It doesn't sound like she is lying. What she describes is spot on to what Biden would do.
It doesn't sound like she is lying. What she describes is spot on to what Biden would do.
Uncle Joe only liked youngsters
>It doesn't sound like she is lying
Fuck off, #MeToo nigger.
kill yourself
If this is disqualifying, then Trump should resign.
Porque no los dos? Rape, from what I've read is mostly arousing to rapists because of the feeling of power. Joe Biden had two wives after all, with his first supposedly attempting to commit suicide by driving her car filled with his kids into a semi truck.
From my understating, the Trump rape accusers stories were spongy from the amount of holes they had in them.
>Not expecting the metoo pushing Democrats to have it all blow up in their faces
You haven't been paying attention.
Turns out Joe did figure out how to open a pdf (it happened to be in her skirt)
Aaaaaand it's over
Oh I get it
>Trump gets accused over 10 billion times
>Yas Forums sleep
>One roastie comes forward about Biden
>Yas Forums wake up
it's almost like you retards think in red & blue
Joe died of corona virus
Don’t talk about my ex wife you shitstain
shit, gotta believe all wahmen
>Not wanting to see an ab-so-lute shitshow over this by making roasties defend him
You used to be cool Bhutan, what happened?!?
I'm not clicking on that.
>finally tells her story
How long has it been?
I don't care which political party it is - I'm getting sick and tired of these accusation appearing from the hazy mists of time.
Trumps accusers were lying and you know it
>used to be cool
too late fren im RIDIN WIT DAT BIDEN
I'm a biden missle now
it was his turn
Believe women.
see this:
So many of Trumps accusers were dismissed. I don't remember a single one having much plausibility. With Joe Biden, out of the blue rape accusations are more believable with Joe Biden's videotaped groping of kids.
we have our rules, they have theirs
when something is wrong according to them by their rules, why should we give a shit?
when something is wrong according to us by their rules, they are forced to respond or else the rules they've set cease to mean anything
none of us actually give a shit about some roastie getting "raped" other than the effect it might have on the other side. it's not hypocrisy, it's realpolitik
She alleges the assault took place in '93.
Women are shit
Every time a man accomplishes anything or tries to accomplish something, he gets accused of rape
>b-b-b-but biden is a creep
so? im not using that to decide if shes telling the truth because i know shes lying
If we're going down that road
You're really telling me you couldn't see Trump raping a woman? give me a break.
1993!? This has got to stop. People can't just come forward decades later to do a "gotcha!" on people.
>Tara sought help from 'Times Up', a non-profit dedicated to helping women in a most metoo world tell their story
>Times Up was concerned her story involving such a potential presidential candidate could hurt their non profit status
Lol, then clearly, this non profit makes a profit, and the Jews don't support someone accusing their prime preferable candidate. That gives this a bit of legitimacy imo.
Trump is a power hunger ego maniac
he would 100% rape some dumb poor bitch
I'm aware of Biden's general vibe and history, but we know there is a 75% chance the woman is lying, ALWAYS, no matter who the person is
So im going with that, they lost all credibility as a gender
Joe likes them at any age. As long as they smell nice.
Almost like there are videos of joe fingering kids in public.
"Come on, man, I heard you liked me"
LOL, that does sound like something Biden would say.
The way she tells this story make it obvious she's lying. The gym bag disappears, they teleport up against the wall. She "can't remember" most of what he said and some parts she "doesn't want to say". Surprising in a country of 300 million people that there's a whore that wants attention enough to lie. Not even to lie well, but let's all believe her anyway even though there is 0 evidence.
Oh yeah, and the best part was Biden apparently said
>C'mon man. I heard you liked me.
Found the molested victim
I plan on MeTooing my kids when they hit 18. I'm going to make them feel guilty for financially raping me
Agreed, there's big gaps. It's irritating.
Don't you mean a joepedo?
Believe women.
You're acting like your country still deals in things like integrity and facts.
Yes, suddenly this time it's gone too far. Levelheads prevailing imminent.
lel the ol' switcheroo
Now he's guaranteed the presidency
Use their weapons against them.
Look where stormy daniel lawyer is right now.
one of them went on Anderson Cooper's show and she showed that she was a fucking psycho, MSM dropped her immediately after that
He’s definitely rapey but dumbass bitches who come out of nowhere thirty years later to claim rape with zero evidence
#biden #metoo
Biden raped a women #believeWomen
let them taste their own medicine
It's not disqualifying, it's just a way to judge his character before you vote. just like Dems did with Trump :-)
It must be true, after all a woman is saying it, and things like this are indelible in the hippocampus
In 93 you couldnt come foreward dumbfuck.
No one would have believed you. You had no platform and no power.
With the internet their are no gatekeepers.
I'm not even saying its true, but the media won't talk about this, so why not us?
HAHA he has to go to jail now and trump wins a 2nd term
>You're really telling me you couldn't see Trump raping a woman?
Honestly no. He strikes me as the type of chad who likes getting consent.
Cuz we're ridin for biden.
Trump's style isn't to molest and rape. He's an adulterer. He gets super models because he's rich and he doesn't need to rape to get pussy. Biden, creepy Joe, is the creepy grabby uncle every family has.
The best part is that he’s there for assaulting a woman, the absolute irony
her hair scent must have been irresistible and joe needed to get a whiff of her pubic mound.
I didn't say Yas Forums couldn't talk about it
I just KNOW there are retards that will 100% run with this purely because he's blue and they're red
They're hypocrites and have dubious morals
>a woman
Is she a midget or look like a child? Or maybe it's maybelline.
>I didn't say Yas Forums couldn't talk about it
>but if they do, I'll judge them to be immoral & I'll wag my finger at them
>It doesn't sound like she is lying.
t. pic related.
Thats an abuser tactic
Abusers will often do something like that to guage how resistent and assertive you are. Thats why its “creepy”