What's preventing you from becoming a Christian fundamentalist Chad
Why are you not Christian?
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Ayn rand fundamentalists rise up
I just can't believe in the silly bible stories, my reasoning, modern science and logical thinking gets in the way.
fundamentalists don't wear that which pertaineth to a woman
How is a monk dress feminine, you faggot
you drew him with a skirt and a low cut top with shoulders uncovered. this is a monk, but,
> Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes
Seen way to many smugly hypocritical Xians to take that religion seriously. Also Xian Zionists who believe Israel is our greatest ally and think American soldiers should die to protect it. It's mostly a cuck religion, although there are honorable exceptions.
But I am. I'm a Christian werewoof.
>Why are you not Christian?
Because only frightened, weak-minded, golem allow an ancient, Jewish, fear-based, submissiveness cult to to infect their minds.
Christians are fear-driven cowards who, instead of fighting to improve themselves, their families, and their nations, spend their miserable lives waiting for a magical Jewish carpenter to come down from the clouds and save them. Self-Reliance is a foreign and terrifying concept to them. They lack the strength and drive to deliver themselves, so they seek deliverance externally.
And christianity is the ultimate cop-out. As the world turns to hell around them, the cowardly christians welcome the destruction because they've convinced themselves that "it's all a part of God's plan."
And the "teachings" of christianity are diametrically-opposed to the laws of nature. "Love your enemies." "Pray for those that persecute you." "Turn the other cheek." "Resist not evil." This is the ANTITHESIS of Nature's principal law, "Survival of the Fittest." Christianity is anti-nature. It's a celebration of weakness.
The Jew, Marcus Eli Ravage, proudly boasts about how they (the Jews) have imposed Christianity onto the white man in order to weaken him and unhinge his mind. He states:
"We have put a clog upon your progress. We have imposed upon you an alien book and an alien faith which you cannot digest, which is at cross-purposes with your native spirit, which keeps you everlastingly ill-at-ease, and which you lack the spirit to either reject or accept in full."
even Jesus warned of false Christs, look at the honorable scions of him
I never met a real Christian
Okay Moshe
You have literally never read the bible and it's obvious.
Jews only existed after they rejected Jesus, there was the Israelite faith then Christianity. Those who rejected him became Jews.
I've never seen real Christianity
Are Christians nice?
Christianity is ridiculous and turns people into cucks.
I need a nice community. My severely depressed (diagnosed not larping) and pessimistic brain hurts me without people to help.
>> Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes
>monks have long robes this must mean Jesus warned against them!
He's warning against corruption, not monks.
>Literally worships Jews
>Calls you a Jew if you don't also worship Jews.
How's that cognitive dissonance working out for you?
>The Jew, Marcus Eli Ravage, proudly boasts about how they (the Jews) have imposed Christianity onto the white man in order to weaken him and unhinge his mind. He states:
Oh look, another episode of an anti-Christian decides to believe the Jew when it suits his agenda.
But in every other case they're filthy lairs?
I am christian you dumb viking
Christianity has never been tried before
Because i know the difference between Fiction and Reality
Jews are descendants of the pharisees, the group which opposed Christ nail and tooth.
The same group that executed him.
Calling Christ a Jew is a simply ridiculous.
Are you friendly? I like your image.
>You've never read the bible
"Love your enemies." "Pray for those that persecute you." "Turn the other cheek." "Resist not evil."
That is all in the bible. Is it not? I'll dig the verses up if you want me to.
>t. Chad Fundamentalist checking. Day of the stake when brothers?
Just so you know, Constantinople only fell because of Jewish treachery. They left the side gate open in exchange for (((tax collector))) positions afterwards. True story, look it up.
Do it again Dandolo-sama
They did the same in North Africa, Syria, Iberia and Sicily.
He's talking about 1453.
Not the totally justified 4th Crusade.
THIS IS A SLIDE THREAD: glowniggers are trying to pull on a known stress-point. Ignore this shitty argument until jews no longer exist. Then you can go around making theological debates, till then, WE GOT BIGGER FISH TO OVEN.
Taking orders directly from god is based and ISIS pilled
Because Christians lack any shred of credible proof to back up their claims, not to mention all the cuck shit like turning the other cheek
I was raised KJV fundamentalist baptist. There’s no chads in the church I can assure you, it’s mostly old bitter people whose grandkids hate them.
I said jews are demons and someone said expect judgement. He was referring to the jews being judged right?
>What's preventing you from becoming a Christian fundamentalist Chad
My working brain. Also the fact that the bible states that only jews born in israel go to heaven (matthew 15:24).
And finally the fact that nobody in my family ever fell for jewish tricks. I even have written proof from the 1930s that my family was always pagan and that we do not have to provide a full "Ariernachweis" to join the SS, as we don't show up in the church books (with the exception of one relative who was baptized in 1530s so he could marry a christian girl - before being excommunicated the very same day for blasphemy).
I see no reason to break that tradition.
Because I’m not a woman.
my bad sorry
>Calling Rabbi Yeshua a Jew is ridiculous
Christcucks are the most delusional people, self-deceiving, people the world has ever seen.
Disprove the points in the meme or shut the fuck up.
but I am
He was ethnically jewish yes, but not religiously like the Christ-hating kikes of today
Okay, so according to your logic, Jews never tell the truth about anything. So all the quotes from Jews concerning white genocide must also be false then, since they came from the mouths of Jews.
based christian werewolf hunting down satanic witches (((feminist jews))).
Look what the ADL thinks when it comes to christians who somewhat preach the bible
I dont agree to everything uncle rick says, no. I don't even have to.
But look what happens with those who dare to preach the Gospel.:
That is how jewish christianity is.
And fear based?
Fear of what, huh?
Jesus knew he was gonna get killed by them and yet he didn't fear and didn't step back and didn't pull back.
>He was ethnically jewish.
There we go. Argument over.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of Jewish.
Jewish in the modern sense only refers to the modern decedents of the Pharisees, devil worshipers.
Christ is not a Jew as he does not belong in this category.
It's a clever subversion that they have made over the years to claim they are the house of Israel when they belong to the Devil.
And Pagans have fallen for it hook, line and sinker.
>rabbi yeshua
do pagans often quote the talmud?
Who says I am not, I am going to become a bishop.
>pic related, me and the boys
Ultra retarded.
But of course, hating Christianity is fundamental to Paganism.
It is not a spiritual system in itself, it is counter-Christian.
The same way that Judaism is centered around the Holocaust, Paganism is centered around some mythical persecution at the hands of Christians.
Who cares if ethnic jews are religious or not? The secular ones are just as bad.
textbook projection
Christianity is a fear-based religion. It relies on the threat of "hell" and "eternal damnation" to frighten people into submission.
Christianity's message is this:
Submit to the Desert Genie and the Jewish Carpenter, live your life as a meek, submissive, obedient little lamb, or face the wrath of god.
Everwhere the Jew goes, his Talmudic poison follows. Only born again Christians are capable of confronting these monsters and defeating them. It is for this reason that (((they))) are so dead set on perverting global culture and attacking the church. We are their first enemy. We are their true enemy. We are their prophesied conquerors. We are the Church. Our Lord shall grind their gods into the dust and chain them in a pit of darkness and eternal hellfire. Every day they persist in their blasphemies, is another day in which they add to the storehouse of wrath they have treasured up against themselves.
Jews as of today,
For historically being a jew means only to have jewish blood and be in the lineage of Yehudah.
also check:
712 March, TOLEDO (Spain)
The Jewish inhabitants opened the gates for the Moslem invaders under Tarik ibn Zayid marking the end of Visigothic rule in Spain and the beginning of 150 years of peace. Thus began what was known as the Golden Age of Spain. The Iberian caliphate was independent of Baghdad and encouraged the flowering of Spanish-Jewish culture at the same time that it was being suppressed by the Baghdad caliphate.
It was so peaceful and such a golden time, that the spanish wanted to get rid of islam and started the reconquista. Because it was so peaceful for 150years, that the spanish couldn't stand it. Because we all know everyone hates peace..... Well if peace means Tikkun Olam, the enslavement of the goyim and killing the best of them, then I oppose every kind and sort of peace!
>metal object is fine in a scenario where stone is also fine and wood that is quite distant, catches fire.
Praise Jebus! Truly A mercle!
Because Im already one.
Next you'll tell me about the massacre of the 4,500 saxons.
Bump for truth. The easiest way to filter out the daycare retards is to watch them try to extrapolate (((popular culture))) back 6000 years. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Son of God, our Messiah, and the Great Redeemer.
>Weinstein is a (((Jew))). Epstein is a (((Jew))). Shills are (((Jews))). Christ is not.
Satan at the wailing wall (teaches you on how they have sex with their gods and goddesses)
The 4 courses on Judaism
"Should Christians Burn The Jewish Talmud" Preached by Pastor Texe Marrs
TEXE MARRS The Talmud, World’s Most Dangerous Book—Forbidden to Gentiles
Michael Hoffman Texe Marrs Expose The Dark Secrets Of The Jewish Talmud (1/2)
TEXE MARRS - The Kabbalah—Foundation for Satanism, Theosophy, Freemasonry, Mormonism, judaism
Texe Marrs: Ein Sof - The Supreme God of the Kabbalah
Here is good ol' Texe Marrs, introducing his book Holy Serpent Of The Jews.
Here is the Book:
And here is a TruNews episode, you don't want to miss:
Yea, I don't take that shit.
If you believe in God out of fear, then do you even believe?
The christian message is to oppose the devil and his wicked plans. The opposite of what you're teaching. Jesus is the rolemodel to follow, not the crap you're talking. Jesus opposed and exposed them and got murdered and killed for that. And rose from the grave.
>And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
How do you do that? By fearlessly resisting and opposing them and nameing them. By not giving in and not kissing their ass and buy every lie you talk
>But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Imagine, just imagine being so much of an NPC you need a literal manual for life to be assured that you are living it righteously.
>Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
Have some Isaiah 53
1 מי האמין לשמעתנו וזרוע יהוה על־מי נגלתה׃
2 ויעל כיונק לפניו וכשרש מארץ ציה לא־תאר לו ולא הדר ונראהו ולא־ מראה ונחמדהו׃
3 נבזה וחדל אישים איש מכאבות וידוע חלי וכמסתר פנים ממנו נבזה ולא חשבנהו׃
4 אכן חלינו הוא נשא ומכאבינו סבלם ואנחנו חשבנהו נגוע מכה אלהים ומענה׃
5 והוא מחלל מפשענו מדכא מעונתינו מוסר שלומנו עליו ובחברתו נרפא־ לנו׃
6 כלנו כצאן תעינו איש לדרכו פנינו ויהוה הפגיע בו את עון כלנו׃
7 נגש והוא נענה ולא יפתח־פיו כשה לטבח יובל וכרחל לפני גזזיה נאלמה ולא יפתח פיו׃
8 מעצר וממשפט לקח ואת־דורו מי ישוחח כי נגזר מארץ חיים מפשע עמי נגע למו׃
9 ויתן את־רשעים קברו ואת־עשיר במתיו על לא־חמס עשה ולא מרמה בפיו׃
10 ויהוה חפץ דכאו החלי אם־תשים אשם נפשו יראה זרע יאריך ימים וחפץ יהוה בידו יצלח׃
11 מעמל נפשו יראה ישבע בדעתו יצדיק צדיק עבדי לרבים ועונתם הוא יסבל׃
12 לכן אחלק־לו ברבים ואת־עצומים יחלק שלל תחת אשר הערה למות נפשו ואת־פשעים נמנה והוא חטא־רבים נשא ולפשעים יפגיע׃
ישוע המשיח
Also check Daniel 9:23-27
Moshiach will come before the destruction of the temple (which happend in 70AD)
Based Bible studies Kraut.
Have you been posting any Freemason threads of late?
I can't seem to find them.
Whats the difference? I tried going to church.
>jewish preacher
>brainwash children to love jews
>men are timid and weak sheeple
>donate money so we can fight these unjust pedophile charges please
>"government wont let us have christian programs in schools which is wrong"
>constant 'i feel sorry for you' belittling attitude
>trys to dig up your past with anything they find to make you feel guilty
>find out your home address and stop by whenever they feel like it
>send random people to your house "to get a drink of water"
>have attached organisations like 'cornerstone' which are stepping stones into Freemasonry
>business owners connected to the church pay a percentage of their profits to the church
>literally the weakest most subverted people i have laid eyes on
Never again thanks
>For historically being a jew means only to have jewish blood and be in the lineage of Yehudah.
Correction Kraut-user, it has always meant and will always mean those who persist in Babylonian devil worship, child sacrifice, cannibalism, vampirism, social destruction, exultation of sin, and total denial of the Messiah's deity in Jesus Christ.
They don't have some sort of magic blood - comprehensively disproven by genetics.
They don't have some claim to an exclusive lineage - comprehensively disproven by genetics.
They worship their father Satan and will suffer an eternity in hell as recompense for the error of their ways.
>niggers claiming egyptian culture is the same as whites claiming nordic culture
Who else but a kike would think like this.