Whenever I go on the Internet I notice a very stark difference in the conduct of both left-wingers and right-wingers...

Whenever I go on the Internet I notice a very stark difference in the conduct of both left-wingers and right-wingers. For one, left-wing people seem to be kinder and more courteous, but also generally engage in informal discussion and are less likely to resort to ad hominem attacks or name-calling. However, right-wingers, I have noticed, are a lot more aggressive and are far more prone to using slurs and ad hominem attacks to denigrate their opponents (e.g. 'leftist', 'cuck', 'onions boy' etc.). Right-wingers are also far more likely to insult one based on their ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or disability than left-wingers.
Because of this, entering websites and social media pages frequented by right-wingers is just so tiresome. There's only so much aggression, hate, fantasies of violence and invective that one can read before you just get sick of it. There's also the complete lack of discussion of issues as well, it's nothing but people mocking others and insulting each other. Compare this to left-wing circles where people will constantly discuss their thoughts and engage in debate with each other without devolving into slinging ridiculous slurs at each other.
I know that this is purely anecdotal evidence, but I have been going on this website and elsewhere for a while, and the more I contact right-wingers the more I am convinced that they are dreadful human beings and that, ultimately, I would rather spend my time with left-wingers for the simple fact that they aren't constantly pissed off and are actually able to engage other people in a sensible manner.
What do you think, Yas Forums? Do left-wingers conduct themselves better than right-wingers do?

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hehe i want to sex the grill

Ur a mutt made of filth plz kys


Wow she is built for BWC

Lefties are way more passive aggressive it's the only way they communicate, its insufferable.

Lefties are just afraid to say what they actually think


keep the marxist brainwashing of everything being "fair" and "nice" user
that is the way the censoring left brains want you to be.


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>Do left-wingers conduct themselves better than right-wingers do?
Speaking from a left-wing perspective, not really.
The lefties spend all of their time insulting others as well "drumpf, racists, bigots, homophobes, corporatists, etc", and most " casual discussions' are just circle jerks that turn into a firing squad if you present even a somewhat non-PC opinion.

There are almost no legitimate, non-gotcha political debates on the internet, probably because determining genuineness is pretty much impossible

>The more I contact right-wingers the more I am convinced that they are dreadful human beings and that, ultimately, I would rather spend my time with left-wingers for the simple fact that they aren't constantly pissed off and are actually able to engage other people in a sensible manner.

Do you remember Eric Clanton? Sensible individual right?

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Because pleasantries mask intention.
Blunt people don't withold truth.
Also Niggers

Stfu leftist cuck onions boy

I'd like to know where this image was taken, the landscape is beautiful. I made you an edited version with the cat removed from the foreground as payment.

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>Whenever I go on the Internet I notice a very stark difference in the conduct of both left-wingers and right-wingers
Because of testosterone levels. Sorry cuck

i think i have that one in a different form

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She wont be pretty no more when shes taking a mean greasy shit. Thats why people pooh in private, to keep up with illusions. So fake. She farts too, and that aint so pretty either. In fact, you will be disgusted by her, and she wont have that at any cost.

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>and are less likely to resort to ad hominem attacks or name-calling
oh no, it's retarded.

Have you seen a comment section lately? It's literally 99% straight-from-MSM buzzword strawmans or adhom. Every single time.

No that's giving them too much of a benefit. They're cowardish. Passive aggressiveness implies some wit.

>>kinder and more courteous

so you mean false and backstabbing???

>What do you think, Yas Forums? Do left-wingers conduct themselves better than right-wingers do?

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Fuck you nigger

>engage in informal discussion and are less likely to resort to ad hominem attacks or name-calling.

>and are less likely to resort to ad hominem attacks or name-calling.



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Go back, you fucking faggot. Nobody wants the bullshit you're selling. Fuck off, nigger commie subhuman.

>people that hold the conventional political view also keep to the conventional social customs of the time
No shit. SS officers were also seen as stand-up citizens because they upheld what those values meant at the time.

I had a serious couple of paragraphs typed up, but the kept getting “Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again”

I’m just gonna assume that along with the speed of literal retard responses confirms that this thread is run and filled with glow in the darks.

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Go to places that are anonymous to see the left wing’s true colors.

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Likely somewhere in France, she's a Dutch woman in a relationship with a Fr*nchoid.

Your average leftist.

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kill yourself, demonrat shill

You are delusional, and your personal opinion contrasts from the experienced reality of millions of salt of the earth folks like me.
You're sheltered in your echo chamber, and don't understand what feminists, anti-fa, and commies are really like.

Shut up commie cuck

That's funny, I notice just the opposite. Anecdotal observation negated.

wait wut?

can we get some muscle over here?

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>left-wingers aren't constantly pissed off
You are living in bizarro world.
Because the mention of one world leader and what he may or may not have done on any given day is like kicking a beehive with those people.

My guess is Versailles.
Thanks for removing the cat.

Leftist like to get into big mobs and repetitively chant.
They like to use logical fallacies like conflating Trump's saying that some of the people entering the US illegally were rapists; with calling every Mexican a rapist.
They use ad hominems like "Trump-tard", or Drumpkin.
They believe mendaciously construed fact checks.
They are oblivious to the massive censorship of conservative views.
They live in a bubble basically.


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My anecdotal experience is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the OP claimed. Quidquid gratis affirmatur, gratis negatur. What is gratuitously affirmed can be gratuitously denied.

Bait and or pasta, but have you ever visited r/politics by chance OP?

I’ll try posting again.. In chunks this time cause nothing else works

Chunk 1
Everything you just said is wrong. The anger in the right is largely cause by the endless attacks everywhere in society perpetrated against right wing ideals.

Really? I found it to be, through experience, the opposite. Which is really odd since they tote their ideology as being what it is.

Fuck off nigger kill yourself

Girls don't poop, retard


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Imagine if Antifa was real

>Fuck off nigger kill yourself

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Please, stay around left wingers you fucking faggot, there is no middle ground. Give me national socialism, or give me death.

Not mine. Yas Forums is also great evidence of this.

This, sadly
It even infects the way people argue in private, I catch my friends raising their voices all the time

Chunk 2

They feel like their under siege all the time... Then people like you, come to their safe places and call them unpleasant or stupid.

>left-wing people seem to be kinder and more courte
nigger what?

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Because internet right wing are usually underaged or autistic. Both anger quickly and both think they’re above everyone

Leftists aren't "nice". They're cattle. They have no understanding of any sort of transcendent ideals.

Holy mother of Kek. Fpbp.

You're only basing that on pol which is constantly under assault from left wing shills, who are as nasty as anyone on Yas Forums. Maybe you should instead ask yourself why only left wing groups attack right wing places of discussion and vice versa. It's the right who just wants to be left alone, and the left giving into their latent totalitarian impulses.

Shut the fuck up niggerjewfaggot egalitarian liberal homosexualist subjectivist communist postmodern judeobolshevik relativist cultural marxist zionist.

>taa da! if you dont want to suck my beautiful vaginan, you are transphobic and a nazi bigot.

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Imagine waking up to that view. You would have a lot to thank your ancestors for.

Remove that flag larper. He only needs to be called a Jew, and see how he recoils.

Chunk 3
When society acts fairly towards right wingers, they’ll be less pissed. Now please go back to r*ddit where you clearly belong.

People are fake cowards you doodoo brain! They have to hide and deny a natural part of themselves. Pretending it doesnt exist. I can shit in front of anyone and not feel any shame. No reason to hide it. In fact its powerfull. I feel like a king. The only downside is that for a few moments it leaves me vulnerable to attack. Im not an asshole though, i know where to drop my waste to where its a positive for the enviroment and the people who could get seriously fucked up encountering my shit or me shitting. I can drop them anywhere like pajeet, as normal as if your coughing.

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What a tastefully planned shrubbery in the background.

leftist don't have "discussions". They cower and virtue signal each other. They ban and censor all opposing viewpoints immediately. It's an echo chamber of absurdity and oppression olympics.
Right wingers on the other hand are hard realists. You'd rather lie to yourself and feel good so go hang out with the deluded faggots. Make sure you nod in agreement on the 43 genders and apologize for your privilege.

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Whenever I go on the Internet I notice a very stark difference in the conduct of both left-wingers and right-wingers. Right-wingers are BASED and REDPILLED, while left-wingers are GAY and CRINGEPILLED.

REPLY BASED and REDPILLED to this post, or your mother dies from coronavirus

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based and redpilled

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Fake. Right elbow on the blonde was over burned on the shading

>Leftist post
POC cock sucking, white guilt, white hatred, white people jokes, trump bad

>Right wing post
Old guy speaking in some redneck gibberish, trump trump trump, parrot politics, CAPS LOCK, civic nationalism

>OPs post

lets try that again

nailed it

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I'll also note that in general, the weak will try to go wherever the strong are. Part of the reason why left wing agitators can't leave this place alone is the same reason why 3rd world immigrants flock to live in the west but not vice versa. On some level the left wing shills implicitly understand that we're genetically superior to them on average. Otherwise they wouldn't be bothering.

That's racist.

Think of it this way opie, the right are the last remaining humans who are aware of the slave masters and refuse to give in. That is part of their anger. The left are willing, evil, or indoctrinated.

No idea about these three chucks together pissed off the bots, but the captcha is also fucking with me now.

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