Lmao you pathetic antisemites never fail to make me laugh with your "holocaust meme" threads
Face it, most Chosen will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
Anyone got the original picture? Asking for myself. I have no friends.
Juan Campbell
You think the yids are getting scared? Not even my normie friends believe in the gas chambers or 6 million anymore. I’ve been slow burn redpilling them for years and they are even semi ironically redpilled on the JQ which is step one.
How long are these Jews living , by 2035 all of them would have to be 100
Nathan Davis
Imagine walking through a Nazi death camp. Above you is a bunch of Jews screaming on a roller coaster that leads into ovens. To your right you see a cage with a bear and a eagle in it. They throw a Jew into the cage. The bear kills him/her and the eagle picks the Jews bones clean. You keep walking and come across the masturbation room. You walk in out of curiosity. You see a line of masturbation machines with Jews strapped in them. They're all being jacked off to death. You move on, passing by the drowning pool where several Jews are being made to swim non-stop until they expire and their bodies hit the floor. Out of nowhere you hear screams as Nazis are throwing newborn babies in the air and shooting them with machine guns for target practice. They're skeet shooting but with Jew babies. You come across the electrocution room. Jews are crammed in. The floor lowers into a pool of water and electrocutes them. The floor rises again and they're electrocuted until there's nothing left of them but ashes. Finally you come across the shower room. Naked Jews go in through the wooden door. You watch them through the windows as they find out the shower heads are fake. Instead of water a pesticide for typhus called zyklon B comes out in a gas form and this somehow kills them. You go home knowing the Nazis are the most evil people to ever live.
I'm 38. I hope I live to see the day when this all crashes down on them. People are forgiving but they won't be when they find out how long they've been lied to. How much grief they've been put through, all for nothing.