Trumpbux Thread #2

Trumpbux Thread #2

>The Law
v1 (rejected): Act Final - Mar 2020.pdf
v2 (rejected):
v3: BEING WRITTEN NOW. Further changes to the Trumpbux are not expected.

>How much? (based on v2)
$1200 per adult, $500 per child.
Amount will decrease for persons earning over 75k.

>How will I be paid? (based on v2)
The IRS will distribute the payment.
It will automatically be calculated from your 2019 (or 2018) filing.
Direct deposit will be used if available, otherwise a physical check.
The IRS will send a letter confirming the payment.

>How do I qualify? (based on v2)
1. Have a Social Security Number. (or Adoption tax ID)
2. You are not claimed as a dependent.
3. File your federal income tax. Your payment will be based on your 2019 filing, if there isn't one your 2018 filing will be used.
(If receiving Social Security, the information from form SSA-1099 for 2019 will be used if both filings are not available)

>Can I still file for 2019?
YES. Even if you are not required to file, you must for this program. You can file with little or even 0 income.

Previous Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

>You can file with little or even 0 income

you can't electronic file with no income

you don't NEED to file with 0 income. you will still get a check.

is it somehow less convenient to mail it?

If a specific program doesn't allow it then it is at fault. Use a different one or print the form.

Fucking bs that if you're claimed as a dependent you (or the one providing for you) don't get anything. So they punish stay at home parents? Are we not worth anything to these people?

>File your federal income tax. Your payment will be based on your 2019 filing, if there isn't one your 2018 filing will be used.
>(If receiving Social Security, the information from form SSA-1099 for 2019 will be used if both filings are not available)
Source faggot!

Click the links.

>get nothing if you're Dependent

where are you getting this information

An 18+ dependant is only a $500 2019 credit and worth 0 in this bill. File a 0 income for 2019 if you were a 2018 dependant


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The only method for distribution is through the IRS. The information is collected from only the 3 forms I described.
(technically there is the ability to collect it in 2021 based on 2020, but you are putting yourself at a disadvantaged because you would no longer have errors in your favor possible.)

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>heres you $1000

meanshile a bunch of washington fat cats just made a zillion dollars throug backroom deals thanks to some overblown alarmist flu fear mongering

Just got 1200 from my 2019 tax return earlier this month (i always claim more exemptions than needed so i never send irs money but people say they keep my money interest free i dont care). Now gonna get another unexpected 1200. Feelsgood but worried on the effect of inflation this causes. Those who didnt file are screwed out of stimulus check.

Yeah but the thing you have to understand is that they were going to do that anyway

good thing i didnt learn anything in highschool besides holocaust and how to do drugs, otherwise i might be smart enough to figure this out and get money

Inflation easily countered by deflation of corona

This, except ancient egypt as well. I never knew you should still file even with no income.

i sent out a shitload of applications maybe a week before all this shit went crazy too

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i learned how to masturbate, too

ah that came from my catholic sunday school i think.

I just did

which one did you use

Help me. How?

Dependent is bs and no source. You could work and be dependent at the same time

do I have to file for 2019 if I already filed for 2018?

>Your payment will be based on your 2019 filing, if there isn't one your 2018 filing will be used
this implies you don't have to file for 2019
>Can I still file for 2019?
>YES. Even if you are not required to file, you must for this program. You can file with little or even 0 income.
but this contradicts that

what do you mean no source? its in the link.

I tried filing online with 0 income and it didnt work



typically if you dont file and you dont owe the IRS they'll file a default for you and wave your refund. its only when you dont pay the toll so these faggots in congress can keep taking vacas do they get pissy and then they send their other hired thugs to shoot your dog and put you in prison.

No, but you should be regardless.
There is no contradiction. You can still file. That might be your opportunity to qualify if you wouldn't under the other forms.

Mike Cernovich is fuming right now on Twitter over this.

It's saying you must file for 2019 if you didn't for 2018

the democrat's objections?
>doesn't have enough climate shit, college tuition repayment for stupid fucks who got gender degrees, doesn't give enough american tax dollars to fucking illegals and foreigners
democrats seem to want to hand out everyone's money, until someone beats them to the punch with the idea, then they're not about it. clearly democrats are full of shit, anyone rejecting this clear premise is a retard and their opinions mean fucking nothing.

Yeah niggers don't know how to use printers.

"1. Have a Social Security Number. (or Adoption tax ID)"

lol the Adoption Tax ID is for illegals....this means ILLEGAL ALIENS are getting stimulus checks hahaha

By "2019 filing" do they mean the tax return I submitted in 2020 for my 2019 income?

cuckservatives eternally BTFO

I didn't get my federal return last year because I owe student loans. Does that mean they are going to keep this money? Because that would be bullshit.

I believe so yes. It doesn't take long to do. Just make sure you saved all your bills and didn't throw them out like a retard

Fuck you burgers,and fuck Castro's bastard son .wheres my gins me dats
The IRS just accepted mine

Did you even read it

The amount can not be reduced or offset by other tax levy/collection. The only exception is child support.
Please don't link to the main sites that push paid products. The FreeFile sites are not allowed to promote paid programs.

I knew this was too good to be true

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So, do I have to file 2019 to get a check? I was going to take full advantage of the extension and not file for a while

Unless mommy deigns to give her dependent a wad of cash, they're not getting squat.

I'm not a dependant I'm a disabled NEET on SSI

how many babies are we getting in these revised deals?!?!?

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Literally where's my bag

survive on donuts and ramen

cum on donut

You gain nothing by waiting to file, since even if you did owe you can defer payment. Again, only required if you also didn't file 2018.

Just file your 2019 taxes, and tell whoever is claiming you to fuck off this year.

There are no exemptions anymore senpai

Okay, I know. I'm just lazy but want my bag.

File your 2019 taxes anyway.

*except in the case where in 2019 you earned over 75k but less than 75k in 2018. Then you could wait until after payment based on 2018 is sent and then file 2019.


I can't tell if it went through on freetaxesusa it's t elling me to print shit or something
Do I post it

>That retweet
He is with us.

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What wording is it using? Is it just asking if you want to print a copy before efile?

Help, I want free shit, but I filed on 85k in 2018. I only made 71k in 2019. Which one are they going to use?

Thanks for posting the link. This is the first link that actually explains it. I’ll be getting my $3400 trump bux and I’m sure I’ll pay it back twice over in tax increases down the road.

I've always joked my mother is part jewish, despite not being so, due to her knowledge of financial bullshit and how to fuck the state over financially.
She just called me up and told me I'm "laid off" from the job I had in the family company, and I should come by and walk through filing unemployment with her
She figured out that, assuming this is going how she thinks it'll go, between state and fed funding, I'd make more from unemployment per week than working. She's also "laid off" my 5 siblings, and assuming the math's right, we'll all be pulling in ~$1,000 a week, to sit at home
what a world

2018 is only used if 2019 is not available. You can still file 2019.