How does it feel to be wageslaves, always ready and willing to be sacrificed at the altar of the Dow Jones?
How does it feel amerimutts?
How does it feel to be wageslaves, always ready and willing to be sacrificed at the altar of the Dow Jones?
what do they pay you?
either too much or not enough i guess
pretty lazy effort but then again you got a dozen more of these threads to post before the hour is over.
I am both a wagie and an investor. I’m paid a wage high enough to be able to invest a substantial percentage of my income. Shutting down the entire national economy when only a few hotspots need to be quarantined/locked down is absolutely retarded. What good is surviving coronavirus if you’ll end up starving to death in a few months anyway?
Show nose.
the economy continuing to fall over a meme viral pneumonia will harm more people than the virus.
Like a Wednesday
And that’s a good thing
I like it when Germans pay so much attention to our politics because they know they live in an irredeemable shithole
>when only a few hotspots need to be quarantined/locked down is absolutely retarded
we will talk about it next week
Dow and S&P are both soaring today
Mr. Goldblatt, everyone in my family has just been laid off.
How are you supposed to keep the virus from spreading then? Asymptomatic spreading exists, by only locking down places where the virus is showing symptoms you're still spreading it to other places.
He volunteered to work as our servant completely free for 8 years, I don't think he cares about his own money too much anymore.
>pay so much attention to our politics because they know they live in an irredeemable shithole
Is that why Americans make a hundred Chinese politics thread every hour?
Beats being G*rman.
You're welcome to stay at home and not earn money if that's your preference. Some of us like having an income though.
And bond yields are down below 0 fucking percent. You gonna print useless money for that useless money.
Wall Street needs to be propped up, and only someone who's ignorant of the great depression believes otherwise.
Also with $1,200 cash per person paired with interest suspension and extended unemployment benefits, the working and poor are better taken-care of than you're willing to see.
Now go back to being a poorKraut while Mohammed gets that much in free money from your government every month.
>Being this gullible AND servile
China was able to do it and is now viewed a world leader. The US just hope it will just go away. It wont.
Thanks for providing evidence proving me wrong, great argument, very well thought!
It's only like 1 week of wages. That isn't enough to even pay rent unless you live in a slum. Bernie Sanders recommended $2,000 per month every month until the end of the pandemic and that would be like the bare minimum.
Ha you're such a faggot.
I guarantee you he does.
>anyone believing the Chinese
Lol, I wonder how many thousands of people they bolted in shut In their apartments.
Feels good to be a homeowner in your latish twenties, fazal.
As many as was needed. China seems to care more for its people that the US.
>China unleashes the plague of the century on the entire world
>"Lmao bro why are you talking about China bro just stop talking about them dude lmao"
Dumb fucking nigger.
>1 post by this id
>1 post by this id
>1 post by this id
sacrificed to what? a meme flu that id get over in a week and come out stronger?
>1 post by this id
I'm at work right now dude I'm 25 and literally invincible. Some chink flu is no match for my iron clad immune system
>falling for a Chinese and Jewish media hoax
Every day is a battle in the war against foreign manufacturing. It is our patriotic duty to work if our industry ia crucial to national security. I gladly sacrifice my time and talents to keep the American dream alive. Not to mention I am gettied paid still. I honestly don't see what the problem is unless you're some sort od welfate nigger.
>2 posts by this id
>get over it
or die from it.
Some not willing to gamble.
Everybody is going to get the virus, most people will shrug it off, some people will shrug it off after going to the hospital and some people will die.
the number of people who will die will NOT change just because we slow down the virus, they will die when they get it because they are too old, compromised or other. Of course, this is only as long as there are enough beds to treat the really sick.
Realistically having empty hospital beds is the most inefficient way to deal with this pandemic, while having too few beds will cause unnecessary deaths.
It is tricky to get this balance right, but we can't keep thinking this is going away. Fill up those beds and lets get things over with. There is another pandemic wave coming in a few months so we can start it all over again.
You're a cytokine storm waiting to happen
Slowing down spread prevents medical infrastructure from getting overwhelmed.
Trump is letting the states decide what to do, which is most appropriate, because population density and number of cases differs from state to state.
Oh god it feels so fucking bad.
I'd much rather stay at home slowly subbumbing to cabin fever while my bank account dries up and I starve to death.
What the fuck do you want people to do? Literally nothing Trump does can possibly be good enough for a liberal. Go fuck yourself retard.
Working remote here.
>I'm able to invest
>But I'll starve in 2 weeks
Which one is it kike?
>prevents medical infrastructure from getting overwhelmed.
Having the hospital beds empty while we "slow down" is doing nothing. We need to start getting sick peoples to process (without going over)
I'm essential anyway, so this changes nothing. Besides, retailers in my state are stretching to make themselves essential and therefore stay in business.
>USA cares so little about their people's safety they not only are doing the bare minnimum but also sending them to work already
>"Lmao bro why are you talking about America bro just stop talking about them dude lmao"
Dumb fucking nigger.
another shill post aimed at demoralizing the western work force and reduce the west's productivity.
the only people that screech in autism about wall street are lefty cock suckers who wouldn't know shit about investing.
Fuck you commie scum - who says you get to live for free?
>at demoralizing the western work force and reduce the west's productivity.
I thought they were doing that just fine on their own
Muhammad, we are all wagies in the USA, for the most part. It's part and parcel, just like your kind tend to blow shit up. I'll be honest, this is not a good look to be saying this when the virus hasn't even peaked or close to peaking. Democrats will say that evil Drumpf is playing Russian roulette with the American citizens and so on.
One last thing, cope, faggot.
>How does it feel to be wageslaves
t. german
Having money, getting pussy and owning shit feels great. You wouldn't understand that though. What's even better is that I'll get stimulus plus all this vacation time! I might even buy a boat this year.
Dumb nigger user
Self employed are ready to go back to work you lazy leach
Ok....what good is a wage or investment when you are dead?
>I have no arguments so I'll just call you a dumb nigger
thank you for conceding.
stfu cuck
Ask me in 4 months when Germany has nothing and the muslims are rioting.
I'm legit on the fence about it. One the one hand, we literally cannot handle shutting down for three months. Our supply chain is already fucked and stores are running low on basic necessities. We NEED stuff like food, toiletries, paper products, etc. The whole chain is connected, even stuff that's probably not deemed "essential" right now. They need shit like cardboard, plastic, metal products, rubber, etc. just to get goods from one place to the retail stores. Warehouses need to function, hospitals need materials, grocery stores need actual groceries, and everything relies on fucking everything else.
On the other hand, heading back to work too soon WILL result in a spike in cases, and the deaths that come along with it. I don't think anyone can accurately predict those numbers, because every prediction model has been wrong so far.
But at the same time, I don't think things will look as murky a week or two from now, when they'll have to make the call one way or the other. I think we'll either see shit's getting WAY worse, or that it'll level off.
What is the actual mortality rate on this disease? Please, let us know?
Chinks closed down everything for months and they ain't starving now are they?
imagine simping for an old man
they have the benefit of centrally planned industry and brownshirts who can execute people who disobey. The West doesn't anymore.
Lol too bad no matter what he says corporate greed will reign supreme. They will pack you in and make you bust your ass to make up for two weeks of lost production.
Try harder shill you're embarrassing.
bro you just posted cringe
No one knows yet you fucking newfag, mortality rate cannot be calculated in an active outbreak when most active cases have not resolved. Additionally, they have no idea how long the antibodies last, some are saying only a few months. If it stays in circulation many who were weakened from round one will die in round two.
>they ain't starving now are they?
So you judge your successes in 3 month intervals?
First off, China is a lying nation. Most nations lie, China kills its own people for telling the truth. The communist mentality is the same everywhere, because communism only offers power in social realm. Either everyone loves you, or everyone fears you.
There is no way to gain respect or leadership without being beloved or feared. In the US, you can gain leadership and respect because you produce things.
This is an essential difference in the ideologies we have adopted. It's why Mao was willing and able to starve tens of millions of Chinese families after he told them to scrap their iron tools for the great revolution.
I’ve been working from home for two weeks, otherwise known as day drinking.
America can't do anything because it doesn't actually produce anything. People go to work and they die, they stay at home and the economy implodes. A unique case. USA is on its way out and it's becoming very obvious.
Burgers are done.
Like I said
The biggest question is why do so many of them want to protect the Jewish economy so much. T_D newfags and boomers, I guess.