Here is your coronavirus stimulus package bruh. Oh btw those illegals are now legal :D

Here is your coronavirus stimulus package bruh. Oh btw those illegals are now legal :D

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The fuck is on her nose?

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She got her nose pierced but was told she can't wear it to work or has to tape it up.

Does she really think no one is gonna catch it? The fuck? Why are we playing these stupid games?

the following also included:
>A nationwide mandate for ballot harvesting
>$300 million for foreign refugees abroad
An automatic visa extension for all foreign workers
>An expansion of foreign-language ballots
>Same-day voter registration for the 2020 presidential election

it wont happen tho.

>Does she really think no one is gonna catch it?
Yeah they caught it, now what? You think republicans have a spine to stand their ground? It will be traded for less outrageous additions like government control over the businesses that will get the help and some environmental shit. Classic political move.

Safety first.
Pretty smart.

What the FUCK is up with my ID?
It almost looks like a word.
Or a name.

Trump can still veto it, and doesn't seem desperate enough that he wouldn't.

: I have existed from the morning of the world and I shall exist until the last star falls from the night. Although I have taken the form of Moss Welder, I am all men as I am no man and therefore I am a God.


name id based

Okay, now I'm embarrassed.

get a trip

That bandage covers up her reptilian skin underneath.


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Isrseli listening device

ID observed

You´ve been granted the only trip worthy of being used.
Rise, as of today you shall be known as Sir Weldmoss, slayer of the hooked nose people

You ain't welding me in my apartment you sneaky son of a bitch

Of course they will shoot it down. the retards that live in the cities are the ones that need this. This is nothing more than a power play using the dumb niggers and women as pawns. The people in the red states? they don't have such an inflated cost of living as to face utter financial breakdown, because their unemployment insurance goes farther.

No, this is a stupid game being played by a senile old woman who is not connected enough to see the panic starting in the constitutes. Not only are Americans unhealthy, but we have a lot of nigger doctors, so many that medical mistakes are one of the leading causes of death, combine that with sympathetic infections, and the US is a powder keg about to go off in two weeks.

Damn she is the biggest nigger

Shit thats a cool name, I'm stealing that

you must create a tripcode for your new name, Weldmoss.

europoors still caring about policy that wont effect them.

Mr.Weldmoss sir

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If you vote democrat your wrong and this is why: sure theyre their to help out the poor but they also want to keep you poor because their platform only works on the poor. So if you vote democrat i hope you like being poor...

So at what point can Trump have her removed from office with executive powers?

I mean U.S.A. is suffering and this prostitute is over here performing acts of treason by trying to hurt the U.S. people.
I can't deal with this anymore.


>trying to hide that child eating scar on her nose with a bandaid
jesus fucking christ.

Well if they are legal they won't be voting Democrat anymore.

Cocaine overdose.

A band aid

Good day Mr. Weldmoss

this was yesterday and they already caught all her bullshit

Nice to meet you, Mr. Weldmoss sir

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Thank you based Mr weldmoss

Imagine falling for this identity politics smokescreen shit.
The "stimulus package" is the biggest fucking corporate bailout in the history of the planet, bigger than 08 and with even less conditions and oversights attached. And it doesn't even really help the small and mid-sized companies, because unlike the big dogs on Wall Street who get their virtually free money from the Fed, they have to go to the plucky Small Business Administration who has nowhere near the ressources and administrative power to run such a program. Oh, and THAT money actually comes with conditions and isn't free, it's a loan that can be forgiven if you don't fire anyone - no such hook for the huge players getting Fed money.

This is an outlandish robbery of the american people, but you niggers are too retarded to see it because once again you fall for the shitty theater by the dems. "Oh look they're trying to help some immigrants and women or whatever, oh the humanity" you say while ignoring how they completely agree to the TRILLIONS going from the taxpayer to rich fucks on Wall Street (and yes trillions, that 500 billion numbers you see floating around will get leveraged by the Fed to about 6 trillion) You retards call everyone shill and controlled opposion and then can't see it when it's staring you right in the face, with the corporatists from both sides of the aisle. Fuck you.

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Unironically going to use that name when doing things that require an alias.

t. Jordan Weldmoss

Hello, Mr. Weldmoss!

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Under martial law, could Trump declare Pelosi an enemy of the state?

Good afternoon.

Attached: moss.jpg (1280x720, 255.52K)

The only time you're ever gonna see me approve tripfagging.

>t. Was there for the birth of Mr. Weldmoss.

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It's called freudian projection. She isn't the type that would bother reading an entire boring old document and she assumes that everyone else is the same way.

Better than my ID I guess

didnt know you could weld moss
but if you tell me to ill try

So, which Moss are you?

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The usual, Mr. Weldmoss?

Enjoy your veto

could be worse

Weldmoss sounds like something that happens when a Jew tries to anglicize his surname lmao

What is your wisdom Mr. Weldmoss

this bitch is crazy literally fuck her. my family got here legally mexicans are bullshitting

These people should be hung in the streets. Of minecraft

what happened to her nose? was she snorting too much coke?

Weldmoss-sama, weld my moss and turn it into pure steel ore for me to mine and craft mythical Ulfbert swords from

>mad about cheap labor pool keeping your services prices down
>not mad about the $600 BILLION bailout exclusive to the airline industries
This post was sponsored by Koch

This cunts face is literally melting

Kek sup weldmoss

To be honest, I am pretty Fucked up right now. This is too much for me to deal with.
Peace be with you all.

this would actually be a genius move. The republicans might shoot down the bill themselves over the amnesty and then the media could then turn the blame on them for 'not helping the poor' during a time of economic turmoil.

based ID system.

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>We id mossad

what does daca mean
>inb4 brainlet

The ony interesting ID I've ever gotten had the word fag in it
It's happened to me twice

Shit i want a name ID too. Weldmoss sounds like a good villain name


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I’m so proud to have witnessed the birth of Weldmoss

Stop it.

Weird, the only interesting ID’s I’ve ever gotten had “Jew” in them. It’s great being one of G-d’s chosen.

Also you only need the last four digits of your SSN to register to vote. I wonder what thats all about?