>I would never racemi-
I would never racemi-
Other urls found in this thread:
>see your flag
Tyrone, please
You mean Canadian's law
the zoo
black hookers are anywhere from $80-150
why buy damaged goods?
Anti race mixing is cope. You are either coping with the fear that a non white man might get a white woman or you're coping with your inability to attract women of a different race.
Any man with a functioning endocrine system is attracted to beautiful woman regardless of race.
Just think about the mogrels that are birthed after your selfish and vile actions. Being with a woman isn't about you, it's about your children and the legacy you leave.
Yes she's attractive but would I want a negro to lust after my race? No, so why should I do the same to his?
Holy shit she's ugly
She's ugly tho, nigger lips, homo nostrils and marker eyebrows
Holy gay.
Ameritards be like
>I would never racemix
Instead of
>I'll never be able to racemix
Are you faggots delusional enough to think you have any chance? You probably can't even fuck someone from your own race.
huge tits/ass = no brain
If you want to show good looking QVEENZ you should look for the ones that don't look like gorillas
I could see myself racemixing, but never with an African or Aboriginal girl. Every other people on the planet I can be attracted to, but those... nope. Unless they are so heavily mixed already that those physical features that I find unattractive are long gone.
anybody who doesn't sage threads like this is a retard
fuck jannies
If it looks like a uh, walks like a uh, talks like a uh, then it must be
>t. coomer projector
Yes. Never.
She's all yours, mate.
>imagine not wanting black qt
>Not look like a gorilla
Might fuck but not cum inside. The child would still be an abomination.
OP is a cum-guzzling faggot into beastiality
i'd much rather an ukrainian blonde
Northeast Africa
>i'd much rather an ukrainian blonde
fucking ukrainian whores is the most degenerate thing you can do
Black girls have the worst attitudes and personalities. And their hair smells. And they’re unattractive.
NOW we're talking...
>Black girls have the worst attitudes and personalities
If you lived among niggers you would have to act dumb and aggressive in order to survive
I like them looking like fertility idols though.
Imagine finding these disgusting sheboons attractive
ouf, that's hot
Found the kissless virgin
then all you can produce is bunch of niggers...
Imagine being Irish
>What is genetic dilation
>tfw you want a white wife to create a white family but you're only attracted to big black booty
I expected this shit take.
Meitu editing, you can see in the irises. She doesn't look that airbrushed in real life, nor are her eyes that big.
Just make white children and fuck niggers on the side.
nice slip, tranny
Why fuck with the lower Iq crowd?
meh get them up to 70% and they become honorary, the melting pot is likely going to fix itself through natural preference when the spread of global industrialization and freedom of travel become widespread enough in a hundred or so years anyway.
>promoting bestiality on a natsoc board
>nigresses went gaga and got wet over Harambe, wanting to fuck him
>nigger bucks identified with Harambe, calling him another brutha that got shot by YT and giving him a place in BLM
>packs of niggers ook and eek like chimps when excited, and have even thrown their own feces when angry
>still pretend they are human and not ape people
stop shilling yourself you retarded sheboon, no one is attracted to you.
the problem is that some of us can't. I would never be able to betray someone's trust...GOD why can't I have white kids with black/asian qt...
>I would never racemi-
Imagine your mom cleaning my toilet. Because she is.
Why would you racemix when you could just pump n dump?
Those sheboons are disgusting tho
>implying im a MUH WHITE RACE fag
>pretending bestiality is healthy and functional
>ignore AIDS that nigger-fucking spread to humanity
Let me give you a brief biology lesson, Sperg.
>A white man fuck a black woman and makes a baby girl with a lighter skin tone
>In the next generation she fucks another white guy and has a baby with lighter skin and more white DNA than hers
>Rinse and repeat until the nigger DNA has been purged from the gene pool.
finally someone gets it
>Imagine your mom cleaning my toilet.
At least she's not like yours...drunk 24/7 on potato moonshine while taking Oliver's dick in exchange for a soup.
>Why fuck with the lower Iq crowd?
this. why would I ever take wh*te w*man
tfw i wanna post my gf but you guys will hate her feels sad man
>talking about anyone else's mother whoring themselves out for potato moonshine
o I am laffin
>didn't get the soup part
this is your brain on jewporn
ooh he's seethin
hit a little too close to home there, huh, brzeciewiczyownywiczski?
Mmmmmm....your seethe is delicious
>hit a little too close to home
you still don't get it. God...how can a nation be so dumb. Oh and yeah muh poles are drunk.
hehe i hate race traitors unless its me doing it! when i do it its colonization! hehe its what my ancestors did right?
Leave my fellow ebony lover alone, if you bully him you have to go through me next.
Wouldn't a kissless virgin be more willing to racemix, out of desperation?
Hope you're comfortable with the fact that you just made another man cum. Because I just did. Because she is hot.
when one can't fight anymore or find a funny reply he will hide behind muh seethe which is often a sign of low iq.
kek, this is the same thing kikes do when they show off their woman, OP is probably a kike too
I'm not a wignat, retard, this post is mocking them
Ok jew boy