@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>TrumpAd: Democrats: Placing Politics Over People 3/24/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/24/20
>Pres Trump Interview w/Bill Hemmer 3/24/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force @FoxNews Virtual Town Hall 3/24/20
video.foxnews.com/v/6144413240001 (full)
youtu.be/wy3NrqNN9uU (Pres Trump)
>DefSec Esper/JCSChair ArmyGen Milley/SEAC Colon-Lopez @Virtual Town Hall 3/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 3/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 3/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 3/24/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on F&F 3/24/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on GMA 3/24/20
>DepCBPCommr Perez on Spicer&Co 3/24/20
>DepHHSSec Hargan on America 1st w/Gorka 3/24/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on Ingraham 3/24/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on FBN 3/24/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 3/24/20
>SG Adams on Hannity 3/24/20
>SG Adams @SRNT 26th Annual Meeting on Smoking Cessation 3/24/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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>why yes, i love vr games
>especially HL:A, how could you tell?

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>boeing is going to be bailed out
They are literally Israel with their tactics, their performance, and their ability to let others shoulder their mistakes without taking any risks.
Are you fucking kidding me


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why do you people hate Romney so much?

>Death rate up 35%
We're fucked.

Dubin's taking credit for the relief bill on the Senate floor now. Looks like the deal is done.

Senate in session, likely voting on NEETbux in a few hours

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desu getting in to "lives saved indirectly" is when you get into really stupid utilitarian ideas and absurd butterfly effects. how many people will die a year earlier due to worse living conditions as a result of economic downturn early in their life? how many future lives do you save by shooting certain people right now?
i don't agree with utilitarian "let's save the most life" ideas nor "let's predict very indirect benefits and drawbacks of our actions"

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I keep seeing boomers posting on Facebook about senior shopping hours and getting all the things I can't find locally. I don't think I have ever been this mad bros.

TWO MOAR _____

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Scotty was angry today
>Biden can't put a fucking sentence together in public
>Rotting corpse Nancy Pelosi
>Your (DNC) not in charge


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My lord I failed that post

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So let me clear this up really fast: if I have a job right now, filled out the tax form required for that job, I'll just have a check in the mail in a few days?

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>Obama bails out companies
>Drumpf bails out companies

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Can you even IMAGINE if Joey died of shanghai shivers?

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>you people
hol up

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just wait until CNN has their poll out lel

>I, a young healthy man, am scared of the flu
Fucking what m8 lel

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>i don't agree with utilitarian "let's save the most life" ideas nor "let's predict very indirect benefits and drawbacks of our actions"
Its literally pilpul

Why do you care that we dislike him?

Don’t be this guy.

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> why do you people hate Romney
He may have been a terrible presidential candidate and an even worse U.S. Senator, but he is a RINO, and I like him a lot!

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Boeing bailout is complete bullshit when you have the CEO yesterday saying he will find the money elsewhere if there’s any public equity in exchange.

They get a no-strings $17,000,000,000 loan the next day.

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unironically, i think he has a good chance
i'm already convinced he has it

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He also got a plus 8 overall approval today. Puts the average to 47% approve 49% disapprove. Monmouth has Biden only plus 3 with 48% and Hofstra/YouGov had Biden plus 1.2 which are the latest national polls

>using the same still frame 3 times
looks fake. i was there for it, but it looks fake.

if the bill actually passes, yes.
it wont pass though. pelosi will insist on adding in some bullshit at the last minute.

Are they trying to make him an Egregore?

He's literally a trash-tier Senator, If I had to choose between allowing him to legislate my Country and licking Nancy Pelosi's shiny balls? Guess what I'd do, faggot.

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>not coughing on the cops that show up

He probably already has that shit. He's been coughing like crazy in all his recent appearances.

were all gonna be rich, i tell ya!


fuck off Pierre, you were a shit governor

I didn't know Obama shutdown the whole economy.
Guess you do learn something new everyday.

So, worst case scenario she'll get publicly executed by her rioting former followers.
I'd pay 1200 to see this.

>senior shopping hours
> I don't think I have ever been this mad bros
Hopefully they'll reopen the schools soon and you can go back to the 8th grade, okay buddy?

75% of the bill is relief for individuals. 100% of Obama’s Bill was for banks. Important difference.


The Walmart licker also got terror charges.

>ADL will classify any "negative" comments against boeing as antisemitism

In CA it’s no longer a felony to knowingly give someone HIV, which is an ongoing global pandemic. Liberals are virtue signaling opposite things for the same problem

He is literal scum

>new yorkers fled their lockdown
cuomo didn't too little too late

i guess you could post more dancing anime girls
it's not like i'll steal them or anything

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c-cernovich..? wtf?

I think he may have it but his healthcare and lifestyle is pretty conducive to survival. The value of him to certain people mean he is under 24/7 surveillance and preventative measures. He's almost certain to survive but pressure on him to appear and show that would be great.

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I have 3 white children and I had to order flour. You are fucking worthless.

man's on a permanent vacation

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>she'll get publicly executed by her rioting former followers.
nah, media will spin it and say republicans are holding it up by not agreeing with pelosi's bullshit
that the republican bill is just a slush fund for drumpf (despite pelosi's bill literally being a democrat slush fund)

factual also

/hydroxychlorquine gang/

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He took KB Toys from me.

bullshit. ol'd cornflake said it aint no thang.
JoePedo is fine, if you say otherwise i'll drag ya out

Can a burger pls explain how the fuck can a man like Joe Biden even be considered for presidency let alone be the democratic candidate for 2020 the man is clearly mentally ill and dosent even know how to campaign in the modern era

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Look closer. It only uses the same frame twice.
Pseudojournalists aren't very emotive.


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We're bailing out retarded leftist states that tried to create a tragedy just to pwn Drumpf. Think about that for a second. Media and Democrats create a panic, institute martial law, and force 30% of all companies to shut down. Trump comes along and literally saves their business from hysterical Democrats. You literally can't make this shit up

boeing is such a trash company now, I don't know why you'd bail them out


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Because he's a fucking Mormon.

>american flag
i predict about a 70% chance of you being wrong

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When do we get the fucking text of the bill reee

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RGB tier in other words

>ah, media will spin it and say republicans are holding it up by not agreeing with pelosi's bullshit
Even some of the people who've been swearing by the media aren't taking its bullshit anymore. Pelosi lost a lot of her cultists stalling only once.
Imagine if she does it again. And again.

What is Cuomo's explanation for not buying the ventilators in 2015 and not being prepared for current year?


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They're the only domestic airliner manufacturer left. Whoever allowed the monopoly needs to be flogged.

He is the best the Democrats have.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? He's literally parroting arguments from Bill Mitchell.

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id like to make her american spirit come alive, if you get my drift

we should let the planes fail and let the traintism take hold

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Smart Democrats, the few that are left, know Trump is winning reelection no matter what. They're sitting out this cycle.

trump is taking the wind out of cuomo's sails. if he tries to bullshit trump, he looks like a fucking idiot.
well played, mr. president.

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>They're the only domestic airliner manufacturer left
so? that's more reason to let them die so the void can be filled
once they went a month without a single order for the first time in company history, the writing should've been on the wall

Why don't you post what trump said, not what some literally who on twitter said trump said

While I adore trains, a transpacific train is beyond my puny time.

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Make sure that if you're getting laid, you conceive! Contraception is treason!

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>@realDonaldTrump - 1 STD
wot? which one?

You’re a smoothbrain if you think this is welfare

Don't come to a Pakistani donkey grooming forum to complain about it then.
Everyone has to put up with shit right now, you aren't special

>Mike Cernovitch is still posting this "anonymously"
Just to be clear, your theory is that if more than 300 people die on a two month period, we must shut the whole country down? Good to know I'm dealing with rational person. I'm sure this screenshot will be good proof when presented to the American public

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he's right tho. the regular flu and cars actually kill people unlike this meme chinkflu

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>choo choo tards still exist

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if you say so

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>a leaf doesn't understand that hard facts can only be given one way
One more memeflag for the filter pile.

How did new york get so bad?

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But that cant be, literally anyone would be better than that mentally ill boomer, no wonder they tried to swindle in their own relief bill they are going to lose badly in november

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bernouts won't, everyone else will
never, ever, underestimate their ability to gaslight/double down on delusion

New york confirmed for retarded

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I'm sure Lockheed or Northrop could whip up a nice passenger jet

1 Stunde = 1 hour

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fwish-fwish tards won't for much longer

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Traintardation is the purest form of tism and sacred

i dont know, you tell me

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You're arguing with someone who isn't acting in good faith.
They know but think it makes them epic lel anonymous trolls

It's a filthy crowded city full of niggers and chinks.

Worse yet - train autists burn down anime studios when their favorite show doesn't get renewed for a third season.

I saw a tweet that was crying about how their death chances were directly tied to other people's common sense, involving the virus. I thought "exactly like a fucking car trip" or walking down sidewalks. Two days later, this happens. Based president is based.

Wow. That's an awfully low bar even for democrats.

Uh oh. Cuomo is coming. He would kill Trump.

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They were always a vocal minority, made louder by the internet bullhorn.
They're becoming an even smaller minority by the day.

Ah, ok. Good. Melania was about to have a LOT of questions to throw his way.

What's your favorite misspelling of Trump?
I like Trumo or Trunp

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He also took a dig that Cuomo didn't re-purchase ventilators in 2015 or something - Fox Virtual Town Hall

You can't compare empirical data without taking into consideration the tail source.

You're a moron.

It’s a cash payout to poor people, funded by the taxes of middle and upper class earners. Its welfare.


gotta appreciate that kind of tenacity

OOOOH so theire throwing the worst of the worst that they have under the bus so someone more competent could win the election in 2024.
But wouldnt losing in 2020 destroy the democratic party considering how much shit theive already been through imagine what 4 more years are gonna look like LMAO

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blimpf cracks me up

that's a cute girl

If he dies they could just have him embalmed, install a speaker in his mouth and connect it to the teleprompter.


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Blimpf and Glormpf, here.

i cannot fucking believe there is a pandemic going on right now that targets old people and yet ginsburg is still totally fine i'm so fucking mad

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>he hasn't fully invested in squirrel suits with hydrogen fusion powered jetpacks
get with the future kiddo

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>REEEE why dont you eat up my FUD
>right, lets name call!
back into your containment, chang

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/trumo gang/
The post is fine, listened for 10 minutes. Nah, it's a good thing that midwits like Scott aren't in charge.

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Twonald Scoopfs

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I still like the classic - Drumpf. Imagine thinking it was a good idea to try and make that a maymay on your shitty HBO show.

Funny, I think they already did. It would certainly explain a lot

And a billion kikes


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I have bananas on the table and no one ever calls me

The DNC flooded the field to draw votes away from Bernie, then un-flooded the field right before the primaries went down South. The DNC primaries in the South is where the black vote actually matters. So of course they went all in with Obama's uncle. Technically Joe hasn't won the nomination yet, but Bernie's campaign has been conveniently put on hold for the Coronavirus. No more rallies, no more debates, and some areas have even canceled their primaries.

And now you know why DNC/MSM wants to keep everybody on house arrest until November

>But wouldnt losing in 2020 destroy the democratic party
Democrats said the same thing about Republicans in 2012 so you never know.

Pmurt or Blimpf

It's a very simple axiom, kouhai.
It doesn't matter how things are, it matters how they make them seem.
But you're right, there's 2 endpoints: it inevitably comes to a head, or everyone gets conditioned into dementia.

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you just know she's in some arctic vault, hunkered down, sipping hot cocoa

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For me, it's blimpf.

Yeah but it’s the bases kind of welfare

Jewish doctors have all the cures.

'Liddle' Adam Schitt - references his disgusting 'infant massage' charity.

Cheeto makes me laugh because the only ones who say it really mean it

I think Cuomo gets 400+ electoral votes.

Just stand outside and cough as they leave in minecraft.

2016 would have permanently killed the GOP if it wasn't for Trump reanimating the party for his own needs

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>Still totally fine
Yeah.. gonna need proof of life update, baka senpai

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Feels like the conditioning is buckling these days, more than it ever has.

I’m sure he’d do great in New York and California

He is shitting the bed when it comes to New York. Who the hell thinks that would be a good thing to run on? 30,000 ventilators? There haven't even been that many positive cases there, let alone people who need to go into the ICU.

it's not a bailout today, as much as a compensation for being forced by the government to stop working

The three most Jewish cities in the world are Tel Aviv, New York, and Miami.

>They're becoming an even smaller minority by the day.
Retards thought that internet people were real people, but forget no matter what party you belong to most people do other shit then bitch and moan on social medias all day, they work which no bernout really does, they have families, also something few bernouts do, they have normal outdoors activities, which seems bernouts don't care for.
They're a minority of a minority.

took me too long to get it.
i feel ashamed and will now commit sudoku

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inb4 cuomo is picked for vp

About a week before the election in 2016 Trump and Hillary were on track to have Trump exceed hilldawg, but then subsequently shifted back in her favor. I'm thinking it probably had to do with Comey announcing more investigations and then taking it back a week later to help hilldawg.


>reusing images

You should use Trump's coronavirus approval ratings instead.

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the fact that her only purpose is to just cling to life at all possible costs is so infuriating, i feel like they're gonna have one piece of her spinal cord in a tube and still call her technically still alive

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drumpf, blumpf, and blimpf


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Yeah but he can speak a formed and put together sentence

In the dog catcher election?


trumo since it happens way too often. my phone doesnt even correct me anymore

Nah, he will be brought in at the convention and just murder Trump

oh god you actually completely missed the joke, I thought you were just playing along with that whole "german humor" thing

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Too wite

are you guys so seriously retarded you can't see why it's bad to bankrupt your biggest aircraft manufacturer?
did your moms sniff glue during pregnancy?

I think that Cuomo has some real nasty skeletons in his closet, which is why his current job is his ceiling in politics.

still cracks me up that the Dems push so hard for early voting to "fight voter suppression", then half their candidates drop out the day before the actual vote, nullifying all those early votes for them, wasting hundreds if not thousands of people's votes.

New York is not the entire country. He wouldnt beat trump

Well never know what the future brings but that future is looking MAGA

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Go back to 2008 with your too big too fail bullshit

no boolie

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He's controlled opposition whose sole purpose is to give Democrats everything they want. We can't afford meeting halfway with people that want us dead andreplaced.

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he's white and has a ponos

what taxes are being increased to fund the stimulus?
it's the government giving the people their stolen money back

>Yeah but he can speak a formed and put together sentence
They have to realize that Cuomo can be demonstrated to have the single worst response to this whole situation, right? He goes on tv and talks gibberish for an hour while his state has more cases than the next 7 or 8 highest combined.

I agree with Nate Platinum, Trump's tiny approval bump means nothing.

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Is this how the party of CWC dies?

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But muh heckin NYC is the culture icon of the world! Everyone loves us and if they don’t they’re just jealous!