Mandela effect

>1918 flu
Did we change timelines again? I remember it distinctly being the Spanish flu. I have never heard the term 1918 flu in my life until last week.

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It was and is the spanish flu, up until right this very second

It’s just fags rewriting history because muh racism

You are actually retarded, because there is abundant proof that "1918 flu" is literally just leftists changing every wiki article and newspiece they possibly can to justify their orangemanbadism over the chinese virus.

No you're still in the same dystopian timeline. The control is subtle.

>pic related

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It's 2020 c.e. I think we are enlightened enough to not rewrite history.


Spanish flu I know of was in 1912, two years before the first war.
The death toll is not known because there were still many backward countries that did not keep records of the event.

Food ole cultural Marxism.
Just like the cultural Revolution in china...
Which is where the china virus is from.

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Daatss rayyssist!

Rewritting history is one of the core tactics of control used by marxists.
All socialists are euther cryptomarxists, or Marxist puppets

George never had a tail

It's the Spanish flu, they're just trying to make it "less racist" to show consistency with the wuflu

Also, curious george has never had a tail, I know because I remember thinking it odd when I was a child.

The Chinese government doesn't like people rightly attributing the origin of Corona with China. As such they're using their foreign assets to run damage control. This entails trying to create a narrative that associating China with Corona is somehow racist and part of establishing this requires rephrasing the Spanish Flu because it's a big, obvious example why linking a disease and a region has historic precedence and is not an indicator of racism.

This is dumbfuckery. It's both. Get over it.

>Chinese Originated Viral Infectous Disease - 2019
It's literally in the fucking name, I don't know what these leftists are even trying to accomplish here. It's a Chinese Virus, this is objective fact. It started in China, this is objective fact.

Do they really think the plebeians are so braindead that they can literally go "we were always at war with Eastasia" and nobody would notice? I mean, plebs, normies and NPCs are pretty stupid, but they aren't THAT stupid

Because the left thinks it's racist. I heard MERS called " the other corona virus we have encountered" with a graphic that said Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome but they refused to call it that.

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Is it cup of noodle or cup o' noodle?

What is the origin of the spanish flu?

Curious George never had a tail, retard. You just pretend he did because it's NORMAL for monkeys to have tails, same as the kikestein bear cumstains. Retard two digit IQ hivemind.


George sure looks more sexy with tail than without

Bad example of the Mandela effect. Curious George had a tail.

Guizhou Provence. Same as ~80% of all flus ever.

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it is the Spanish flu. Leftists have been redacting history, because they need Trump's use of Chinese Virus to seem unprecedented and evil.

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Never existed

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well, it can either be kansas, because of early reports, or be spanish due to media scare that happened there
1918 flu is completely wrong, becasue it is more than two years earlier than 1918 that it began to hapen, the war machine was not interested in stopping trade and troops among nations due to a pandemic

Muttland, although you already knew that didn't you spic?

> 1918 Flu

Obvious historical revisionism is obvious

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just exhibit a that the left will do ANYTHING, even sell out their ‘morals’ just to make them seem self-righteous and of course, to paint any rightist wrong.

Without the tail. Right?


Nah man, just leftists going full retard.

This is how you spot shills anyone saying 1919 flu instead of Spanish flu is automatically a shill. I've already seen it multiple times on this board but you just made me realize it with this thread.

This. Shit like this separates the golems from the actual thinking, living, breathing human beings.
>Media says "X" about subject Y
>NPCs repeat "X" any time subject Y comes up
It's quite simple, really.

Stop Chinese revisionism.
China lied; people died.

Not the Mandela effect, just traitorous libfags rewriting history.

It was only called "Spanish flu" due to the fact that Spain went neutral in I WW and their media was the only one free enough to give the pandemic news.

Revisionist history. Because it "technically" didnt originate in Spain

Dont you have a cough to catch bongcuck?

Trust this guys to immediately associate Spain with the inquisition... These guys need no parody


> did we just shift time lines. Yes, in this one i am a chad who slays mad poon

Forgot to hit space key, whatever


dolly literally had fucking braces. I remember when I was younger seeing that and thinking specifically, oh I get, they look like each other! the scene DOES NOT MAKE SENSE WITHOUT BRACES

Funny because the Spanish Flu wasn't from here but we were the only country reporting it so it was called Spanish Flu because everyone else was too pussy to tell the truth about the virus. I'm proud of the name. Why are SJW such irrational bitches?

Don't worry man, this little battle isn't about spain anyhow, it's about 'Appeasing our Chinese Overlords" who have sensitive feelings and can't stand the idea of being named and shamed with a plague.

Nice one!

Just how many diseases have come from China?
>the avian flu
>the asian flu
>the Hong Kong flu
>the bubonic plague
>the chinese flu (covid-19)
Just nuke China already.

Spanish flu should be renamed "chinese virus prequel"


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The ministry of truth change the historical facts again

>I have never heard the term 1918 flu in my life until last week
The absolute state of public education

The cornucopia. That fucking tag is one of reasons I learned the name of that weird basket.

Reminder that 1984 was about leftists...

I also distinctly remember it being the WuFlu or ChineseVirus. What is this COVID-19 timeline?

How do you figure? It’s broadly about totalitarianism, but leftists, in particular?

Just think what you want I am not going to try to convince you.

You can see the behaviors and mindsets very clearly, as if there is anything in that book that is even remotely to the right or things right wing people do.