We need to stop the persecution, pedophiles are not monsters. Pedo rights are human rights.
We need to stop the persecution, pedophiles are not monsters. Pedo rights are human rights
can and SHOULD be illegal
But I love all those ideas!
I'm a leftist nao!
Why are there so many people that want to fuck children upon this Earth?
I don't know what a lolicon or an ageplayer is.
I don't want to know and I'm going to leave this thread before someone tells me. Bye.
The rest of the world is slowly starting to realize that by normalizing transgenders they basically normalized the single largest population of deeply perverted men
All of those should be illegal
>posts on Yas Forums
>doesn’t know what a lolicon is
Good call IMO
>If being a pedophile is illegal
>Working for a Clinton charity is illegal!
Who is this fucking dumb?
Make it legal to kill all pedophiles. Their genes need to be purged from the earth.
should be executed*
>i don't know and i don't want to know
How the fuck do you use this website and not know what at least one of those things are? Fucking tourists.
>Ancap flag
>Wants thoughtcrime to be illegal
Change your flag bro.
I wonder who is behind the memeflag
Half of the things descriped i don't know what it is. But i'm sure it is all degenerate
all of that should be illegal....
Being a pedophile is not illegal. What's illegal is exploiting children who don't know any better.
death to all pedophiles
People like you get raped to death in prisons op. Never forget that . Your future consists of getting caught eventually , everyone in your family and loved ones getting disgusted by you and never loving you again and then later getting raped day after day after day by huge men in prison until finally you have had enough and you neck yourself. AND ALL THIS TIME it takes for these things to happen , everyone here which you thought you were shilling will be laughing at people like you. Animals to be more presice. You are not a person in my eyes
I dont even think pedophilia is illegal, doing it is, but not being it
Seems to be a blanket term for anyone that fetishizes age. My suspicion is that it deliberately lumps known "weird but increasingly socially understood" interests like baby-play (where adults dress up as babies and act like them) and granny fetishes with actual criminal behaviour like pedophilia.
I'm literally in favor of all of this
We can't have thought-crime, but if you act on those thoughts it's over.
I can’t wait to throw fags off buildings desu.
You must be new here. Welcome to Yas Forums
It just means you roleplay as an age other than your own. Usually it just means one person dresses and acts like a toddler or baby and their partner takes care of them
koisheep! koisheep!
You are an absolute idiot if you dont realize that op was not being sincere
imagine being that degenerate
Why should any of the besides pedophile be illegal?
it's fun
Replace the "can" with "should" and add "beeing a nigger or jew" into the fold.
Now you're getting it.
furries, lolicons, ageplayers, trannies and gays get gassed. pedophiles stay
Because they all rely on the same tired arguements that only a retard would fall for. Egalitarianism is the crux of all of them and it’s simply a fucking lie.
Good, they should all be executed. Fags reproduce by touching kids.
How about we treat mental illness like mental illness?
When people have a fucked up perception of the world or themselves, we can't then alter the world or their body to match with their mentally ill world view. We need to change their perception. These people are sick. These people need help. This has gone way too far, for way too long.
Applauding mental illness like the media and education system is doing right now, is by far the most dangerous mental illness there is. It needs to be rooted out, cured and eliminated.
This is NOT normal, and it's hurting us all!
Being a pedophile is not illegal, what the fuck is this retard talking about?
>If being a pedophile can be illegal then...
>Being a furry can be illegal.
>Being a lolicon can be illegal.
>Being an ageplayer can be illegal.
>Being trans can be illegal.
>Being queer can be illegal.
And being a nigger?
Being a pedo isn't illegal. Actually doing pedo shit is.
Ok. These should all be illegal.
Being a pedophile isn't illegal, diddling kids is. If you're a furry and you fuck your neighbor's dog because he looked at you with a certain look, guess what, you're going to jail.
I may be an idiot but not for that reason. OP is part of a group that posts these threads trying to normalise pedophilia on POL multiple times every day , sometimes even two threads active at a time. Monitor the catalog for enough time and you will see I am right. Notice all the classic shilling techniques.
>1 post by this ID
>Daily same threads
>Quotes or posts screenshot of known leftists retards with no actual arguments
gas the pedos sex war now
Mandatory death penalty for pedos
>he's not an ageplayer
Great idea, let's make all that shit illegal
Because power is an aphrodisiac. It's turns a dom on to be in superior and in charge of his subs. Usually it's roleplay, but pedos want it to be real.
Not sure how this moves from rape up to cannibalism though. But It's basically fresh vs canned peaches.
I'm OK with all of those things being illegal.
>Being a furry can be illegal
not in canada!
Being a pedophile isn't illegal, sexually abusing children is.
And being a janny?
Being a pedophile isn't illegal its acting on said feelings and diddling kids that is illegal.
tortured prior to execution* to set an example for the world
neck yourself cunt
Yaaaassssssss literally and unironically make it all illegal desu
This. It’s a fetish thing for an extremely fucked up and deluded subset of gay men, on the level of bugchasing and blood play. None of the straight “allies” on the left knew this was coming, they all thought it was just one more marginalized group they should be supporting. I know very few people that deep down actually support the trans shit.
Yeah, that's exactly what the tweet in op was saying
>Pedo rights are human rights.
"Human rights" are a joke, and won't protect faggots like you from the inevitable bullet in the head.
They're trying to twist the argument. They want it to be accepted that not only is it legal to be a pedophile, but also OK to act on those urges.
Thread sponsored By Hillary and Soros.
Thank you for your understanding
i think the alphabet community has taken it too far this time
Well the proper term is lolifag, so expecint him to know something as obscure as lolicon is a bit much, don't you think?
Leftists are overwhelmingly Jewish and LGBTQP so it's no suprise they support and defend pedophilia. A recent report was released showing the majority of antifa are convinced pedophiles
Flawed logic. Pedophiles aren’t illegal. It’s the behavior pedophiles so frequently engage in that’s illegal.
it started with whispers and now they are trying to shout it.
soon they will be marching for it..
There is no such thing as a human right. Rights do not come down from the sky and land in front of you. A nation creates its state, either through uprisings or through the estates organizing for control, and that state preserves the nation by guaranteeing it certain rights. Even where a nation is ruled by a foreign power, rights are maintained to prevent unrest, and even where there is no legality concerned, the authority maintains the national rights for any party whose consent it needs to stay in control. Those rights a people has are only the things it has decided it wants and will give itself whatever the cost. Some nations fight to the death in their struggle to earn their rights, some submit for a time, and others win their fight and immortalize their struggle in a myth.
No nation wants pedophiles or even feels badly about not wanting to tolerate them, and if you try to give yourself those rights you will find the nation more than happy to give others the right to execute you legally.
wtf is that lmao
>that photo
I’m a lolbertarian on issues like drugs or homosexuality (decriminalize and keep it to yourself, and away from kids) but there’s a certain point at which the collective well being of society is at risk. These behaviors are objectively immoral and cannot be done in moderation or without contributing to the degeneration of society. Transgenderism harms kids, period.
What a wonderful world that would be.
>Pedo rights are human rights.
i lost
Let's make America square again!
delete this shit right now
Troll sock account
Pedophilia should be legal, let's go full accelerationism
Both heavily Jewish. Both heavily LGBTQP. Both have pedophile epidemics.
Coincidence?.....Absolutely not
That's how I feel about faggotry in general. Even keeping it to themselves, their behavior puts them at higher risk of contracting diseases the society they live in will suffer from. It would be better to ship them off to Liberia and let the degenerates and niggers kill one another.
How are ageplayers illegal, none of it condones sex with children
Oh wow remember back in like 2014/15 when we kept saying that they would start making arguments for pedos and everyone said we were crazy, here they are, arguing for pedos.
This is a parody account right?....RIGHT??.....
im sorry
Diaper fetish, literally so disfunctional they get off smelling like piss and shit
The only thing cringier is hearing them try to justify it
That's like a reverse slippery slope. This proves the regular one wasn't a fallacy and we should outlaw ALL of this again and drag these people out into the streets before shooting them.
So what about furries and ageplayers?