Bored muslim here i will answer all your questions about islam as long as you are respectful

Bored muslim here i will answer all your questions about islam as long as you are respectful.

>Why did muhammad have sex with a 9 year old
there are multiple explanations for this, all are viable.

1-Many sources say she was aged from 12 to 19.
2-.In the time and place prophet muhammad was at 9 year olds were considered mature and everyone had a younger than usual wife, meaning it wasn't taboo back then.
>Why do you go around the cube and what's inside it

The kaabah is the holiest place in islam, it's the first house of god, we simply pray there, the room inside the kaabah is too small so we pray outside, we dont worship the black stone.
>Are you using taqqiyah to lie to us?
1- taqqiyah is a shi'ite practice and i am sunni

Now lets get all the buzzwords out of the way, i am a mudslime, a muzzie, a sandnigger, a terrorist rat, anything else?

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Other urls found in this thread:

third thread today. don't you have some wall to pray to?

Are you baljeeki or urduni

post goat tits or gtfo

Get off my thread if you have nothing useful to say, you stupid faggot.

Yikes.. What does it look like? That subhuman doesn't leave int.

speak for yourself.

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can i have 3 asian wives if i become muslim

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>1- taqqiyah is a shi'ite practice and i am sunni
Couldn't even get through your OP without lying

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how do you feel about the chinks?

>taqqiyah is a shi'ite practice and i am sunni

That's what I'd say if I was using taqqiyah to lie to someone

How have you not realized yet that Mohammed was the anti-Christ?

Unless the women are Muslim/Christian or Jewish, you can't marry them.
And? The prophet's body was holy. He once spitted in someone's eyes and he stopped being blind.
You don't even know what the word means. It means that you can hide your faith if you're in danger, for example if people started genociding Muslims then it's permitted to hide being a Muslim.

>Many sources say she was aged from 12 to 19.
the accepted view is she was 9 when he had sex with her

>it was not a taboo back then
he is supposed to be an example for all mankind for all time

>we do not worship the black stone
in the judgement day you expect the stone to come to life and tell al lah who kissed it and who didn't
the arabs used to worship many stones, muhhamad could not explain why the stone was holy

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I bought a HK ringer shirt, did you guys get rid of the CCP in your country?

Quit larping. All the young arabs are atheist

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>Now lets get all the buzzwords out of the way, i am a mudslime, a muzzie, a sandnigger, a terrorist rat, anything else?

Pedo kike puppet, goat fucker, you suck Allah dick and swallow.

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Imagine the smell

what happens when your religion becomes the majority?

it's really stupid because they claim the quran is the perfect document. there's not a lot of "interpretation" what the number 9 means.

i do not mind muslims as long as they do not come here

>taqqiyah is a shi'ite practice and i am sunni
it's mentioned in the quran
you can lie when your life is at risk / when you are at war
there is the house of peace (islam) and the house of war (non-islam) so you are constantly at war

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Never understood why you pray towards Mecca and not the Dome of the Rock where Muhammad allegedly ascended to heaven. What makes Mecca holier?

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What the fuck is your problem with THIS off all things?

I literally see nothing wrong. Aisha had matured, so what is your problem exactly?
>let me tell you about your country
There's less than one atheist dog here for every 1000 Muslim.

>as long as you are respectful.
Hi, welcome to Yas Forums

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Just convert to Christianity if you love religion so much. Praying 5 times a day, fuck that.

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>Many sources
Literally all less reliable than the Hadith, speaking strictly historically.

why do you have sex with goats, Ahmed?

The House of Allah is there.

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Why are you stealing jews land ? It belongs to the Grand Israel

Mohammed was a con man and you've been tricked. Sorry bro. Also it was never okay to fuck kids, no matter the time. It was always taking advantage of them. Gtfo with that relativism shit.

>Christian wifes
meanwhile muslim women are not allowed to marry christian men

also you are allowed to have "temporary marriages" which means prostitution
you are also allowed sex slaves from war

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Based lolicon

Based thot patroller

Christianity is the Reddit of religions

Why won't you bring your people back home? We don't want them here.

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Brother, don't talk to the kuffar like that. You have to show them your good manners, regardless if they are disrespectful. You must call to Islam with decent behaviour.

>I see nothing wrong
t. Pedo

Kek, and?
There imare already dozens of Muslim majority countries, what happened to them? Nothing.
Jews pray there, not us.
They stole Palestine from us not the other way around.
If you say so.. Anyway have fun in hell.

kaba kaba kaba kaba chameleon, you come and go... you come and go oh whoa ooo!

>>Why did muhammad have sex with a 9 year old
>there are multiple explanations for this, all are viable.
he fucks kids and muslims still do, both need to hang


no it doesn't macron. you dirty kike. jews are not god's chosen people!

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>He once spitted in someone's eyes and he stopped being blind.
the quran says there were no miracles sent to the muslims, because people in the past did not believe them
and that only the quran itself is the only miracle muhammad ever did

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Nobody wants to join your Jewish Larp.

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>2-.In the time and place prophet muhammad was at 9 year olds were considered mature and everyone had a younger than usual wife, meaning it wasn't taboo back then.
except that's not true. taking a wife before she had even reached sexual maturity and had her first period was while not illegal still very much taboo in muhammed's time. people even question his behavior, you should read your holy texts a little closer

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Yo what's the contex bro? Come on deliver it bro, you seem like an islamic expert brate

Wait a second..didn't you have a thread before? Didnt you say that you will comeback next week

What's the point you are making with this verse faggot?

>the accepted view is she was 9 when he had sex with her
The "accepted view" doesn't make it reality.
>it's really stupid because they claim the quran is the perfect document. there's not a lot of "interpretation" what the number 9 means.
>he fucks kids and muslims still do, both need to hang
Keep coping faggots.
Hadiths aren't accurate and hadith is not the Qur'an idiot. Also age was counted differently back then in Arabia (16 was often referred to as 6 since a teen is obviously differentiated from a child). If you want to pretend that Hadiths are accurate then please explain the hadith in the pic.
>They therefore made me their imam
>I was a boy of six or seven
>wearing a Burda (a black square garment) that proved to be very short for me. (Too tall at the age of seven?)
That's besides the fact that we know Aisha was about 19 when married.

Attached: Hadith ages.png (834x825, 457.14K)

>meanwhile muslim women are not allowed to marry christian men
Nothing wrong with this. Would you then cast pearls before swine?

>also you are allowed to have "temporary marriages" which means prostitution
Not anymore

>you are also allowed sex slaves from war

So that basically does mean you mind us? Don't jump around the point.

Hell isn't real. It's make believe, like allah and santa claus. Grow up.

Actually temporarily marriage is no longer active, theres another verse that removes this rule.
Who told you to let them in?
Eat shit nigger

Kike memeflag checks out. Being anti semitic means all semites. Faggot.

>You are allowed temporary marriages
No that is only rafidi Shias (non Muslims)

>Also allowed sex slaves from war
No problems here, actually based

The one being translated by a shia "shaykh"?

I see what you did there, you practice taqqiyah very well, your shia friends must be proud

Do you think the Middle-east will ever gets its shit together?

broom of the jews
the broom, that goes boom

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>taqqiyah is a shi'ite practice and i am sunni
its both, one just places a higher emphasis on it, because the other values martyrdom more

Do you accept everything islam/quran teaches as a truth?
- If yes, how do you deal with contradicting information you encounter?
- If no, how do you deal with it? How do you draw the line what truths are beyond questioning and what are open to interpretation?

The nazi flag is here again aswell

Why does Islam as a whole refuse to reject violent ideologists? I'm not saying all Muslims are violent, but a majority refuse to reject and intervene against violent sects.


>Hadiths aren't accurate
Wrong, quranist idiot.

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Circumcision is genital mutilation. Your god is retarded if he made it just to be cut off

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What? Muslims literally used to pray facing Dome of the Rock and then it was changed to Mecca. I'm asking why the change was made as I dont really understand why the change was made. Also the Dome is restricted to only Muslims and then Jess but ONLY if the Jews have no religious symbols or media with them.