Attacks on Asians spike in USA

After president Trump calls covid19 the "Chinese virus".

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Good. They needs to go back to their far-east bat-eating shitholes.

So after years of college grievance studies classes teaching that asians are white people suddenly they aren't white people?

ah yes, look at those obvious trump supporters assaulting the asian guy. shut the fuck up

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Black people fighting mass asian immigration

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It uhhh....yeah...dat shit TRUMP fault niggah! yeah, TRUMP did dis! Blame dat niga TRUMP. He did dat!

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They will never be white. Only yellow like a skin-fever that infects the world with their nastiness.

everywhere the lowest of the society economically are suffering so obviously they gonna get angry and get their anger off on something

Where are these attacks ?
Most American Asians don’t go to China.
Why are there so many white people spreading the virus in America ?

>After president Trump calls covid19 the "Chinese virus".
Yes it was technically chronologically however. This however, is just niggers nigging.

Based nigs.

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Don't trust the yellow man. Send them packing.

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Going to need some context on this one, but either way, dumbass deserved what he got. Did he not learn as a child to walk to the other side of the road when a pack of niggers approach?

What if the where born in America ?
Then what ?
Burgers are dumb
Americans are spreading it in the UK the Americans brought in the UK

Yeah trump caused niggers to act like niggers.

It's DAT NIGGA TRUMP!!! SEEE! he did dat! he did DAT! FUK DA POL*CE! blame dat nigga TRUMP!!!!!

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Around blacks, never relax

>living in a nigger neighborhood
fucker had it coming

Im sure those niggas listen to trump's speeches.

damn I wanna go to America and fight one of these nigger gangs
sounds cool as fuck
all the niggas going around the hood gonna rap and kill each other
Here there are gangs but it’s mostly swords, small pistols and machetes and occasionally someone gets hands on a AK or a 1911.

Fucking animals.

They're pissed because china ruined all that black unemployment trump worked so hard for. True patriots, they are.

>old video of dindu's dindu'ing
>replies of virtue signalling cunts say "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING IN 2020"

Bitch, dindu's have been dindu'ing for centuries. They checked his pockets. They spread asians with febreeze. The notion that these people read Trump tweets is laughable.

Also, fuck Trump. Fuck MIGA.

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real MAGA hours fuck miga turds who cuck for slopes

What's up with all the videos being posted lately of Chinese nationals intentionally spreading the virus in Canada, Australia, and United States?
I also read numerous unconfirmed reports of citizens spotting lots out of place Chinese nationals recently. People that do not look like they travelled here via plane, but rather were illegally imported in shipping containers.
What is really going on here??!?!?!

>so Yas Forums, why do you hate niggers again?

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> Asians larp as black men on Yas Forums to combat white guys stealing their women

> Get their asses beat by black men in public for spreading the coronavirus

Oh nononono imagine being an Asian man I'm 2020

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Fake and gay, most of these are old as fuck vids too

It's kind of like globalization and diversity causes social division in a time of crisis. Who would have thought?

from like 1 to 2... keep pandering for victimhood you fucking chink ass!

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Okay from now we will call the CCP virus, you okay with that?

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this all day every day
still, id rather asians around me than niggers thats for sure

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Americans should have kept the chinks out in the first place.

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>1990 racist attacks against asians exist
>2000 racist attacks against asians exist
>2010 racist attacks against asians exist
>2020 racist attacks against asians exist
>Trump said "chinese virus"

also I didn't know liberals were so swayed by his words.

You think it's crazy now? What until niggers start having their obese relatives die from Chink bat disease. I predict niggers hating all asians will go on for the next 20 years

Yeah, they'll pick up any old sand that's laying around and throw it.

why don't they mention the race that is doing these attacks?

My sides.

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>blacks committing violent acts
pick one

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I work with niggers and they are all bashing on asians, it's honestly weird how similar niggers and Yas Forums are. A lot of the shit they say sounds like shit the incels here would say.

Blacks don't have moral agency user, they're just receptacles to the winds of media.

Good, time to sell back our real estate to us at a loss and GTFO!

Based. Hope that slope got brain damage and realized he needs to fucking leave
>inb4 ok tyrone

No you dont, they piss me off too but they are brutal and will likely beat you to death. That's why people with sense carry guns. When it comes to niggrrs its rarely a 1 v 1 fight, you'll usually have about 4 or 5 of them jumping on you. If you're with a group of people that outnumbers them they will just ignore you.


Would it surprise you if you found out China intentionally sent out infected chinks to parts of the west?

I'm quarantined on a boat in Spain and pretty sure I've got it. You can bet your final fucking penny if I got my hands on a bug I wouldn't be very nice.

He died

it's almost like that IS the entire Yas Forums demographic

Absolutely poetic.
I'd rather have neither around me

Nothing would surprise me at this point. Aliens could land in on the streets and wouldn't even bat an eye.

I would believe it



you know the drill, pick one

Awe are the Chinese spies and domestic terrorists being harassed... I'm crying.

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I hate chinks but my God do I absolutely fucking despise niggers. I'm glad my Grandfathers shot, whipped and tortured them to death. All niggers deserve to be disembowled in spic cartels.

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>What if the where born in America ?
Correct their parents mistake.

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Niggers finally doing something right.

Part and parcel. If this sort of thing happens enough, immigrants will think twice about coming and those that are here will think about going

Hopefully people start to realize this and stop getting tricked by politicians.

Did he died?

paid for

Remove Insects

You need to go back to Europe. America doesn't belong to you, you took it from the Indians.

Chink Chink little dink,
Like a robot small and fink,
No one knows what they'll eat next,
Chinese Virus you need a Vac,
Cine, Sign, and Senescence,
The worst actors you've ever seen,
Like kikes they like to lie and try,
To pretend they are the smartest guy,
They cheat on tests a national epidemic,
When all their tech is systemic,
On what White Man will make next,
Shit skins oh & awe are jealous vexed,
I say down with the insects for humanity,
And fuck their Chink Presidents vanity,
Send their spies back in a basket,
Cuz no Chink fucking deserves a casket,

Attached: chinksdidthis.webm (360x360, 2.75M)

Their video of her bootlicking kikes in very broken english while he attempts to deny the obvious control they have is hilarious (and rather sad)

>murky skin
>black hair
>black eyes
I don’t care what your IQ is.

Trump should be executed for crimes against humanity.