Watch this retard's spectacular fall before the end of the year

Watch this retard's spectacular fall before the end of the year.

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go be a nigger somewhere else


But you will vote for another retard in the next elections. It's an endless loop of being subhuman.

Probably before the end of April
At least a few governments will fall, watch and see

Look here you moose tailed hammer salesman!

...are you gaggin for scran? I have no haggis

Doria said there will be a meeting with all the governors this evenning

You crying eyed salmon farmers will pay recompense for your betrayal.

He's based.

Go back to cbm mbl faggot

Brazil is forever doomed. The low IQ trap is real.

Why though? Care tô explain yourself?
We're getting back to work, you can't shut down the economy just to save some boomers that would die in few years anyway

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I like brazilpussy. The white and jew teen girls I fucked there aim to please. They all hate bolsonaro too, you think like a 15 year old girl, fucking bitch.

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Every single day you fucking mbl faggot make this shill tread , kys

> loss

He's based as fuck. Like 80% of Brazilian """"people"""" need to die for it to stand a chance at all.

Fun fact, if Brazil split itself in two like Korea did, the average IQ in Brazil could've been 94 and not 89.

>We're getting back to work
Nothing is actually changing, the health ministry's stance is still exactly the same as before.

Fuck off leftist globalist shill, Olavo de Carvalho confirmed this is just a flu

How so, if this is the first time I come to Yas Forums in months.

Also, I voted Bolsonaro. He's an absolute disaster. Some crisis reveal good leaders, this is the absolute opposite. It revealed he's not apt to lead even a college course group.

His government is doomed and it's 100% his and his retarded sons' fault. Good riddance.

>We're getting back to work

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That image is as brainlet as it gets, who allowed women to use the internet again?

nigger, he got fucking ratioed on a tv pronunciation

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Not sure if anything's gonna happen - nothing ever happens.
Besides the crisis, there are also economical implications for an impeachment motion.
People simply betrayed him, and everybody's been trying to get rid of him from day 1.

> tv brasil

t. mav shill

Bolso and the health ministry are actually doing fine dealing with this technically speaking, it's just that he starts attacking governors on TV instead of reassuring people and trying to unify the country, it's bad optics even though they are doing a good job.

>everybody's been trying to get rid of him from day 1
60% wanted to get rid of him since day one, now it's LITERALLY everyone
even fucking caiado that used to suck his balls and swallow the load is giving him the middlefinger

it's the video with the most number of views

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OP is a commie faggot, ignore him.

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yes, people are gullible and fall for media bullshit.
yes, a lot of arrivists got elected because of him, and now are giving him the finger.
yes, jewgle algorithms prop lefty crap.
now go fuck yourself.

Im speaking for myself here, im aware that many people are expecting a permition from daddy federal government to go outside.


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Are you retarded? Health ministries of the entire world project that 50% of their populations will be infected because you don't get rid of a virus with some shitty 2-week quarantine.

> bolsorino
> ino, ina
back to plebbit with this fucking gayness, faggot.

>We're getting back to work
No, we aren't. He can't force governors, mayors, universities and business to stop the quarantine.

and get blasted by state police in doing so
you niggers think the cops will listen to their commanders or the dude that's trying to confiscate respirators from recife and sp out of spite?

that's why we implement lockdowns, not to PREVENT everyone from getting infected, just to AVOID everyone getting infected AT THE SAME TIME or the hospitals can't hold

>carluxo's pissed

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>that's why we implement lockdowns, not to PREVENT everyone from getting infected, just to AVOID everyone getting infected AT THE SAME TIME or the hospitals can't hold
Yes and it's exactly what the government is doing, what are you complaining about moron? Did you go outside? Cities are fucking empty for over a week already.

> haha you must support bonoro
look at this faggot. Jesus Christ almighty, didn't even vote for the guy, don't read the news, not a queer like (You)

>Yes and it's exactly what the government is doing
Thanks to the governors, not the clown president.

Bolsonaro is the president, he decides what happens. No one cares about some bitch minister.

what are you trying to say?

>not a bolsominion
>is defending his retarded rhetoric on an himalayan basket weaving weeb imageboard

>Yes and it's exactly what the government is doing
state government*****, if it were upon bolso's will, we all would be drowning in mucus and corona

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lol, get fucked, government employee bitch

>Thanks to the governors
No, actions are being coordinated with mayors and governors while some idiots stray from the strategy for electoral reasons, the governor of SP is being fucking stupid and crashing the economy by locking down the entire state even though the vast majority of cases are in the capital.

The president decided that the minister's strategy is still on.

>Bolsonaro is the president
So what?

>he decides what happens
No, he can't force people to go to work. Good luck trying that.


i'm actually shitting on you and all the gullible retards that fall for media shilling. i'm actually pointing out to the fact that the left's been doing this since the elections, and you're falling for it.
attacking something doesn't mean defending the opposite, you fucking worthless baboon.

Die Lula, die

>Cities are fucking empty for over a week already.
no they aren't, get out of your home, user, and go to work.

>goes on tv saying the lockdown should end and it's just a lil' flu
>gets assraped by every single non-mouth breathing monkey in the country
>starts backtracking less than 12 hours later

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It's a fucking drill to implement martial law, It may work with niggers north of são paulo, where i live we're working to create a reality where the government works for the taxpayer, not the other way around.

>state government*****
Nope, all states except for a few are following the federal government's strategy, my city has been on non-essential lockdown, cops are bullying layabouts into staying home and there are cleanup crews around following the government's strategy and it's working fine, and the mayor who isn't a retard is praising the government's job and coordination, anything bad that is happening is because of narcissistic mayors and governors being idiots for electoral reasons.

God is punishing all the right wing retards

Where are you from? Maybe your city doesn't have any cases yet in which case it makes sense to not lock down anything yet.

He honestly deserves this after being a messy bitch over corona-chan. Only reason I try to excuse SOME of his actions to others is fear of PT coming back. fuck china

>does not even know difference between influenza and cold
I, for one, am going to enjoy watching you all suffer terribly. Yes yes go back to work goy nothing to worry about.

>he thinks twitter and social media reflects the population opinion

100+ in the same city and there's still a lot of people at the streets,

The flu.panic is blown out of proportion, but still i think he is the dumbest person, even after Trump, that got in a high position.
Is he that dumb to even stop the lowest form of controll that protects an overload of his medical system and endanger people?

hahaha this is the punishment for selecting your president with the single criterion of making the people you don't like mad
what bad have the heroin doers ever done to you?

If it's 100+ then there are 4 capitals with that many infections in which case they are all following the federal plan.

Why are you lying about things being business as usual?

No, the federal government's plan didn't change at all and it's doing fine and actually leans towards isolation a lot harder than most countries, they are also building tens of thousands of new ICUs, mobilizing the army for all sorts of anti-corona actions and coordinating with cities.

cancer has an R0 of literally zero

>the virus can also enter through one’s eyes

>they only show only the rich areas

nigger, the boat has sailed
just stop, it'll be less painful in the end

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how do I shot web

What do you mean? I'm stating facts and nothing changed other than a governor throwing a hissy fit.

>and coordinating with cities.

top fucking kek

People with underlying conditions can die from the common cold.the point is to make a rough comparison, you're free to check the numbers.
Wait and watch if the pessimistic predictions are right, meanwhile life goes on

he's still your president and there's nothing you can do about it though, stay mad

Ok, good to hear that he cant stop everything and make a small unvaccined flu into a biger disaster for your country.
Wish you luck and that it will only be a short quarentine needed for your country Brasil-bro!

>he's still your president and there's nothing you can do about it though, stay mad
losing power by the minute
states are pushing through his recommendations and LOCKING DOWN on their own, even the most brainwashed governors are starting to get pissed

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Really, according to this logic, fucking Lula could've been the President.

Yes, the government is having videoconferences with mayors of all capitals, and funnily enough the capital and state best dealing with this also happen to have a mayor and governor that aren't complete idiots.

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the states are independent to a certain extent, they can do what they want, his powers are the same as they have always been, fucking retard