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How does having casual sex make you a man?
Jordan Sanders
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Hudson Myers
It doesn’t.
Charles Brown
if have penis be man
dont make harder with more condition
Lucas Johnson
it doesn't, it never did.
Kayden Cox
it makes you a fuck boy
Carson Lewis
Because it proves you’re a chad. Virgin manlets wouldnt understand
Charles Nelson
>men who delay sex till early to mid twenties will be forever more successful than those who have sex in their teens
Angel Hernandez
Sex stops being validating once you're in double digits. It's kind of becomes as exciting as eating out
James Campbell
These bitches are a '5' at best.
>Be multimillionaire
>Best you can get is 4.5 thot with odd fake tits.
>This is the best women can get
Fucking depressing
Gavin Gray
it doesnt
Joseph Mitchell
Ahem you mean good goy
Samuel Hill
Conceptualize the aroma
Bentley Peterson
If I was rich I could also buy 9 prostitutes for the weekend
Levi Myers
Being able to take what you want is a requirement for being a man. If what you want is pussy then fucking pussy makes you manly. If you need to be given pussy then you're still a boy no matter how many whores you lay.
Cameron Ward
It doesn't. Been with my wife whose virginity I took for 19 years. It's far better than random roasties.
Dylan Gray
>I got laid so much in highshool!!!
>35, no job, fat
I know lots of guys like you. You will only ever look back to think of the good times: my whole life is an adventure.
>Burnout male roasties are real
Ian Phillips
Doesn't this guy just hire a bunch of hookers to be around him all the time?
Adrian Kelly
This thread is pure
>cope gold
All the incels and beta losers saying casual sex doesn't make you a man. Being desired by man women as an alpha male doesn't make you a man. Holy fuck, the delusion is off the charts rn.
I'm literally laughing so hard at you idiots.
Jack Parker
Only attractive men with social skills, low genetic load, strong bodies, and charisma can have lots of casual sex. Regardless of having casual sex, those men are respected as exemplars of masculinity because they possess those traits.
Having casual sex does not make you manly, but it is probably evidence that you are manly, albeit foolish and shortsighted
Josiah Fisher
OP, you're a fag for only presenting casual sex with women. For women does having casual sex make them men?
See how your way of thinking is flawed and just cover your little fantasies?
Colton Price
Not even close. I’m 22 and graduating this year. It’s extremely depressing though because I’ll never go back to college the rest of the year is online
Nathan Wilson
I bet youve Known many men
Oliver Diaz
this. an arab with his harem. its all so tiresome.
Matthew Torres
No, it makes you a cumbrain. I know many people here haven't ever had sex, but I have and the bottom line is that it's overrated. Honestly, it's 10, maybe 20 minutes of sweaty humping and heavy breathing that makes your dick feel good. I'm not going to say it isn't fun, but I could take it or leave it - there are way more interesting and important things I do in a given day than stick my dick in a warm wet hole.
People see a buff guy getting laid all the time and they see a chad. I see a beta male cumbrain who is so devoid of anything else interesting in his life that he's terrified of going a few days without ejaculating in a woman. Besides, cumming in a girl and not fathering a child as a result is probably the most cucked thing possible. What was the point? The measure of a man isn't getting his dick in the wet hole, it's planting his seed there.
Luis Parker
faggot some of us have girls chasing them and refuse to bang roasties. gtfoh reddit kike.
Carson Bailey
It shows that you are desirable by women. In fact, when women know a man has casual sex with women, they become more attracted to him because he is in demand. This signals genetic superiority. Without artificially imposed monogamy, they would all be in his harem before dating a less desirable male.
Virgins wouldn't understand what it's like. Once you have sex with 2-3 girls from a social circle, the rest of them will automatically want to fuck.
Aaron Miller
based and same here
Mason Gutierrez
It makes you a degenerate scum.
Cooper Harris
post your girlfriend, coward
Charles Bailey
Connor Rivera
>some of us
>but not me
>the some being LARPERS who lie their asses off
LOL your incel beta cuck is showing fren
Ian Fisher
Don't get fat, take care of your teeth, and you're going to be amazed at how they start to seek YOU out if you have a job and aren't a slob. I dated more 20 year olds in my 30s than I ever did in my 20s.
I'm not even mad--good burn m8
Nicholas Hernandez
Its a requirement but it is not sufficient.
Anthony Jones
it is only slight not as bad as when women do it
hooking up more than once a year is unacceptable
Adam Barnes
fpbp /thread
Julian Howard
>double digits
>so 10...?
Matthew Rogers
Yas Forums absorbed a lot of the cringe and gay pick up artists community after their forums (mgtow, misc, etc) got bleached from the internet.
so for the past few years Yas Forums has been deluged by shitposts from these gay roosh-wannabe whoremongers who think theyre marcus aurelius 2.0 after lying about how much money they make to impress tinder thots before pumping and dumping them.
Jonathan Lewis
You forgot one component.
Justin Morgan
How does not having any sex at all make you one, OP?
Shit! It doesn't, does it? Too bad, OP is, as always, a massive faggatron.
Isaiah Ward
OP AND commenters are all cum guzzling faggots! Get out there and cream pie some pussies you beta faggots !
Eli Martin
t. business major poorfag in the making.
Adam Nelson
.t autistic virgin
Angel Fisher
imagine the smell
Owen Cooper
This. If you contribute to degeneracy you’re not any better. Fall in love and marry young before having sex and starting a family.
Wyatt Gray
It's a addiction to strange I remember fucking 3 chicks in one day and still getting on tinder
Angel Jenkins
>all those plastic whores
jesus christ.
Ethan Powell
5 is average, you know that the average BMI is over 25, i.e overweight. Are you chubby chaser
Matthew Turner
Not one of those women is attractive, just examine them individually.
Oliver Cox
And didn't this guy inherit his money?
Ryan White
>casual sex makes you a man
would any of those thots stay with him if he had 1/10 of his fortune?
we all know the answer to that..
Levi Miller
having a penis makes you a boy
what you do with your penis makes you a man
Tyler Perry
He’s a sex trafficker. These are advertisements.
Wyatt Turner
Pick up artist types just might be the cringiest people on the planet
Hunter Garcia
Leave Roosh out of this, he's a changed Christian man.
>cringe gay pick up artists community
Yes because learning to be a well adjusted social male adult and turning women's games back on them is truly such a terrible thing.
I can smell your incel from here fren.
Cooper Murphy
It doesn’t, fornication and sex before marriage is a sin, a true chad finds a loyal woman and raises a family with her
Carson Watson
yea yea cheerleader effect, we get it, zoomie
Oliver Parker
it doesnt make you a man, it proves you are one.
If you cant get casual sex(or pretend you dont want it), that basicly means that you are less valuable in the eyes of women.
Women only go for men with masculine values.
if you dont have value, you cant have casual sex.
Justin Morgan
>everyone but ME is a LARPer!
Adrian Stewart
Most of these dudes will never know what it's like to get a blowjob from 2 different girls on the same day, let alone at the same time, save your breath.
Ethan Scott
>doing women just for others' approval
Beta af
Leo Cox
Oh you meant partners and not age thought you were maybe brought up in the mickey mouseketeers there for a second.
Ayden Thompson
It means you are desirable to women. That is the highest honour. It means you are good genes and chosen as a “chad” for women to be the one that has the privledge of impregnating them.
Women are the choosers of nature. Nature is cruel and naturehas the power. Nature/women only cares for the best genes. We live in a battle ground that only very few men make it. The rest of us who don’t make it are genetic dead end incels who’s only value in life is to work and ensure the women and her chad offspring are looked after.
This is just natural law. It’s how society has functioned for millions of years. Women are sacred and held up on a pedestal, only the champions get to claim the prize. COPE
Evan Moore
Normal average pre feminism.
Benjamin Stewart
All the virgin cope in this thread
If you didn't get laid a lot in your youth you will harbor resentment for the rest of your life
Women and chads can smell incel resentment a mile away
Luis Wilson
Most people haven’t taken the tinderella pill.
I did and now I fuck tinderellas and tumblrinas all the time
Mason Adams
I assure you 100% of any "men" who claim they are being pursued by multiple women (unless already in a committed relationship) and are turning them down are fucking LARPING
Prove I'm NOT LARPING beta incel cuck.
Daniel Price
Agreed. I spent my 20's being like Dan up there in the OP. But honestly, you get over it. If you're a man, you yearn for more. I have a family now and a real estate business. I'm far more fulfilled. Yeah, Dan is rich as fuck. But look as his face. He knows it's a hollow empire of meaningless drivel. No one remembers playboys. Everyone remembers men who truly did something great. I'm not saying fucking girls is bad. Just that it shouldn't be the sole focus of your life, as it is for many young men. Aim higher.
Julian Evans
I know, sadly most of these guys don't even realize it's really not that hard. Have good hygiene, don't be obscenely obese, even a few extra pounds are fine, have some nice clothes for the photos. Be funny/witty but be sexual from the start. It's a numbers game as far as Tinder.
John Hughes
Men want to get their dick wet and have sex. If men wanted the right pic then girls would change their strategy to being like the right girls. They are like the left because that is what works at attracting genetic superior chad and getting sex with him.
Cope harder incel loser.
Kayden Hall
This guy is half right. What made sex so desirable wasn't the humping itself, but the cuddling afterwards and the closeness of the one you claim to love to the bottom of your heart. I bought an onahole after my breakup and it unironically felt better than the pussy - but it'll never validate you, it'll never whisper into your ear how much you mean to her.
Bentley Jones
you cant prove it faggot this is an anonymous message board. But it’s not a larp to say that some people with good physiognomy prefer quality women as opposed to cheap whores who are in it for a quick fuck.
Evan Evans
It might if you don’t pay for it like Danny does
Justin James
Still, despite overconceptualization and being a leafposter, he is sorta right.
Tyler Gray
Those are all solid 7 in my book
Gabriel Kelly
Your cope is off the charts buddy. Again, I can tell by the language you use in this post, that you are not in that situation. So you have to cope and believe that there are "Chad's" out there desired by many women not fucking them. You're a brainwashed NPC bro.
Zachary Howard
Fags killed your god so that makes your god a super fag. I wipe my ass with your book of fairytales.
Aiden Lopez
Michael Hernandez
A few are even more, don't let his seething get to you pasta friend.
Grayson Edwards
This, this and this. I talked to these men about it before and they always complain that girls on tinder have already had their pussies smashed and cum down their throat and think it’s thus kind of beta to try and get with girls that have had a little fun already. What fucking loser incels they are. Nothing is more alpha then sticking your dick in wet holes of a girl, no matter what. It means you are desirable and good genetics that she choose you to have sex with. It’s a honour but incels wouldn’t understand the dopamine rush associated with being deemed worthy of procreation and being good genetics. They are incel loser faghogs that cope with being nazi’s and are mega simps who think that we should all be monogamous and work for women while they just stay at home. Pathetic.
Asher Murphy
It gives you a test boost and in the beginning it is genuine fun, but after a while it gets stale and it's 'just another chick'.
You miss true love and that is you next goal in achieving. Yet you know you will never get it while banging all these random roasties and kicking them out in the morning.
I did this in college. It is an empty existence.
Henry Lee
Unfortunately for trannies everywhere, it's just not that easy OP.
Cameron Garcia
Idk but the idea that it does is as old as the written word. In the epic of Gilgamesh, Enkidu fucks a whore and that makes a man, whereas previously he was like a wild animal. Interesting implications
Landon Phillips
Idk man, Ive had it from one. And it aint shit.