Nigger breaks man's nose in subway

Never relax.

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kek the guy pulled out kiddie safety scissors to stab the nig

>violent subhuman chimps out
ftfy yid

>record scratch
>freeze frame
>Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
Should have picked our own damn cotton.

Fuck off, niggers were good at picking cotton and nothing else

Rural retards not looking so retarded all the sudden.

It's called the Tube. Subways and Metros are for foreigners.

Crackhead with scissors deserved it your a pussy if you would do nothing in this situation

I have a loaded pistol and refuse to be on a train in close proximity to niggers. Id have shot him multiple times for that.

Black guy seemed reasonable for once. The dude stood up like he was getting into attack position, pulled out scissors. The right move would be to hit first. It's not like black guy just totally unprovoked hit a man sitting down minding his own business.

thank god I don't live around niggers

lmao did he kill him?

Obamas son?

Take it up with the Jews that enslaved you instead of sucking their dicks every waking moment. You niggers have the most pathetic case of Stockholm's syndrome in the known universe.
Holy shit even when one of you decides to shoot them up it still benefits their interests. Think about that for a while.

Wait where was this? The nigger sounds American but the woman recording sounds British?

What does he think he accomplishes by attacking him? What does he think the virus is going to get scared of him or something?

I've never ridden on a subway, what's it like?

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nicely done
and I like how all the replies so far think you're talking from the perspective of the nigger and not the white guy
Yas Forums is full of low IQ newfag drones

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He means never relax (around blacks)
that combined with his subject text shows he's on your side and not a "yid"
fucking brainlet

Extremely comfy if it's empty enough that you have some personal space

>t. nigger lover

>niggers punching spics
gross and gross

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where do you see safety scissors?

In Japan, it's kino.

In America, it's everything wrong with the modern west packed into a sardine can.

24 seconds in they're quite hard to see in the video

>In Japan, it's kino.

Tokyo trains are so crowded the stations literally have special personnel to physically cram people onto the trains so the doors can close

Not good, usually full of niggers.

also 18 seconds

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did you even watch the video?

>bright green
>shaped like scissors
>fully in view
yep, quite hard to see!

Fuck off nigger

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lmao. thanks user for the cap

Every seat smells like piss
Always a bum staring at you
Niggers everywhere despite not having a job
It's great!

Sounds horrible

>implying a random white guy deserves to get punched in the face because a bunch of jewish financiers bankrolled the atlantic slave trade 400 years ago
>taking the side of the white guy

You're the nigger, get your yellow eyes checked.

Nah I'm just being objective about it. You're a coward if you don't react to obvious warning signs that you're about to be in a fight. What would you do instead? Let some retard loom over you with a pair of scissors and threaten you? Or would you stop the threat.

If he was a nigger he'd have chimped out and hit him 20 times in the face and stolen his wallet.

fat faggot pulled safety scissors on the nigger, that nigger is baseded.

the guy pulled out scissors, he got what he was asking for

The silence on them is strange as fuck though.

There does seem to be a lot of newfags about who don't get the long running jokes.
2015/16-onwards was the end of this place, got too popular & mainstream

>If he was a nigger


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Was the dude drunk? He did pull out scissors at the end but his hand is still in his pockets when the nig punches him. Both are probably retards, it’s NYC everywhere is trash

Nigger was being a faggot, all nigs are shit

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>have corona
>darkie rubs his inuckles on your face to mop up the snot and fluid
Helpful negro

It's pretty telling that you twerps seem to identify with this pathetic man getting knocked out. Just some drunk/drugged up/low IQ fool trying to start some shit he couldn't handle. You all seem to think there's some sort of dignity in not reacting when someone disrespects you. There isn't. The black guy did the right thing.

Never relax around blacks.

You're a huge pussy user.

>drunk spic gets BTFO by a nigger
And? What does this have to do with human affairs?

Wait this thread was posted a couple days ago claiming he said the n word? Oh boy don’t tell me echo chamber faggots are here

fuck off kike

Haha beaner got knocked out.

>pulls out scissors
>gets beaten by rock

checked and kek'd

Mentally ill man gets punched by anger issues man. The only thing I can deduct is that mental health needs to be a bigger issue.

Yep. Stormfags backing up a junkie with a weapon should tell you all you need to know about What they really believe in.

Tell the whole story inbred. The motherfucker pulled a pair of scissors on him.

If they were so good at it, why'd they have to be whipped to do it?

Mexican was clearly drunk, asking him what he was going to do while reaching for scissors.

Verdict: No humans involved

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Based black man. Drunk spic was pulling out his children scissors. This man did us a service. Hopefully that spic does not recover well.
Ha, I love this so much.

No you would not. He would have knocked you out and stuffed the gun up your ass.

i didnt watch the video i just saw nigger and assumed he started it
9/10 times in these subway violence videos thats the case

>"Was going to say “what the fuck was that for” then I saw the scissors Scissors and thought good job he knocked him out,,, could have gotten stabbed Face screaming in fear"
>one inch safety scissors
Everyone in this world(and video) is retarded and I'm glad I don't go out.

Based black man, white dog totally deserved it.

The spic was getting ready to slash him.

God damn white people are such pathetic weak betas.
Every single fucking day its a new video of a white emasculated "male" getting their ass beat. It's no wonder you weak insecure betas congregate here. You're so fucking insecure you have to lie to yourself about being the master race to make up for your glaring inferiority.

If you want to stop getting your ass beat learn some respect and quit it with the racist shit. You get what you deserve otherwise.

why do nigger love beating drunk people


I love all the American flags calling the guy on the left white. The absolute state of America

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He looked roach colored

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Dude had no idea what the spic was pulling out of his pocket. Could've been a gun could've been a switchblade anything. Doesn't matter if it's a bb gun.


Lot of leftist homos getting hard-ons in this thread because the nigger was in the right.

dude start pulling scissor out
>muh never relax

racists are dumb as fuck holy shit

Nah. These sorts of videos are always drunk/drugged up white people that can barely stand fighting sober black people. I agree the racist people on here are pathetic though. They think they should be able to talk shit without having to back it up physically (unless they have their precious gun).

Really not that bad. Wouldn't want to do it every day though, or during rush hour.
t. tourist

Cope, he's a white weakling like all of you motherfuckers.

Homeless bum sneezes on a bull nig then stands up and tries to pull out scissors for a shank because he knows he cant win the fight
no sympathy

>t. nigger lover

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How out of it do you have to be, to carry kiddo safety scissors?

the nigger is partially at fault for overreacting to the kiddie safety scissors
which is pretty typical nigger behavior as we all know
but that dude isn't much better since he was trying to use kiddie scissors as intimidation
that's just as retarded in its own right
and then getting taken off-guard by a nigger is just embarrassing as well
goddammit i hate people
fucking clown world

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I agree.

Fuck that shithead.

If he's white, then so is turkey

Doubt it

all the shills itt actually using the kike Communist term "Racist" are going to be quite triggered by this.
Well played, sir

Fucking retard, watch the video, for once this nigga dindo notin

He pulled out bright green sizzors on the black guy. lol Dumb mother fucker.

It is due to the pandemic? I guess?
Just as what happened with 2016
there is a nice fresh influx of boomers, and schizos, generic newfags
They don't know long running jokes of course, but deeper than that....
they all have two things in common though
Extremely aggressive and below average IQ
I suppose technically you could say the low impulse control, low critical thinking, literally no level 2 thinking, etc, is all part of the lower IQ package
it's just all so peachy

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even other niggers tell him to stop

>he dindo noffin

Learn English, mate

Stupid white fuck pulled out a pair of kiddy scissors, already acting aggressively, just because you're top much of a pussy to defend yourself, doesn't mean others shouldn't faggot.
This black gentleman is no nigger

So in other words, you were ruled by your emotions.

I believe there's a popular label around here for people like that.

To be fair, he couldn’t have known they were safety scissors, he just see a drunk guy trying to intimidate him and reaching into his pockets for a weapon. That is basic human fight or flight survival instinct at work, only domesticated cattle would not react to such a threat.
