On behalf of real Qfags, I'm sorry

I'm sorry for the apparently massive increase in anti-Q slide threads recently on Yas Forums. They're made by the same memeflaggots, redditors, discord trannys, and other subversive faggots that make the other low IQ slide threads in which they use the same pathetic ad hominem attacks and nonsensical talking points. There's probably 1 pro-Q thread that usually deleted or moved for every 50 anti-Q threads that are allowed to reach the bump limit, you should be able to spot the difference. They're mad because Qfags are spreading information effectively and that Q called out the CCP for spreading the Chinese Virus, and their desperation has induced more slide threads about Q. It's not Qfags or /qresearch/, it's the same people attacking Yas Forums regularly that make the slide threads.

Q is a real, small group of insiders within the Trump Administration/White House/Campaign that post to serve as a backchannel between Trump (Q+ who runs the information operation) and anons so that anons can spread information around the MSM straight to normalfags. It's a real information operation that allows anons to reach millions daily, and that's why Q gets attacked by these shills and the MSM so much.
So inb4 they start for today, sorry about that.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off shill

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Q is bullshit
Prove me wrong

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What would make you think Q is not bullshit?
I don't really care if you do or not, just wondering.

>small group of insiders within the Trump Administration
Hasen't Trump pretty much sacked every single gentile in the cabinet?

>What would make you think Q is not bullshit?
Him making even a mention of Israel would be a good start

Austin Steinbart

Some but not all, but there are people like Dan Scavino, Stephen Miller, and campaign people like Brad Parscale that have been there the whole time.
lmfao user, just off the top of my head for examples:

>We are saving Israel for last.
>ISRAEL strike harmed ability to prove events.
>$3.5mm Chuck Schumer - Israel.
>Israel: Bank of Israel
>Puppets & Puppet Masters.
>MOSSAD attempts failed.
>Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub).

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It's an information based operation.
Anons have a platform to spread information effectively and widely. That's not a bad thing.

welcome Austin!


>Q is real
No promises, only results.
Otherwise, I'm keeping my distance from this shit.

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Don't forget to trust Sessions! Trump is taking down actors like Ellen! Deep state is so fucked now!

If the sealed indictments are for real, it would've been Sessions who wrote them all.

Stop falling for twitter bait. And Sessions did a good job as AG desu. He was great on immigration and cultural shit, and set up what's going on now.
Q just posts information, it's other people's jobs to give the results. Q has posted good shit though.
It's about the information spreading.

Why do you need a glownigger to tell you what to research?
Q followers research Q followers who research Q followers who read Q posts.

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Right, and the investigations were initiated also by him.
>to tell you what to research
Not really how it works. Q posts amidst research and information spreading already on going, Q might just add to it with inside information or something else relevant. Like the corona virus for example, anons already researched it and Q added to that with a post, not set the research topic.
Trump wants the Iranian regime to fall withOUT military action, that's not a secret really.

What information? I thought Yas Forums already did that? Why do we need a sketchy psyops to learn the truth?

If you didn't know any better you'd think Iranians weren't happy with their leaders, sort of like Americans if you think about.

Q will be proven bullshit once and for all on April 1st when it's supposed to "go dark" and all that happens is we have sky high unemployment and less civil rights. After that, even mentioning Q here should be a permaban.

fuck off nigger

Yeah, it's not a secret and why does he support regime change?
Any Yas Forumsack worth their salt already knows so why would they want anything to do with the Q psyops?

You know deep down its all false hope. The calvary ain't coming.

What information? All I remember connected with it is Adrenochrome and other retarded bullsit about influential people participating in violent orgies.

The total overreaction to anyone mentioning Q is quite telling. They also flood threads about any non-mainstreem approved topic, and use the usual buzzwords, schizo, crazy, take your meds, qtard, etc., and they specifically try to turn these threads into anti-Q threads, even when Q hasn't been mentioned once yet. I assume they are trying to turn the idea of "Q" into the same thing as CIA did when coining the term "Conspiracy Theorist" via spamming negative connotations.

And how many normalfags does Yas Forums reach daily? Or with a single post?
Qfags spread the same kind of shit talked about here to normalfags daily. Makes the MSM really mad.
>believing random posts and tweets that aren't Q
You're just stupid.
>mentioning Q here should be a permaban
Ah, some good old redd*t censorship.
Fuck off.
>not using something to effectively spread information
Globalism, marxism, neoliberalism, human trafficking, pedos, mass migration, cultural/societal issues, etc etc etc

Not even a qtard but goddamn user, there is no other purpose to a post like that than simple demoralization. You may not br JIDF but you're sure acting like them, use arguments not emotional tactics nigger.

>use the usual buzzwords, schizo, crazy, take your meds, qtard, etc.
Fuck forgot to mention that in the OP but exactly. And it's gotten much worse over the past week or two. It's incredible to watch honestly.

Q is the Pied Piper.

Check out this fucking retard.
Qtards are the shills.

Lads listen to me, if you want to know just how gullible you all are, go on Austin Steinbart's YT & watch his vids.
It's glaringly obvious he's a total grifter & yet you lot are basically acting as his personal army D-DOSing those he has beef with.
He's supposed to be "Intelligence" but for some reason has boomers & retards attacking people/organizations for him instead of using his "Intelligence" network to do his dirty work for him, instead you muppets are engaging in criminal activity on his behalf.

This, basically. I'll believe the shit when I see it, but until then it seems to me more like the carrot before the horse.


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>no you!

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>no u
IP hopping or just a faggot?

On behalf of everyone that's not a boomer faggot on Yas Forums, fucking kill yourself nigger. Trump is a cock sucking Zionist faggot and Q is a Mossad larp. Pull your head out of your ass, retard.

you forgot schizo and take your meds. 2/5 see me after class.

op is a jew and q is a jew gay op.

real nationalists read the turner diaries and hunter, not qfaggot jew lies.

Nah, none of that. You're just a dumb nigger faggot Boomer. I hope you get Corona and die.

>Globalism, marxism, neoliberalism, human trafficking, pedos, mass migration, cultural/societal issues, etc, etc, etc

Bollox. Show me where Q specifically talks about these in great detail, the implications, effects and who's behind. I don't need a tripfag to tell me any of that. Man, i hate this fucking psyops. At best it's a larp, at worst it's an intentional psychological war against trumps own supporters so they don't question anything he does, and that's fucked up man.

Thanks for posting this. The results are real, I finally see normies talking about baby eaters and adrenochrome.

and a blessed day to you too CCP cocksucker

You're clearly upset about normalfags seeing more information than what schlomo expressly feeds to them. Why don't you tell us why that is?

Don't be fooled, my friends.

Q is merely heralding the second beast system of Revelation. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and repent!


Go on a cruise boomer

Basically this

>tfw I was doing telecomm work in Vegas in the same timeframe of Mandalay Bay incident
>tfw one of those job sites was this lab where I had to wear a rad counter
Wild stuff. Hope I got to be an asset somehow. Would be cool.

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>>no u
>IP hopping

Look how you resort to gibberish. You think that's an effective tactic?

> trust sessions
> X is going to be arrested anyday now
> future proves past

All this bullshit numerology doesn't help anyone. If they were doing something it would be known without reading deep into time stamps.

Tip top tippy top

Only listen to Q, not the LARPers that follow Q. Big difference.

Yep, because an American like me who calls you out on your Mossad larp bullshit is from the CCP. Do you realize how you sound like a massive nigger faggot?

people who know seemingly nothing about Q are starting to get really mad about Q for some reason

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> trust Sessions
Retard. Q doesn't exist.

Yeah upset that i have to see Yas Forums flooded with this shit. Shlomo has his hand up your presidents ass stripping you of your rights.

Schiff is a pedo, and he's going down, but...
>19 year old boy
Fuck off.

We will win! God bless, user. WWG1WGA

Three years and counting

>for some reason
Your handicapped m8. That's my reason.

>Q makes a bunch of super vague posts that can be interpreted in dozens of different ways
>even still, only about 5% of what he says ends up coming "true", and 5% is rounded WAY up
>has been proven to be completely and totally wrong on numerous occasions
>always backpedals with "just a few more weeks I promise" bullshit

Why does anyone listen to shit like this? Because he got a few lucky guesses or posted things so goddamn vague that you can apply it to thousands of different scenarios? Get real.

All heil Raiden the Lord of thunder

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>People who know nothing about Q.
Why is it that retarded faggot boomers say this same fucking pasta Everytime they get called out? It's because you're a fucking kike perpetuating this gay Mossad larp. Drink bleach bitch.

>i have to see Yas Forums flooded with this shit
>didn't read the OP
You cunts spam slide threads about it just so you can complain about Q in them, fuck off.
I assumed I'd see the same, constant bitchy Ireland and French flag here.
Nice buzzwords, do kushner next.

go ahead "fellow white american" and post some anti CCP gore.

nice pepe

They're taking down muh zog

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Good luck ameribros.

Why so angry? No one would get this angry over a larp right?