It’s just a really bad flu
As testing dramatically increases, the rate of infection should increase thereby lowering the death percentage. It's simple arithmetic.
So, we're soon going to see that this virus isn't that bad at all.
This whole thing is just a big show to take away more of our freedoms and control outrage about economy/currency going to shit. It's China's fault everyone!
I'll probably lose my job over this shit even though I'm in an essential field, workload has dropped to where this week I did nothing for 5 hours a day.
It's also been here for 2 months. No way it took over 1 month for it to spread from the Central train hub of China to the USA, especially with it's infection rate. Most likely most people have had it and gotten through it.
It’s been here since the end of December. Factor in all of the traveling being done since then it’s way more wide spread. We should’ve been seeing a fuck ton more deaths by now.
I had in December and recovered by Dec 31. Was out surfing and bicycle riding and nothing wrong with me. Gave it to my cousins at Christmas they’re fine.
If it's what they said, China never would have been able to contain it and would be pushing 1-5 million deaths. Unless they knew it was going to release and directed the spread, but that would take a lot of cooperation from their people.
Here's a very recent example of literal Jewish fear mongering.
Shot, I'm picking up extra weeks of work because people are too scared to travel/want to be with their families. It's a good time to be young and single
>he thinks China doesn't have 10s of thousands of deaths possibly 100k plus
I had damn near the same symptons they are describing now at the end of January before this all blew up. Coincidentally started to feel sick a week after I went through Vancouver airport.
Have fun dying loser
China has like 21 million deaths at least, but you can only estimate based off other data
Didn’t they turn off like 8 million phones in China?
It’s not about death. It’s about permanent lung damage. I had what I believe was coronavirus 3 weeks ago. Ever since My breathing has been fucked. Can’t catch my breath since I was sick. It fucking sucks anons. Quality of life is definitely lower now.
Cool, now show the false positive rates!
Oh, and the lowest estimates for CFR are 1-1.4%. What you'd want to do is take (deaths/(confirmed cases * (1-false positive rate)))*(1-false negative rate). Fun fact: Even not accounting for false positives, the estimated IFR for this disease is about 1% in the presence of optimal medical care, or an order of magnitude greater than the flu!
>It’s not about death.
>It’s about permanent lung damage.
Unsubstantiated claim about a novel virus with no precedent in the medical literature.
>I had what I believe was coronavirus 3 weeks ago.
So, you're just taking a wild guess and we have to believe it as fact.
>Ever since My breathing has been fucked. Can’t catch my breath since I was sick. It fucking sucks anons. Quality of life is definitely lower now.
Ok, but maybe it'll recover. And did you have your lungs tested by medical professionals? If not, you're just stating a biased opinion.
>literally Doctor Chad
Fucking based
How do you niggers come up with this imaginary number
>hurr durr no guys trust me there was a secret chinkocaust that killed 6 million Zhu's
>essential important field
>works only 5 hours a day
Sorry, fast food doesn't count as "essential" in the grand scheme.
SARS caused permanent lung damage .
And fuck you faggot. My breathing is fucked. I can’t catch my fucking breath ever since I was sick. What fucking disease lasts 3 weeks? I don’t have a fever. I’m not currently sick. I just am having trouble breathing. So what do you think could be the cause, smartass?
So you're stocking shelves and/or work fast food? Nothing to gloat about. Even my job has finally been impacted and I didn't think that would be happening. Better than flipping burgers though.
21 million
But it cant be all deaths. I would not put it past them to hide a million though
>there's no precedent in the medical literature for severe cases of pneumonia causing lung damage
point and laugh at this retard
>What fucking disease lasts 3 weeks?
I've had the flu and it lasted 3 something weeks. I've also had colds with symptoms that dragged on for weeks. You're being a pussy who buys into the mass panic. Knock it off pussy.
No, it's just the regular cold with an ad campaign
Go lick a door handle and report back
Hes kinda right. Severe pneumonia does cause damage to the lungs but the body can repair it, however, the older you are, the harder time you have repairing it. In rare cases it can cause flooding of the lungs, but we have ways to fix that through surgery.
No offense famalam you might just have a bad immune system, I've never had a 3 week flu and if I get COVID-19, I'm sure I'll be fine within a week
People eating fast food through drive throughs are just as stupid. At least 4 different people are handling that food before you get it.
>person prepping everything
>the cook who actually makes it
>the cashier that takes your money or card
>the last person who puts it in the bag and hands it to you.
Fast food employees arent exactly known for their stellar hygiene. People keep going to drive throughs and carry outs. I hope they enjoy their side of corona with their big mac.
>testing shows 80-90% tests are negative
>”actually the tests are wrong and coronavirus is everywhere”
It's probably stress or allergies, try deep breathing and reducing muscle tension
Matt Druge was Andy Shitefarts "secret" live-in lover
So do any of these numbers mean anything?
>I get COVID-19, I'm sure I'll be fine within a week
Also said by many 20-40 year olds who are now in hospital with a breathing tube down their throat
>So what do you think could be the cause, smartass?
Look if you think the only cause could be corona you're a dumbass
I’ve had the flu too. It resolved in a week. I could maybe buy two weeks. But 3 fucking weeks user? That is a long ass time. No flu lasts 3 weeks.
Any non-faggot anons know if pneumonia can last 3 weeks? And if so, how long can it take to resolve? Is it possible I just have walking pneumonia? Or are my lungs permanently fucked? I’m genuinely worried right now
Trust me, we've already heard of all the 20-40 year olds because every single one has been reported on.
For 3 weeks of breathing problems? Enlighten me user. I’m hoping it’s not lung scarring from corona. What else could it be?
I didn't do that even before this "Pandemic".
No way it was just me. Everyone in the house got it and we all suffered with that shit for around three weeks. I've only had the flu once. If someone has caught it multiple times I think it says more about their immune system.
Everyone in the house at the time caught it and had the same symptoms and it dragged out that long for all of us. What do you think it was if not the flu?
It's been here since November
Only people who are dying from it are old people, people with prexisting conditions, vapers and smokers. Even some boomers who are still relatively healthy can get through it. That Jew who was on the Diamond Princess had it and he was a boomer. He said it wasn't any worse than bronchitis.
Which means you just be spitting and coughing up a bunch of loogies. You probably won't even know you were sick with it.
I had what I believe was coronavirus over christmas. Today, I've never felt better. I feel like I've been infused with the power of bats. Literally batman.
Low mortality among the young.
High mortality among the elderly.
High frequency of mutation. Warm weather doesn't seem to kill it.
Enjoy your new life expectancy of 60-70. Unless you are obese, or diabetic, or suffer from kidney or heart problems or....
Maybe you're just scared
Oh trust me, I know. The fast food drive-thru's are all backed up during lunch hours, and during the evenings. You're looking at waiting around 30 minutes to get your order of fries, and I'm not even in an area with any confirmed cases. I can't imagine the ridiculousness of this in actual impacted areas.
The pandemic that is spreading throughout the country? There have been deaths where I am already and it is spreading here. That is one alternative to the flu, off the top of my head. You know, the disease causing respiratory issues for anyone who catches it?
I work for a plant in Ohio they laid off at least 95% of the staff...I'm still here though because I'm "essential" I was hoping for a break, but fuck me I guess.
In case your wondering I'm an engineer in maintenance.
I've never been that sick longer than 3 days. And even then I've never had an illness that makes me want to stay in bed, if anything being I'll makes me want to be outside to breath fresh air.
This was 5, nearly 6 years ago. Stop fearmongering.
Oh, interesting. It's a paycheck though.
I’ve been sick for 2 weeks at the longest and that was a really bad respiratory disease too. The worst I’ve ever been sick. This has lasted longer by a week, though on the whole the respiratory problems have been slightly less severe. It’s just disconcerting that it isn’t going away at all
>people close their phone subscriptions because they don't have money
>21 million people go missing in 3 months
I don't believe the chink numbers but drawing a conclusion from a phone subscriptions is stupid.
I’m not talking about you and your family retard. I’m talking about me, right now
I think I might have had it three weeks ago. I could feel my breath shorten it felt like I ran a mile. But I also had this urge to go for walk or a run if I sat down I felt worse. Being up and moving made me feel better.
Oh also it cleared my sinuses. I haven't had clear sinuses for decades because of my allergies.
Maybe coronachan blessed me. The virus fixes something. Not all viruses are bad. They can cause mutations actually I think viruses are the cause of evolution.
Italy has 6k dead in less than a month, 3k dead in Spain in about 18 days.
In a particularly bad year, Italy gets 20k flu deaths. 12 months. Those aren't even confirmed flu deaths, it's an estimate. In the US something like 300 people a year actually have flu on their death cert.
If you smooth nigger brained retards think this is all some hoax, then you better believe flu deaths are greatly exaggerated in order to sell vaccines.
If we hadn't done any mitigation, many more would have ended up dying, that's just fucking obvious.
Retards think mitigation is stupid because it's just flu.
We do mitigation which drastically reduces deaths, retards say "sEE iTs jUsT fLu!!!!!!!".
Do us all a favor and go lick some handrails and elevator buttons and come back to us in 2 weeks.
yeah, even if 80% of those numbers are just duplicates deactivating, that's still a cool 4 million dead
Well let's hope this super deadly virus with its overwhelming amount of recoveries vs death ratio doesn't kill you and your entire family, I suppose.
10% of people who go to the hospital for the flu die. Not everyone goes to the hospital for the flu.
sorry, Im not some dumb spaghetti nigger who wants to hug a chinese to virtue signal
eat shit, mario
Maybe you're just a fatass.
how about deaths due to pneumonia of any cause?
I just hope I don't miss out on Trumpbux.
As testing increases, we will no longer see hospitals over capacity.
The flu numbers are an estimate since they obviously can't test every single person who has it