Should China pay damages for Chinese Virus?

Should China pay damages for Chinese Virus?

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They should pay anons tendies for a year

People have been telling them to get rid of wet markets for the last 10 pandemics.
Their lack of action, and the coverup of this outbreak, has driven the global economy off a cliff. Thanks to those cunts I’m probably going to have to work until I drop dead.
They should pay everyone trillions and grovel for forgiveness.

Also, this is now a china hate thread.

I was speaking to someone about this last week. I would definitely like to see this investigated. If China are found to be in contempt of their own people and have committed misconduct however, I'm not sure what repercussions would be appropriate. Condemnation alone may be damaging enough to the CCP and would involve the least risk to the Chinese people. It may not be enough though.

I think we should be forcing all asians in America to pay more in taxes as well to make up for the damage they caused. something like 60% tax increase on asians.

>American asking for an investigation into international crimes

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This. Fuck China and all it's subhuman bug people

If your worried about money which will soon be worthless you don't get what's going on.

Finally. Yes. Bump. Then 99 year worldwide trade embargo.

Will America pay damages for Spanish flu?

Beats nukes that would eventually reach you, right? Tee hee

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>should they
>will they

the first case recorded outside of china should've been the signal to drop 1,000 nukes on the whole of the country

China should get erased and taken over by someone else,rthe country need not to exist under their own govern anymore

This is largely useless. What is actually needed is legislation to block China from buying weak/failing US businesses. That is going to be the real disaster.

$100 trillion USD

You were gonna have to work til you're dead anyway you chump, retirement is already exclusive to the most ancient of boomers and the super wealthy.

The insect people may have gave the world the lurgy, but they did fuck all to ensure your terminal wage-enslavement.

man trump supporters will just blame their failures on any race these days

Josh Hawley also has good bills.


stop letting them in until they stop being dirty and diseased

>some faggot on twitter said something
>Indian flag

how do people like this even exist in Mar. 2020?

>Spanish flu
Why should America pay for something that was obviously Spain's fault?

checked and objectively true.
although i don't trust him, he says all the right things and proposes these cool sounding throwaway bills, but in reality he's just another Zionist Neocon who says kinda based stuff sometimes.

holy shit we could take all chinese owned property in america to pay it off absolute genius

rent free

Kys kike

Let our people go or Gods wrath will only grow stronger

Babylon is falling you guys had had your run and it is coming to an end. The Lords wrath approaches and he will judge you all.

Kys kike once it comes out you faggots were in on blackmailing trump and enslaving our people with Epstein we are gong to nuke you stupid tyrants and Rome



NO, b/c that virus was made in the FT Detrick, MD biological disease lab. They have all FIVE haplotypes.

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trump and epstein were best friends

Just tariff the fuck out of them

being the police of the world does have its perks

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Many people will be more cautious of China because of this so whatever happens they will lose out.

Actually started in China.

Schizophrenia is a bitch, huh?

Trump called him a Great Guy and hung out with him constantly.

>if china closes wet markets for good dont do anything
>if they allow them close borders from chinese

But then you have to make this a global standard, if a nation allows fertile breeding ground for animal to human viruses then they need to be treated the same as china.


Whatever they owe we will just take off our debt. Seems fair to me. GET FUCKED CHINKS.

Giving us money won't stop them eating bats and shit. bomb those fuckers

Originated in China like all flus and plagues.

Spanish Flu actually originated in China.

Name one war crime that we have committed muslim chink

I kicked my best friend out of my club house forever too. We're such drama queens.

Better yet, since we'll know they'll never pay : let's forcefully remove all of our investments and companies from China, let's bring back all of the manufacturing in the west. We'll shut down companies and eliminate their leaders if they fail to comply. Then we'll do a worldwide embargo on China, to starve them to death. Then their country will be split between all western countries, as it used to be.

Of course that would never happen, since western leaders are litteral puppets of the Chinese.

Cause the chinks were the ones who had it 1st it's just that the spanish press was the 1st to talk about it. Guess xi doesnt teach you that in the work camps huh

no doubt they should pay.
they won't, but they should.

Hawley is anti-chink. who funds him? is he soros linked?

>Spanish Flu
thanks for the reminder, China should pay for that one too

Yeah they should. I say nuke the fuckers into oblivion.

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Yes but we need (((help))) with something of this magnitude. For one, we have to figure out what to do with all the US Debt held by China. Perhaps the Fed can sink some of this unlimited QE into purchasing these debts if they can be seized. We should also cancel all visas for Chinese nationals and only allow travel for refugees. Embargos would be good but businesses like Apple would have to get on board.


>poor food regulations
>suppressing information about kung flu
>lying about it once it got out
>paying off journos to lie about it
>trying to blame America for it

Here's how we deal with the chinks going forward
>Ban all essential offshore manufacturing
>Ban all travel to China until they can act like people and stop with their love of eating anything that moves
>Random UN food inspections
>Stop all money from chinks (re:all foreign countries) to real estate, journos, politicians, essential business

Life for life, there should be a chinese citizen executed for every person outside of china who died from the Coronavirus

Babylon is falling you must think I care who it takes with it?

I walk with God, not trump. If trump wants to deal with Babylon that's his decision

Living in denial as your world crashes and burns is too isn't it?

How's it feel that schizos were right, kike?

josh hawley is the single most based man in the american government, look up his first floor speech in which he calls out kike overlords usurping traditional american ways of life

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germany paid costs of wwii so china MUST pay then

Yes. Their lies, and the living conditions they promoted, have fucked over the entire world.

When all is said and done, if everything goes how the Whitehouse and WHO are indicating, then the USA should probably be paying damages too.

>Made in the USA
>Chinese virus
ok, retard