Nazism is strong on this board. But: didn’t Albert pike, a notorious kike and Freemason...

Nazism is strong on this board. But: didn’t Albert pike, a notorious kike and Freemason, predict the rise of a false dichotomy in Europe that will further the Jewish goals? Isn’t nazism controlled opposition?

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A false dichotomy between what two poles

Communism and nazism

Well isn't nazism just
>national socialism
i.e. a similar sort of redistributive economic system, just focused on the nation instead of all the "workers of the world"?

It is distinct from communism I think. I prefer religion to politics anyway, I have no horse in this race of left vs right.

Certainly distinct from communism, but on the economic side accepting the same core premise that "capitalism causes an undue concentration of wealth at the top, which for the good of the ________ needs to be redistributed more fairly". The Nazis put "Volk" in the blank, the communists put "workers". I think there should be a state religion.

The false dichotomy is and was the Cold War. Capitalism and Communism. Radically different economic systems held together by a strong similarity in their tendency towards internationalism.

the false dichotomy is communism/socialism VS capitalism.

I agree, secularism is the poison that people in the west should fight, nothing else.

it is a controlled op. NSDAP was engineered to first totally succeed, plunge europe into war then demonize national socialism for ever whilst simultaneously insulating jews from criticism and exalting them as a holy people. Hitlers grandfathers name was (((Heidler))) his mothers name was (((Polzl))). Heidler, himmler (heimler), eichmann, heydrich abd goebbels were all jews. NSDAP was amazing but was headed by a cryptojewish elite that took advantage of the soul of germany and threw it headlong into war with US and England which were also being controlled by jewish interests and their agentur, (((eisenhower))) and Churchill

It’s really the same Jewish shit. No dichotomy. Both are good for international bankers and central banks.

Total bullshit. Don’t accuse nazis of being Jews.

Nazi is a kike slur. Do the research and wind up at the same conclusion. NS is the way forward, NSDAP was the way to shit it down. Only certain key people were jewish agents, everyone else was real and they were used, burnt up and destroyed to fuel the (((worldwide revolutionary movement))) machine, lurching it forward towards talmudic world order

This picture proves FUCK ALL.
It's a member of the niggerfied French army, no doubt photographed after the fall of France.
So some Germans saw the oddity of a nigger and took a picture of themselves with it - what are you trying to prove? That the Third Reich, led by Adolf Hitler, was in love with niggers?

This is filth, this is kikery, this is blood poisoning.

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No. That was predicted in the 1950s.

No that relates to cuckservative types.
The national socialist or Fascist is far away from from them.
There is little difference between the so called far left and the conservatives on anything of import.

Yes, what are you trying to prove memeflag?

>Isn’t nazism controlled opposition?
No you fuck.
Believing it was forces you into a position that is totally unable to explain what happened durring the war.
If hitler and the National Socialists really WERE a controlled op there would be no sense in crippling the army of the USSR like they did which they kikes had fully planned to conqure ALL of europe with.
There would be sense in forcing the US to come out of a depression the kikes had manufactured to turn them communist.
There would be no reason to explain why hitler built up all the forces he did
There would be no reason nationalize the German central bank
Litterally everything serious the Germans did in WWII shows them to be anything BUT controlled opposition.

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>source: my unwiped ass

Only a kike answers a question with a question.

Only kikes use memeflag little nigger

I suppose you agree with the original message in that case, that the Third Reich was in love with niggers?

Go read Mein Kampf.

No mentions of Hitler stating hate for niggers not any other race other than the international control of jewery and communism. Try again kikeflag nigger faggot

Bullshit. My grandfather was with Rommel in Africa and from this time, there are many existing pictures.
If you make difference in races, there is no need for hate or disgust. It's not the same. Germans are very interested in other cultures.

I recall Hitler campaigning tirelessly against the niggerisation of the RHINELAND by French Occupation Troops, often with German women being RAPED racially.

You see, you kikes aren't going to turn National Socialism into some kind of international brotherhood of mankind.

>IN THE Bible we find the text, 'That which is neither hot nor cold will I spew out of my mouth.'

My grandfather was in the 9th Waffen-ss, and I can tell you this: a few photographs of some oddities you picked up during the war were common place throughout, doesn't prove anything.

Sure thing memeflag, Hitler has more respect towards every culture and tolerance towards every race around the world which deserved him a lot of respect from other cultures and religious people calling him a godsend. Of course a nigger kike like you wouldn’t understand about Hitler enough

So it was common for Germans to enjoy other diverse ethnic people? Seems pretty neat

>Sure thing memeflag, Hitler has more respect towards every culture and tolerance towards every race around the world which deserved him a lot of respect from other cultures and religious people calling him a godsend. Of course a nigger kike like you wouldn’t understand about Hitler enough
Next you will be telling me that we should all learn esparanto.

I doubt you've even read a single chapter of Mein Kampf.

no it's bankers vs workers

Why yes I will be telling you what you should learn memeflaggot

Go on then, tell me favourite translation.

There were many scientists and anthropologists in our uniforms these days all over the world. And they often had a very relaxed connection to the natives.

Take off the memeflag first nigger

>Take off the memeflag first nigger
sounds like: drop your gun first!

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>And they often had a very relaxed connection to the natives
But that's different again: all we are doing with this is promoting the idea that there is any kindredship with our people and the common negro, which is ultimately a futile act as he is ultimately inferior to us.
Does anyone seriously think Adolf Hitler would have wanted his newspapers to be littered with black-faces? Photos like this were kept in private, they didn't reflect the National Social state at all.

Not for normies, you are spending too much time here and seem to forget the absolute state of normalfags. NatSocialism is the cure

cant refuse that statement:

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No, National Socialism is the only thing that wasn't controlled opposition, which is why it was destroyed and you can never say a good thing about it without the lynch mob of jew cattle jumping down your throat.
It isn't an economic system at all, it is a world view and a way of life. There is no "redistribute the wealth!" because they had no wealth; it had all been stolen from them and they had to create a new economic machine out of nothing but their own labor.

I totally agree.

> hey guys you are nazis
> but nazis were these guys in the 1930s and some of the stuff they said and did was socialist
> you're not socialists right? socialists are jews!
> you stupid peasants should stop larping as nazis and basically stop being poor rapists, i mean feminists

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When it comes to the experiences of blacks in NS Germany take for instance, Hilarius Gilges, this man (a Mulatto) was kidnapped, tortured and killed by SS members in June 1933. The SS members implicated suffered no legal repercussions whatsoever.

Also, take, Hans Hauck in 1935 he was sterilised under the 1933 Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring. He tried to join the Whermacht in 1939 was rejected on racial grounds, being deemed ‘unworthy’ of joining. In 1942 only after his White father, who had privileged contacts with high-ups, arranged for Hauck to circumvent the racial purity tests that needed to be passed, was he then allowed to join.

Take also Bayume Mohamed Husen (a full-blooded black man), in NS Germany he worked various jobs, he worked as a waiter but was fired in 1935 on racial grounds, he then joined a qausi-human zoo (Deutsch Afrika Schau), in 1939 he asked to join the Whermach but was rejected on racial grounds. He then worked periodically in movies playing minor roles. Eventually in 1944 he was arrested by the Gestapo for committing racial defilement (Rassenschande) by having a relationship with a White (Aryan) woman.

What about the sterilization of the Rhineland bastards?

“Once a child was decided to be of black descent, the child was taken immediately to a hospital and sterilized…many times without their parents’ knowledge.”

“J.F., of German nationality, born September 20, 1920, living in Mainz, is a descendant of the former colored Allied occupation forces, in this case from North Africa, and shows corresponding typical anthropological characteristics, for which reason he shall be sterilized.

C.M.B., of German nationality, born July 5, 1923, living in Koblenz, is a descendant of a member of the former Allied occupation forces, in this case an American negro, and shows corresponding typical anthropological characteristics, for which reason she shall be sterilized.

>predict the rise of a false dichotomy
That false dichotomy is Capitalism v. Communism.
The Cold War was the A-B testing by the elite to see which was best for global control. Read Quigley.

I'm no Nazi or admirer or Hitler, but I think the relentless demonization of Nazis and Hitler is ridiculous. I'm just tired of a certain ethno-religious group running Western civilization into the ground. Not a big fan of totalitarian governments, though. Kick the kikes and the beaners out, close the borders, restrict the franchise to white men only, go back to Muh Constitution, with a few amendments to prevent kike and bankster takeover from ever happening again.

A.A. of German nationality, born March 14, 1920, living in Duisburg, is a descendant of a member of the former Allied occupation forces, in this case a negro from Madagascar, and shows corresponding typical anthropological characteristics, for which reason he shall be sterilized.”

The Fate of Mixed Blood Children in Germany by Reiner Pommerin. German Studies Review. Vol. 5, No. 3 (Oct., 1982), pp. 315-323

Why sterilize them if you are perfectly fine with them?

Yes and my grandfather was 10 years in America as a war prisoner. Til his death with 99 years he still had friendly connection to the burger he had to do with. It was wartime, what did you expect.

You say it like you can't appreciate racial differences while still wanting to prevent the mixture of your own race with the others. Why not sterilize them? They are not your people, they are guests in your country, they should not be reproducing in anyone's country but their own. And you won't convince anyone on Yas Forums mongrels shouldn't be sterilized.

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Those racist Germans!

Feels good to have been living in the enlightened and democratic America, where at the time negroes were getting lynched for trying to vote

Who said "perfectly fine" where?

Yeah thank you leaf lol. Truth hurts

Yes, but by resurrecting it we break the Jews' plan you see, since fascism was supposed to end with WW2. Literally flipping the script

>I'm no Nazi or admirer or Hitler, but I think the relentless demonization of Nazis and Hitler is ridiculous.
big brain nibba
> I'm just tired of a certain ethno-religious group running Western civilization into the ground.
you can say kike here
> Not a big fan of totalitarian governments, though.
ok now define totalitarian nibba
> restrict the franchise to white men only,
lisden idiod. dhe franghize exisds to allow bolidicians to blame voters for their decisions
> go back to Muh Constitution
dhe gonzdidution brevends the govermend from doing what the govermend does

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You can see daily on Yas Forums that black people are all around their "BBC". Yeah and that's it. Noone expects them to become a neurosurgeon.

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"The army trained men for unconditional responsibility at a time when this quality had grown rare and evasion of it was becoming more and more the order of the day, starting with the model prototype of all irresponsibility, the parliament; it trained men in personal courage in an age when cowardice threatened to become a raging disease and the spirit of sacrifice, the willingness to give oneself for the general welfare, was looked on almost as stupidity, and the only man regarded as intelligent was the one who best knew how to indulge and advance his own ego. it was the school that still taught the individual German not to seek the salvation of the nation in lying phrases about an international brotherhood between Negroes, Germans, Chinese, French, etc., but in the force and solidarity of our own nation."
-Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
Volume One - A Reckoning
Chapter X: Causes of the Collapse

I don't believe those are niggers, but a mix of jews using demoralization tactics and shitposting idiots. The niggers I have spoken with were disgusted with jewized nigger culture just as we are with jewized European culture.

PROTIP: pic related

It drives me nuts -- "oh those evil racist Nazis, can you believe how racist they were" literally everyone was.

"Can you believe it? They hated Jews" say people from countries who said "Fuck off" to boatloads of Jews. Nobody wanted Jews in their country.

"blah blah boo hoo poor negroes" the US Army was racially segregated until long after the war, lynching was used as a semi-official method of social control, and you could tell where the black neighborhoods started because that's where the paved road ended.

It's more fun to point out a place that didn't have race-based policies in the 1930s/40s. Even Stalin was killing Ukrainians back then.

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no the international banking cartel was the controlled opposition.

natsoc was the only one with the best interests of Europeans at heart. the only government concerned with spiritual health.

communism and Jew run capitalism are two sides of the same coin. We are slaves and the Jews torment us for fun.

>What about the sterilization of the Rhineland bastards?
"It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master."

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
Volume One - A Reckoning
Chapter XI: Nation and Race

Being a professional in every job means you let your sentiments out.
Germans just were professional and did what they had to do.
And when they drank a beer with blacks its like me going to the zoo. Do it for the science lol

>And when they drank a beer with blacks its like me going to the zoo. Do it for the science lol
Exactly this.

Pic related is how Pike "predicted" National (Christian Nation) Socialism. It's very easy to "predict" a bear will bite you if you poke it with a stick.

Once they (the "truthers" - not to be confuses with truthers) have implanted the idea that the creation of NatSoc was (((their))) doing, then they can tell you why to bury it.

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>a false dichotomy in Europe that will further the Jewish goals?
That is just a dramatized way of saying "Hegel's historical pendulum of the extremes with extra steps".
For a long period of time we have gone far too soft on the Jews. From there we will go far too hard on the Jews. After this mankind will forge a pragmatic middle ground.
>That false dichotomy is Capitalism v. Communism.
Exactly this. Both are materialist ideologies.

What boggles my mind is blacks now finding out about the owner of the slaveships, mostly jews.
It is so interesting to watch what happens lol

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