What will you buy with your Trump bucks stimulus check?

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Gun and a PS5.

Based. Lmao

gun here too. reast will go to ammo, beer and weed

I’ll bought this yesterday, I suppose I’ll buy $1200 bucks worth of ammo and mags

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Gun collectors are just as bad as toy collectors. Change my mind


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toy collectors couldn't outright wipe out a city block with their action figures

A Smith and Wesson 686
Ruger Mark IV
Go big or go home

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Saving it because it's free money and I have everything I need.

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Ok faggot gun collectors can kill any bastard who breaks into his house

When has a militia/group of private citizens ever shot up a block?

prolly just a gucci purse lol


Why don't you pay your fucking rent?

Don't give them a reason faggot
Did your mother ever teach you to respect people's personal space?

You don't absolutely need a gun for that. A machete or baseball bat is a better substitute.

ooh and I forgot one or two AERO AR lowers

>You don't absolutely need a gun for that.
haha look at this cuck


A rifle.

Nothing because I'm not getting any Trumpbux because I committed the unforgivable sin of making a salary that is too high for gibs and too low for quality investments that would get me real money, I'm being ground into powder between the millstones of the rich and poor

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Progressive reloading press, or another suppressor.

Maverick 88, ruger 10/22, an AK of some kind (probably a wasr or nap pistol with a brace) and a USP .40. I already have 2 9mm pistols and an AR.

Ham radio and GMRS gear. When SHTF and the feds shut off the cell towers it's time to get down on it.

You sure you can fit all that in a $1200 budget?

Gross. Nobody with money buys Gucci ever since blacks incorporated it into their "culture"

You probably look like this. No wonder you need a gun

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>I-I-I-I'm not a shitskin who votes for gibs and to take away people's right to bear arms
>I-I-It's you
Reminder that libshits will die of the Virus of the Three Kingdoms, their pet shitskins, or any right winger insane enough to stay in a cucked state

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>wake up
>glass breaking
>hear muffled coonspeak across the house
>grab trusty baseball bat
>creep down hallway, Tyrone and the gang are rifling through your kitchen drawers
>raise your bat to crack his skull
>he turns your head into a canoe with his high point fawty
>they steal all your shit and rape your wife while rigor mortis starts to set in
No thanks fag I’ll keep my gun

When I said I was all in, I meant it.

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Well, considering there isn't going to be any NEETbucks unless America bends to the demands of the kikes like Pelosi; nothing. If it was really going to happen probably a nice Acog, Trijicon or Eotech.

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Stonks, so the Communists will be angry at me.

im buying guns and ammo for nignogs wanting to come steal my toilet paper

Anyone have a link to the actual bill?


you're gonna buy all of that with 1200 bucks?

Stay triggered Pablo.

>all that plastic
>faux wood
holy shit


well after a few paychecks here and there and some looking around, a USP is generally not that expensive if you look around for a used one in good condition

Once again the Dems want to try to sneak more pork in.

Ever heard of the Whiskey Rebellion?

I'm gonna be boring and just pay off my taxes and a bunch of school and medical bills. Maybe I'll keep a couple bucks aside for a game or something.

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Nothing I dont get one...but I get to take out a loan with interest to pay my shitty staff...so they dont lose any money...

Fuck these jews in congress and fuck the jew in the White House for signing this bill.


Interesting strategy. Actively refusing to support Americans during a pandemic will surely win them the presidency this time around. What could go wrong?

Nothing I make too much money.

Work harder and smarter you fucking faggot


None of the nigger shit in your pic. Maybe guns. Probably voice coaching.

alcohol and weed just like i do with all my money

But they didn't even have a 'legion'/standing army back then. How is that a point?

name your prospective guns

They blocked the bill again

That's what you get for living in Atlanta.

Wish i had trump bux :(

>Wasting free money on metal shit you're never gonna use
I get buying something to defend yourself but that's just fucking stupid

Food apparently because the shit won't be here till may

I claimed by bitch ex-wife on my 2018 taxes since she's a NEET and I knew she wouldn't file anyways.

My half is gonna go into my immediate living expenses, her half is going into stocks and HRT.

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Hence gun collectors getting rounded up on DOTR

I already have that covered
now stfu I want my wheel-gat, better plinker gat, and tacticool .40sw gat

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Funny, but it's for the 2019 tax year, it's 2020 you dumb fuck.

Ask your queen for money, faggot.

A single can of beans

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mint Nintendo switch with animal crossing

Is that an AK pistol?

you cant buy them without the shit wood nowadays. you can replace it with good wood for pretty cheap

no it isn't did you even bother to read?

Probably going to get Eldrazi & Taxes for modern. Usually I play Blue Moon and want to mix it up.

Case of beer. That’s all we’re gonna be able to afford when all this inflation hits

I'm getting a gun and a surgery for my dog

A bunch of shit that was made in China.

>Don't give them a reason faggot
americans are the most domesticated faggots on the planet. nobody is going to rise up


An AR-15 and all the ammo I can get. Picked this up today in the meantime

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This dumb faggot doesn't own a gun, everyone point and laugh.

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I've got plenty of 9mm's. Can anyone recommend a good .40 or .45 to add to my collection?

I’ve been thinking bout those beans

Body armor

Guns, ammo, food, gas mask, etc.

Good luck getting ammo. I know all the ammo up here is getting snatched up quickly.

Wait so I'm not getting anything because I didn't make enough to file taxes, right?

No you're not getting anything because the bill will never fucking pass.

USP for .40
A Colt 1911 or a USP for .45
Other than that all I know is that Glock makes them too

should've got an AR-15 instead.

Nobody on the government's side intentionally died in that instance. 3-4 of the rebels did but I think that was before washington showed up and they just gave up.

you're autistic because that'll cost way more money than $1200


Appreciate it.

Another gun. I don’t have a wheel gun and I’ve also had my eye on the Shockwave. I’ve got a reg 590 but that little guy is noice.

Learn 2 look around dipshit

>tfw own a Mav 88
>tfw I also would love to get my hands on a 590 Mariner

Buy body armor and a suppressor

Then helmet, kneepads, get to the point where you look like a soldier

Why not? Trump wants it, plenty of republicans are okay with it and the ones that aren't are basically going to just follow Trump's lead anyway, and the only disagreement from most of the Dems in the senate is that the number should be higher.

Think about a Takedown. They’re the tits. Accurate as a reg 10/22, too. I put QD rings on mine with a Nikon scope. You’re good out to 100.