Have you guys seen this before?

Have you guys seen this before?

>The Queen James Bible, also called the “Gay Bible,” is an edit of the biblical text done in the name of preventing “homophobic interpretations.” To accomplish this goal, the publishers printed a Bible in which all negative references to homosexuality have been removed. The publishers of the Queen James Bible chose the name “Queen James” as an obvious take-off on the “King James” Version, as the Authorized Version of 1611 is commonly called. The publishers of the Gay Bible also claim that King James was bisexual, so their choice of title capitalizes on the slang meaning of the term queen. The editors of the Queen James Bible, who chose to be anonymous, claim that there was no reference to homosexuality in any Bible translation prior to the 1946 Revised Standard Version. Then, they assert, “anti-LGBT Bible interpretations” arose, based on a faulty translation in the RSV of eight verses. The unidentified “scholars”—their scholastic credentials are unknown—who produced the Queen James Bible suggest that all Bible translations of these eight verses are wrong and that they are the only ones who have got it right.

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Bro changing the word of God is a massive sin. No real Christian would read that blasphemous pile of shit.

>Queen James

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It's literally one of the worst sins. These people are derranged and sad


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Something is wrong with these people. They should just become atheists. Gay people can be Christian but they must realize that it is a temptation which must be fought. These people ignore the Bible or twist, even change, the words to fit their sinful ways, rather than trying to change their ways to be in accordance.

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Is it really changing the word of God if the word of God has been translated from Aramaic to Greek to Latin and then into a dozen other languages. Seems like alot would get lost in translation.

Not to mention the Bible is an extremely esoteric book with hidden meanings and numerology and densely packed layers of understamding. The average person isnt gping to get more than like a surface tier understanding.

I am not a biblical scholar or expert but one theory supported by biblical scholars references to homosexuality are a mistranslation of a greek word that means Pederasty, so the bible was actually speaking out against tpuching little boys.

Yes, King James was nicknamed "Queen James" by his Court because he was a flaming homosexual.
The first version of KJV had over 47,000 translation errors. But what do you expect from a Protestant bible that lacks 6 books of the Old Testament and some chapters of Daniel.

Well they are definitely God fearing people that's for sure...
Practicing homosexuality is objectively one of the worst things you can do to your community. It spreads disease, mortal and incurable, like wildfire. And that's a fact.

Gays are terrible people, so narcissistic. Less than a few percent of the population & they just have to make everything about themselves.

*Citation needed

lol christcucks are so easy to upset

christcucks are the niggers of the religion community

So, what is the best version?

>Rev 22:19 "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

Whoever made that "bible" is not Christian

>The average person isnt gping to get more than like a surface tier understanding.
Most books back then were intentionally written that way, for those in the know they will find that meaning. For everyone else it will either seem like rubbish or they will be satisfied with the surface stuff.

I mean muslims are way more retarded than christians. Tell a Muslim Allah was gay and watch him fucking foam at the mouth

what's the point ? if you're gonna disregard the original sources of the religious text why not make a new religion ? why bother fucking with the old one ?

Every english bible youve ever read was an alter word of god. Do you speak jew?

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so basically this is 1200 pages of

Why not ask the other zionists in you circle why

People responding to this like translations are heresy. Nigger, translations are fine it's willfully perverting the message of the bible that is a huge sin.

What's the company that's publishing? Surely they must have an address

Pederasty up to and before 17th c., as an English term, was inclusive of all male-male forms of sodomy, adult-adult, adult-child.

The references to Sodomy are a mistranslation from the Greek word arsenokoitai which means pederasty. The bible condemns touching little boys.


I thought niggers were the miggers of the religious community?

I have a book. It's the bible but in EBONICS.

The king James is the only fucking one. It's in every hotel room for a reason.

King James WAS bisexual though, cope.

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May God correct them.

He is already fixing 42% of the editors.

Btw, Are the publishers Jewish?

Gideon bibles are in every hotel room, genius.
The KJV Shakespearean language was ripped off from the Catholic Douay Rheims bible.

Yes, retard.

Intentional mistranslation is sin.

*smacks lips*
so you be saying dat in da beginnin Gawd made da heavens and the earf? SHEEEET, da earf was formless

Yet none of those mistranslation endorsed poopdick.

Stay on course. You can inflight later.

>altering the word of God and ultimately deceiving others to give you sinful lifestyle a pass

I’m pretty sure this is up there on some of the worst sins you can commit

Never forget that King James was a literal sodomite and his nickname was Queen James.

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Anything translated from the Recieved Text or Byzantine type is fine. Vulgate is good too.

NO version on Earth endorses fanny bandits.

The bible was written by men, and has had over 300000 revisions. Turns out you can write whatever you want in a book and call it a bible. THINK FOR YOURSELVES!

Because they want to faggotize us.

They do it to you to. It's called Reconstructioniat Judaism. Also Reform where I live.


Lukewarm Christian's repent, homosexuality is a sin do not confirm to society's definition of good and bad

I learned a little, but the Greek Septuagint is surprisingly more reliable than the Hebrew version.

Some names were changed in the Hebrew that are still preserved in Septuagint.

Same basic stuff though. No meaningful changes.

Irrelevant. All Fornication is sin. There is no such thing as OP marriage, therefore all faggot sex is sin.

It's not only Christianity.

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Is it being published in jesuit-run new York ?

The closest apostles of Jesus were Jewish; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

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This, marriage between one man and one woman, all faggots can do is fornicate and spread disease and their “love” is not from God. You homos need to be shoved back into the closet, in pieces

>translated from Aramaic to Greek to Latin and then into a dozen other languages.
Only atheist retards who care little about biblical history and theology would think scholars are that stupid to write translations of translations of translations, etc. Modern translations are based on the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic texts and even the KJV was based on the masoretic and greek NT texts.

>arsenokoitai which means pederasty
arsenokotai means sleeping with men

>that lacks 6 books of the Old Testament
Retard spotted
The apocrypha was printed inside the kjv

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>the Greek Septuagint is surprisingly more reliable than the Hebrew version
what do you expect after centuries of rabbis fiddling with it
guess with which version the dead sea scrolls agree with more often.

Csb if you're esl

If you're into manuscript debates, that's another factor

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>A translation is more reliable than the source language
There's a reason all English translations (except Cath DR) is a direct translation from Hebrew and Greek


So how trans and no friendly is this bible?

No manga bible on the list?

Are you thinking of a different translation?

The ones who translate the bible are specialized in ancient languages. Also, they wrote the bible based on what they saw. Not to mention how much historical evidence can confirm the bible.

You have to understand the Septuagint was finalized centuries before the Talmudic text of the Torah and Tanakh in 200AD.

Example: In the Tanakh it says Saul had a son named Ishbosheth who challenged David. Ishbosheth literally means "Man of shame" no way that is a real name.

In the Septuagint it is "Ishbel" or Man of God. Obviously one of those is more likely his birth name.

Isn't the amplified bible the one where they add extra text in to "amplify"?


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Why though? That seems a pointless addition.

faggots are 7x more likely than an average person (even a nigger) to have an STD

Not at any hotels I've ever seen. Is Gideon the group that puts them there?