouse in China. It get filthier than you can imagine.
okay retard
I visited a rest-stop off the Autoroute somewhere in France that had toilets like this
I lived in china for 12 years. lived in Britian for 3 years. lived in SA for 10 years
Rich japs have heated toilets with color music & essential oil diffusers. The zen of shitting in a proper jap toilet is quite an experience
Fuck off pooropean.
>bullshit that won't happen
Okay Ching Mong
i've only had normal toilets all my life, but i've used those several times before and man i prefer taking a dump squatting. it just feels better and less cucky
I have. They have normal toilets in hostels but the plumbing is shite so you have to throw the used TP in the trashcan.
Lol I've been through Wuhan 2-3 times (calm down last time was in 2018) on layovers so technically yes.
Real men shit-squats
Your shit doesn't smear your entie assring
But I had troubles with keeping the balance
If You Require $100k in infrastructure to shit, you are the retard. Also it wasn't my idea for the dogs to eat it, but they did and they are healthy. As a smart man I observe nature & join with nature instead of ruining it with septic systems & toilets
westerners BTFO for ever.
this is actually totally logical. squatting is a far healthier and more natural position for shitting for the easiest bowel movement. sitting on toilets is actually a very unnatural position for your body to shit
It isn't even rich people that's the standard toilet there. You have to be poor to have anything less.
I think we prefer to Sit to Shit.
We'll see how much shit you can talk on the Day of the Scoop
Sitting to shit doesn't completely empty you out. Squatting is far more efficient. And helps with your muscles and brain mind.
Yep, can confirm photo. I’m my experience you had to carry your own TP too as public restrooms wouldn’t have it
>Day of the Scoop
brilliant. have a (you)
>Build functioning societies
>Have countries where you don't have to bribe someone to get anything done
>Have socialized medicine
>Have cuisine where you can taste the ingredients, and not just ginger garlic paste and green chili
>Colonize your country
>enslave your people
>Have muscle mass
>Have a height average above 5'4
>Have women without unibrows and mustaches and buckteeth
>Make movies that aren't just ridiculous parodies of what a movie should be
>Have different styles of music that don't all sound the same
>Shit indoors
>Not have 10's of thousands of people die every year from e coli because we shit outside
>Not wrap our desserts in aluminium foil
>Not bathe in a river full of dead people
>Not worship livestock
>Not immigrate to other countries and bring our backwards customs with us and make those countries worse
>Not wear ridiculous brightly colored traditional dress when in another country
>buy things without haggling
>Not try to rip people off during every transaction
>Have jobs other than uber driver, food delivery courier, and underpaid tech jobs
>Have women love us because of our looks and personalities, and not because our parents made a business deal
>handle our alcohol, and not get stupid drunk and act like fags every time we drink
>Not leer at every woman we see like a rapist
>Go to the moon
Your shit hole of a sub continent got conquered by ONE Western company all on its own.
Based leaf
In france they have those on their rest stops too.