
Trumpbux Thread

>The Law
v1 (rejected): Act Final - Mar 2020.pdf
v2 (rejected):
v3: BEING WRITTEN NOW. Further changes to the Trumpbux are not expected.

>How much? (based on v2)
$1200 per adult, $500 per child.
Amount will decrease for persons earning over 75k.

>How will I be paid? (based on v2)
The IRS will distribute the payment.
It will automatically be calculated from your 2019 (or 2018) filing.
Direct deposit will be used if available, otherwise a physical check.
The IRS will send a letter confirming the payment.

>How do I qualify? (based on v2)
1. Have a Social Security Number. (or Adoption tax ID)
2. You are not claimed as a dependent.
3. File your federal income tax. Your payment will be based on your 2019 filing, if there isn't one your 2018 filing will be used.
(If receiving Social Security, that information will be used if both filings are not available)

>Can I still file for 2019?
YES. Even if you are not required to file, you must for this program. You can file with 0 income.

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>Amount will decrease for persons earning over 75k.
Lol fucking jews screwing the middle class again

>It will automatically be calculated from your 2019 (or 2018) filing.
Source that the 2019 filing (that we filed in 2020) counts?


What if I already filed my taxes this year?

Click the links.

Then you are done.

Nothing happened overnight. The house already said they will not vote today or something. Not gonna happen ever. Actually at this point with all the bullshit they're stuffing into it I really hope it doesn't pass.

>never filed taxes
>getting a check
seething wagies!
neets rise up
we're having tendies tonight, boys

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It says it in the fucking 2nd link

>These payments are structured as tax credits automatically advanced to households in 2020 if they filed a 2019 income tax return and would be received as a direct deposit or check by mail.
You're right, sweet.

>Hence, manylow-income individuals and families whose income is largely from public assistance may not have filed a2018 or 2019 income tax return and as such, would not receive these rebates in 2020.
NEETs are fucked

This is not a real issue since you can still file for 2019.

I'm on ssdi do I get anything? No bully.

Trumpobux will be worth nothing. They are trying to extended the lock downs.

If you did not file in 2018 and 2019 then the information from Form SSA-1099 for 2019 will be used.

What's there to file if you didn't make any money?

There are many reasons why you should file even if not required to. This is just another.

>you are not claimed as a dependent

But there's nothing to write down, it's just a series of 0s and no employer listed.

Why weren't they giving us Bux the whole time? From birth I mean.

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I made 8,200 last year will i get 1200?

That is a valid tax filing.

>tfw worried boomer parents claimed me as dependent for living with them for a month last year

Yes you fucking retard, no wonder you only made 8200 if you need to actually ask if
>8200 > 75000

it's written out so plainly so even the niggers with 15 kids could understand it, and you STILL didn't grasp it.

Anyone know if they're just going to use the routing and account information they already have? or will we be prompted for choosing a payment method?

so its based on the taxes you filed for the money you earned in 2019?

Yesterday people were saying you needed to make a certain amount and I would only get 600 faggot

Wait really? Are the Neets really winning this hard?

>Never filed taxes
Am I still getting the Trumpbux?

>some people on Yas Forums said
Fucking retard

What is the amount for self employed?

Middle class can get over a few weeks of shutdown. Wagies get trumpbux to prevent suicide.

Over 75k is not middle class.

The law does not define those exact things, it just instructs the Treasury to provide them by direct deposit or check. Technically he could decide to only use checks, but it is logical for them to use the most readily available information.
Yes. The filing based on 2019. Or 2018.
That was v1.

Imagine being this fucking retarded

Imagine not even making 9k in an entire fucking year

So as a tax credit, doesnt this just mean I'll have to pay it back next year?

>2. You are not claimed as a dependent.

I swear to Mother Fuckin God, If I don't get my TrumpBux, we burn the cities down

I dont need to, I live at home and work 3 days a week for pocket money

Where did you see that it was a tax credit.

You must file. If you don't for 2019 then 2018 will be used. If you have neither then you are making the choice to not participate.
Income source does not matter.


u seem mad

I really hope you are in college at least if your parents are still claiming your grown ass as a dependant. Pathetic

if you're claimed as a dependent, you can't

I'm not in college. I take care of my parents full time.

Can you still file in time then? Is there even a point to filing if you have nothing to file?

I heard that there was additional funds for self employed unrelated the 1200, probably in the small business portion.

Its 150k for married.

150k is like the top 10% of households.

Wouldn't wanna be in muttland in a few years when a load of bread costs a trillion dollars.

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Read opening.
The business portions of the bill is where the most change will happen, difficult to predict what v3 will do.

wait until the bill is actually done before you do anything. but it's looking like you'll need to file (even if you have NO income) in order to get the TrumpBux, unless someone claims you as a dependent, than you're fucked either way.

Pretty fucking pissed NEETS get it.

They were so assblasted when the GOP unveiled their plan.

Thanks. Hopefully it’s not some BS that favors big businesses or minority owned.

but we don't

>You are not claimed as a dependent.
Nice to see that college students are getting screwed over yet again.

In the third document OP posted.

im sorry

I don't think I can be claimed as a dependent though because my age is above 19 so I should be able to file on my own. I'm also pretty sure that if you make below 69k you can file on the IRS website for free so I do not even have to pay to file them.

If they use 2018 I'm good. If they use 2019 I'm fucked because I got a retention bonus. Great...

Lmao you're so poor you've lost touch with reality

>fuck em!
ok shekelberg

NEETS get this too, even if they didn't file for 2018 or 2019.

For those wondering if you can file with $0 income, yes, but NOT electronically. It MUST be printed and physically mailed. Either mail in your $0 income tax return, and hope you don't get passed over if you don't.

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I make 78k and own two houses one is paid off. I’m upper middle class.
Middle class is closer to 40 or 50k.

>>How do I qualify? (based on v2)
>1. Have a Social Security Number. (or Adoption tax ID)
>2. You are not claimed as a dependent.
>3. File your federal income tax. Your payment will be based on your 2019 filing, if there isn't one your 2018 filing will be used.
>(If receiving Social Security, that information will be used if both filings are not available)
What about for SSI?

Before I was hearing that there would be three months of checks going out. Now i hear there would be just a one time check. Can anyone confirm? What the hell happened?

For what? I have all the time I want, a new car etc..

based and volkpilled
dad's 86 with alzheimer's, they'll put him in a home over my dead body. thanks for doing the right thing user, too many of us throw our parents away now.

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But they claim you as a dependant on their taxes. Fucking kek

>Its 150k for married.
That's still a bullshit limit. That's not nearly high enough to be independently wealthy. That's not even "send your kids to college without taking out loans" money.

Whether being claimed as dependent is worth it, that is extremely situational. Find out if they are gaining more than you could gain independently.

ssi goes through social security
>If receiving Social Security, that information will be used if both filings are not available

wagies btfo.

>I don't think I can be claimed as a dependent though because my age is above 19

I'm 39 and I get claimed as a dependant. If you live with a blood relative and make under $4,200 a year, you can be claimed as a dependent

how much extra bullshit did they pack into it

If mommy and daddy pay your bills why do you need money


>I’m upper middle class.
No, you're not.
>but muh individual situation!
Yea fuck off retard. That's not enough to keep a single man living in a smaller apt living reasonably but that's pretty much it.

How would it work if I filed my taxes for 2019 on my own but my parents do not file theirs this year and they use their 2018 filing where I am claimed as a dependent? Does that disqualify me even though they are using a year older than mine?

So I don't need to file?
Sorry bros I have never had to deal with government proceedings before
Also that >in may
Shitpost was fakenews, right? It's trump bucks this april right

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It is though, it's just upper middle class.
A lot of blue collar tradesmen earn 75k+

will this cause a chimp out amongst the unemployed nogs if they dont get gibs?

its less than me and my wife have been software developers for two years in the midwest

75k is upper middle/upper as long as they arent in a top 5 city, hawaii, or california

are you at least taking care of sick parents or something?

>s just upper middle class.
Yea fuck off retard. The "upper" threshold is closer to 125, maybe 150


idk, that's what i read but i'm not a jew. you can always file just in case.

do most people not understand how insane that is or sounds?

you're absolutely delusional

LOL quit bitching richie rich, the salt is unreal. Go buy a new car, it will make you feel better, fucking bougie ass ungrateful bastard. Just because you shit gold doesn't mean you get to throw a fit about not getting an extra squirt from mommy's teat.

yes. I take care of both of them, and they are divorced so I am taking care of two houses/properties too

What if you are still working do you get it?



I've never paid any taxes. No NEETbux for me. Fucking normies

That's my point, should be like 500k

Maybe actually contribute to society and you'll get something in return? You did this to yourself.


1040 ez form is so simple. Easiest $1200 you'll make before hyperinflation kicks in.

the fuck do you send your kids to college? 4 years cost me less than 30K

you faggots are so out of touch

>muh baby is gonna have to take loans to go to private school we are so poor and middle class

>yes. I take care of both of them, and they are divorced
god i can't imagine how insane that has to be. i took care of mom and dad before mom died but they where married and in the same house.

that's almost exactly the example i was going to use to show how wrong you are.

>i am upper middle class
>i would not be able to afford some lease special pos 3-series
sure that is upper middle

wouldn't have an issue in situations like this, but if by choice i would probably view it differently.

I think it could happen if this shit keeps up until like may

>literally poor seething
good job retard. You outted yourself as a no killed organ donor

a donation to israel was made on your behalf.

everything i've seen makes it seem like one payment. they would probably have to pass something else if there would be more than one.

Usually I would be against gubment gibs but the more I think about it, the more I realize niggers and whores have been getting gibs for decades while I've gotten nothing. I want a turn; fuck it.

>I'm horrendously poor and you're mad!
ok jew.

When do I get my Trumpbux? Doom Eternal's been out for 5 days now.

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I’m on ssi for being a crippledfag will i get my neetbux?

>4 years cost me less than 30K
Lmao they were better off not going to school than going to that shit hole. That's less than a year if a respectable state school, not even a semester of some private schools

Its going straight into crypto

Anxietyanon living like a hermit here. Don't collect SSI but could.
Did I get fucked out of a check? Can I file a federal tax return having made $0? Doesn't matter just curious if I am eligible.

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Part of your form is whether you are claimed as dependent.
Whether you want to rely on backup information is up to you.
This isn't related to the unemployment benefits.
Multiple payments was never written into a bill. In the very early stages a second payment was discussed that would automatically kick in after some number of weeks if the nation was still in an emergency declaration.

if they didn't make any money or file taxes, odds are they are already being claimed as dependents anyway, so filing a 1040 is going to be pointless in most situations

yeah and you live in flyover country or the deep south. for anyone living in the west coast, 75k is barista-tier

Is this a legit giveaway, or is the IRS going to take it from next year's tax return?

lol I make $130k and I’m barely middle class

you're right, doom eternal has been pirated for 5 days now, since release date.

don't buy it, they fucked the game up with weird shit.

not it isn't. i don't feel like posting WI state costs, if you're interesting in seeing that you're wrong you can look them up, but he is accurate. and they're good enough to get me to my supposedly upper middle class salary.


full of shit

The game is fun. But the overabundance of platforming is weird

what, you don't like platforming and having to manage ten different cooldowns like you're playing overwatch or some shit?

>not getting any grants/scholarships

your dumbass spoiled kids are the ones that shouldnt be going to school schlomo

>spend $200,000 so you daughter can get a 6 year bachelors degree in fashion design and suck 1000 cocks with a 2.0 gpa
>still gets hired because her last name is bergsteinmann to make a fashion line for transgender queer people of color

>Part of your form is whether you are claimed as dependent.
I get that but if I file as 2019 I am not claimed by my parents as a dependent for 2019 (since they have not filed yet, but they would not claim me this year anyways) but they did for 2018 and would most likely use that filing. We are both being truthful but theirs claims me as a dependent since there is a year gap

You must live in some shithole like Commiefornia if 130k barely gets you into middle class.

>WI state
Gooby pls. I said respectable

Imagine being so stupid that $1200 will increase your yearly income into barely breathing poverty level

>Don't collect SSI but could.
You can get SSI for Anxiety?

they'll set the hook after the election

See Read opening.

damn even that dudes testicles are fat. I'd hate to sit on one by accident at that weight.

good enough to get me into a unicorn in madison :)

What are you guys buying with the money? Im thinking a new comp and phone

Literally whataboutism, totally besides the point. 75k is lower middle class on a good day

did they work?


Chainlink probably

I think That was for ppl who didn't pay any in or didn't file user. You made some money and worked. That's good.

Old fag. Remember the gold brillo pad alchemist? Before boomers ruined pol?

At this point you've got to me some JIDF nigger running some psyop to lower the expected standard of living