"Dude it only kills boomers!"

>"Dude it only kills boomers!"

Attached: o.jpg (686x743, 64.6K)

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this bitch looks like a straight up fucking ayyylmao

why not post a picture of her corpse or like in hospital
this could literally be anybody's picture and tells me nothing

I knew she was british before reading the bottom part

Wow one out of 8 billion

>just post illegal pictures bro

Lmao how long are you going to try to shill against this. You know shills are going to catch this shit, too.

looks like she smoked like a chimney, drank like a fish, and had multiple std's from dudes that blew loads in her asshole while she did rails off of toilet seats

Holy fuck, you're never going to stop are you

If your daughter died would you want her rotting corpse floating around the internet?

Attached: 1452998307949.jpg (940x771, 102.84K)

Any hospital staff who posted any pic like that would get fired, sued, and possibly criminally charged

>Brit woman
>expecting me to believe she doesn't have at least three STDs from Dequan

nice try VPN

Attached: 1580000925591.gif (250x190, 2.6M)

how are those illegal
i thought you had a free press

if i wanted to warn people of the dangers, ofc
i would also want you to know what she went through
like symptoms, attempted cures, machines she was put on, etc
instead this shows nothing

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Attached: ayylien.png (365x334, 134.23K)

How do you know that's even a real person? How do you know any "human" you see through a screen even exist

>Pic related
Ai generated nudes.

Your whole fucking life is Alie mate and there's only a handful of live humans on this board, the rest are bots

Attached: Screenshot_20200325-081433.png (720x1440, 755.42K)

Cry harder fag

>not a real person

Attached: Screenshot_20200325-081751.png (720x1440, 701.16K)

Attached: inb4 im just coping.png (630x290, 28.68K)

Fuck alies and pakis
> the rest are bots
Fuck off leddit, no bots are as retarded as you so that’s enough of a Turing test for me

that website is preddygud

Attached: uUdVOGv.png (913x912, 2.12M)

>hi guys my name is Mr Smith I have coronavirus

Attached: Screenshot_20200325-081942.png (720x1440, 755.52K)


Lol and what did her daily diet consist of? How many vegetables, fruits, protein etc. did she consume daily?

Shut up nerd

Those odds suck though. You wouldn't gamble on a 1/5 chance of going to the hospital.

Prolly was a junky and had space aids.


Peeps still in denial about this shit, you fags are just as bad as retarded normies.

listening to elon musk and pol

this is how you die

It's not a gamble though, it completely depends on your underlying conditions.


Attached: 1584109132234.png (518x760, 388.96K)


/roll/ 1-2 says hospital, 3-0 says no

Attached: 1581368842689.gif (342x316, 1.36M)

>Wuhan coronavirus patient 0 confirmed on CNÑ

Attached: Screenshot_20200325-082433.png (720x1440, 745.09K)

Probably kills potheads given how toxic that shit is for your lungs.

Nonsense, there was a 28 year old footballer in peak physical condition who go hospitalised with this. Genetic factors play a huge part, some people are naturally more susceptible. People with no underlying conditions are getting fucked with here.

Prove to me this wasn't a tranny who contracted AIDS from a nigger.


Looks like a tranny, probably had a lot of health problems

How do I know you existed?

being a whore is a preexisting condition

Attached: Untitled.png (943x921, 1.22M)

Couldn't produce effective antibodies?

Go back then faggot. Toddle off. You and the rest of the histrionic queers should really leave. You can all tell yourself it’s the ‘End of the World’ together.

Nonsense, you can clearly see she had a chronic case of uggo.

Genetics are underlying issues idiot. Regardless of anything the herd needs to be culled.

look at that computer-generated creature next to him

Attached: 54a.png (165x115, 35.99K)

Great analysis Ricky Bobby.


fetal alcohol syndrome?
>no pre existing conditions

Nah, she just looks British

That's fetal alcohol syndrome.

that 5head is a preexisting condition

All ugly people should die which includes most of the posters here.


>what is cognitive bias

he's computer generated too. he literally doesn't exist

No, this guy had nothing wrong with him. He was just sensitive to this shit, he also could have gotten a particularly bad strain of this shit. Either way this isn't something you want to get. Too many are acting casual about this shit.

Wrong. If somebody gets hospitalized, that means they deserved to be culled. You have nothing to worry about if you deserve to live.

So then that’s a roll of the dice and you face the same chance as her depending on your genetics. Genetics don’t classify as a pre-existing health issue, genetics may make you more susceptible to disease, but they don’t necessarily give you that disease. Shit ton of coping going on in here by people in denial that this virus threatens apparently young and healthy people.

That's a 10/10 in Britain

Attached: Untitled.png (899x904, 1.04M)

right, but at least he resembles a human. Those bots can't do multi-person generations apparently.

Actually terrifying

> Average age of death in Italy is around 78

> "Seriously though, look at this one exception to the rule, there's totally a serious chance you'll die and not just get a mild cough"

Fucking kek

Highly likely hes in better shape than you faggot


No pre-existing conditions specifically means no earlier diagnosed conditions.
t. Tu Madre

Here face doesn't look healthy. Her forehead is too large. Does she have any preexisting genetic conditions.
In any case some us are not minimizing the seriousness of the corona pandemic. I am just saying whether it is worth shutting down entire economies?

Here is a better idea
1. Confine everyone over 70 years of age into geriatric camps with at least one caregiver preferably some close family member
2. Let everyone else go about their jobs. Allow herd immunity to develop
3. At some point when the pandemic recedes, gradually shut down these Geriatric camps and let the grannies and grandpas back into their homes

SARS2-nCoV is dose dependent. Young people that die from it were exposed to more initial dose of the virus.


Looks more of a false flag day by day.

Attached: false flag.jpg (531x675, 76.48K)

He posted a link about 1 person and didn't even bother to link the article, so I guess that's definitive proof that Corona is as deadly as people claim it is. Oh wait, there are hundreds of millions currently infected with the virus worldwide if it was as contagious as you fags claim it is but not even 20,000 people have died from it globally yet unless you want to say China lied about their numbers, but you have no definitive proof to support those claims, and no that cell phone bullshit isn't proof that 15 million chinks died from Corona since there are multiple variables that need to be taken into account

so much this

Wew lad that sounds highly scientific n shit.

probably a whore or a drug addict

even worse than Italy, UK is a third-world country

It was probably a semen overdose, gross haha

That's why.

>exposed to more initial dose of the virus.
Who's free-basing the virus?

fake news

This. It’s dumb to blindly believe something. Even news media have crisis actors. Like that guy who pretended to be a dad who’s kid died in the Sandy hook school shooting. He was joking around and laughing before they started filming

Oh yeah, It'll obvious getting a shit load of the stuff would be way worse. It's just that a lot of people here are acting like this wouldn't be a problem if they got it. Its really dumb,even people here are in denial about who serious this shit is.

probably vaped, drank, and smoked cock on the regular.

Zoomer doomer

it's called HIPAA

Nothing of value was lost

>no underlying conditions
>that face
it probably got into her teeth and rotted them

>Does she have any preexisting genetic conditions
Yes. Being British.

You /cvg/ fags are so damn insecure. Get a new hobby

Young people die of flu all the time.

A simple Google search pulls in lots of articles of healthy young people dying from the flu.

Flu killed young adults and children too. Works didn’t shut down.


She looks inbred and probably had a compromised immune system as a result

she's just british

Bitch please, I'm just telling folk: Don't be retarded.

Yeah. It’s kind of like anal sex for them in that regard.

>no preexisting conditions
lol yeah right noggerinos

Wow it's almost like 0.2% percent is higher than 0%

Yeah I forgot about that. She-Bongs and the booze.

Attached: kngihtley then and now.jpg (1100x825, 135.07K)

A guy i knew from high school died at 22 from the flu. Strong dude, beast of a football player, no underlying conditions other than smoking weed. It fucking happens, enough with the unnecessary fearporn. What the US government just passed last night and what every leftist dictator mayor and governor is what you should be taking about and be afraid of.

Yo my name is Coronachang,

they call me boomer remover

Fuck that, call me zoomer remover too.

>Genetics are underlying issues idiot.
You don't know whether you're genetically susceptible. You know about preexisting conditions.

Flu kills young adults and children too. The media ignores this fact because they can’t use it to orange man bad with.

She probably had chlamydia and syphilis

White people are weak.

The levels of cope are off the charts!!!!! Will we maintain these levels of cope as Yas Forums starts burying their parents, brothers, and sisters? Only time will tell.

>Yeah my 18 year old sister died from Corona, but she was a roastie with nigger-aids.

Gonna be fun

>other than smoking weed

She was anorexic & sickly probably. Vast majority to die are boomers
95% ratio.