I guess the coronavirus actually isn’t like the flu, bro.
I guess the coronavirus actually isn’t like the flu, bro.
More like a cold
Archive or screenshot paywall poster.
But as long as they don’t test for recoveries, they can treat this like it’s Ukraine post-Chernobyl
I got u
Even if we only get the same number dying from corona over the year as we do the flu, you're still getting ONE YEAR'S WORTH OF CASUALTIES SLAMMING THE MEDICAL SYSTEM IN THREE WEEKS.
That's the big deal here. And with the medical system shut down, heart attacks, strokes, severe diabetes, appendicitis, infections, serious accidents, etc., etc., can not be treated. A lot of those people are going to die now.
Stop cherry picking one small aspect of this just to diminish the seriousness of what obviously is happening.
Crap that was the end of the article, let me post in the right order this time. 1/
Yeah, I remember how every single year prior to this the flu had overrun hospitals to the point where they ran out of beds so the national guard had to set up tents for them. How do you guys not remember this? Its a nothingburger.
7 and end.
>explaining what one-tenth means
american are really funny
>Two random doctors say it's no big deal, could be maybe possibly tons of people have already gotten it
>Bunch of other doctors say it is a big deal and should be taken seriously
Well gee whiz! Who the fuck should I believe?! I suppose China just welded people shut in their houses for the lulz.
says who? some bullshit model from the UK that the creator won't make public?
flu has been around forever so the healthcare sector is perfectly used to and prepared for it you mongoloid
NO IT ISNT!!!!!!!!!!!
shut the fuck up chang, go sneeze on some produce.
If the flu is more deadly, why doesn't it ruin hospitals and the economy every year
because people arent freaking over it
>Stanford doctors
The same docs that Elon Musk more or less called idiots for misdiagnosing him multiple times when he was treated with chloriquine
>muh twitter celebrity gossip
go away woman
At least I can get a flu shot and survive. Not so for COVID-19. Of faggotry continues...
So they're taking prevalence rates in which Covid-19 was already detecetd - some as small as fucking planes - to argue that this must be the prevalence rate in the entire country, to say the death rate is as low as .06%?
That is retarded. The prevalence rate in suspected populations is INEVITABLY going to be higher than in the general population - by orders of magnitude - ESPECIALLY at the outbreak of a virus. Fun fact: Lombardy alone has already had .04% of their population killed, so these people are saying you should expect that 66% of the population are already infected there - infection rates that are not supposed to be reached for a YEAR. And the deaths are going to keep coming.
This is specious bullshit, dressed up with "scientific" authority by the speculation of two scientists who don't bother to propose an actual model and are just bullshitting numbers, elevated by financiers who don't care how many of you live or die as long as it costs them nothing.
Thank you very much
>Doctors Beavis and Butthead
Stopped reading right there. Poos have no conscience and will say or do anything for cash. That's why they're being imported by the million, to do shit whites would find objectionable.
And then you get it again.
t. potential second run
Stop with all those "one doctor say this so open your eyes and stop believing in what everyone else say" type of threads. Don't you have any information coming from europe at all ?
Is this a flu situation ?
The hospitals weren’t being overrun this month before the media started telling people that they had a serious illness
Don't forget about all the anecdotal evidence that a bunch of people were sick with an unusual cold/flu between November and January, that lasted several days to several weeks and was accompanied by a fever and persistent cough. Yes it is anecdotal, yes it may not be corona but something else (h1n1). Antibody tests would tell us. But I'd say there's certainly enough evidence to roll out wide scale antibody testing.
Hospitals are already overwhelmed in the seriously infected states. This is actual evidence. And there is no indication that we've hit peak which means we will be hitting oversaturation of the hospitals soon which is when the death count skyrockets.
When you get the flu, you don't get it again. Your body creates a DNA imprint of the virus and fights it off if it's reintroduced to your system before you even feel symptoms. Once it mutates, every season, you have to repeat this process.
There is preliminary evidence that the body does not create a defense against Corona-chan (because she's a sexy fucking bioweapon), and so you can be reinfected. Imagine if you could just keep getting the flu in flu season, over and over, and imagine the number of dead.
That's /ourgirl/. And she's going to be a seasonal visitor. That you cannot build defenses against. All it takes is one bad seasonal mutation to make her more deadly, and everyone on Earth is going to fucking die.
THATS why governments are freaking out, and THIS is what governments and scientists are not talking about. All of this shit would not be done for something 1/10th as deadly as the flu, if that's all it was. It isn't.
Time will tell
Stanford... what is that like University of Phoenix ? One of those fly-by-night online diploma mills? pfff
Fucking kek. Yes the placebo effect is so strong that it makes people develop pneumonia that gets them put on a ventilator. You realize hotspots are literally turning people away at the hospital if they are sick but dont appear to be dying, right?
assuming that those reinfections weren't just the result of the commonly reported false negatives.
I thought this was just the flu? Or as OP is saying, not even as bad as the flu. Shouldn’t hospitals be able to deal with this with ease if that was the case?
Definitely this, but you keep seeing the same news story again and again - it's the only conclusion I can draw for this massive reaction. Reinfection, reinfection, reinfection. Which is not even possible with the normal flu.
shills go REEEEEEEE
Because when you get the flu you stay home and sleep. When you get Coronavirus you panic and run to a hospital
Thank you kind user
This is the problem with science reporting. You never get an accurate picture of what the consensus is, you only get reporting on scientific "renegades" (see: Scientists outright bullshitting numbers) elevated into prominence by people who trumpet things they want to believe.
The best estimates we have for IFR of this disease are around 1% in the presence of optimal medical care, and these rates can become much worse without optimal medical care. This is much, much worse than the flu.
shut up faggot. hospitals busy but not full
can you prove that this is happening, or can you only link mass-media stories claiming that it is happening?
Hospitals are a breeding ground for the disease. A lot like how the virus passed through vents on cruise ships. Imagine how many doctors are passing high viral coronaviruses to patients.
Darwin is hard at work. That's the only thing you need to know.
I like how they put a clarification in parentheses of what 1/10 of something is for their American readers
>Source: dude, trust me
Since you asked nicely: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com
it is not about how deadly it is.
1: It is up to 8 times more infective than flu. This causes waves of sick people to the hospital. Hospitals are build to deal with heavy flu seasons, not with 10x the demand of a heavy flu season.
2: It is a novel virus, so there is nothing you can do, but let your body fix itself. For some this causes viral pneumonia. Even if you survive viral pneumonia (which is likely if you are young and healthy), it is still a bitch, and you'll suffer for a month, and a few months after that (with mechanical ventilation you'll lose a lot of muscle mass). Some will survive, but with permanent lung damage (which some now call COLD: Coronavirus Obstructive Lung Disease, with about the same severity as COPD).
Both are more scary than the flu, even if the flu is more deadly. Another thing to notice is that the flu is hundreds of different strains, including coronaviruses that give the common cold. This is a single novel strain, SARS-CoV-2.
And yes, there are likely already millions of infections in the US. Those 50% community spread estimates are not bullshit.
We can go back to work in 2 weeks, after herd immunity is established and lock down the boomers.
I am estimating community spread in the US at around 25% (1 in 4 had the virus between December and now).
Actually, the 50% community spread estimates are kinda bullshit. Implicitly built into that model is the idea that the total population pool of a nation optimally mixes. But a nation is clearly broken up into pretty localized chunks. That model would be a good way of estimating infection rates, say, within a CITY (and even then would probably significantly overestimate them). When applied to an entire population of a country, that estimate could be off by orders of magnitude.
All those people stuck on the Diamond Princess cruise ship weren't getting "optimal" medical care and out of the 700+ who tested positive, the majority were asymptomatic and only 11 died (details are vague and we are left to assume corvid caused the deaths).
All the reporting is 100% fear mongering.
New York, Seattle, San Francisco are going to see 80%+ infection rates. 50% is an average.
based but I wonder why there isn't more doctors speaking out?
and hospitals have an obligation to treat you, see EMTALA
Influenza sees around 10-40% community spread over a single season, depending on how effective the vaccine is.
This spreads faster and more effective than influenza, so likely it is every
where by now.
These retards are going to get everyone killed because they are willfully ignoring ADE. Recovering from the virus doesn’t make you immune and is likely to make you more susceptible in the future.
Those are projected infection rates for if we don't try to control the virus.
Maybe I misunderstood you - there was a recent Oxford paper that inferred that 50% of the population had ALREADY been infected by the virus that was getting seized on to claim we already had herd immunity. My big problem with their model is that it uses a single R0 parameter for an entire country's population, which with the way they infer "already infected" is going to lead to massive overestimates.