Brit/pol/ Cucumber sandwiches Edition

>Prince Charles tests positive for coronavirus

>Coronavirus: NHS predicted to cope with increased demand

>Benefit assessments suspended for three months while new claimants told to stay away from Jobcentres

>Vehicle owners to be granted MOT exemption in battle against coronavirus

>Sky ‘Looking After’ Customers By Putting Up U.K. Television Prices Amid Coronavirus Crisis

>'Avoid using microwave to get faster internet'

>Urgent action needed as spike in porn site traffic raises abuse fears, say MPs

>Scotland to pay student nurses band 4 to tackle Coronavirus

>Youths run riot drinking, smashing bottles and setting wheelie bins on fire in County Durham

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First for are Mozza

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just let it die ffs
this place is a shit show

About time you got a first la.
Going to need a Mozza&Karen image

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You always get narky when anons talk about something other than you, same during the election

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Friendly reminder the ISIS bride (Shamima Begum) has a legal and moral right to be in the UK

Legally because it’s illegal to be a stateless citizen according to international law.

Morally because she is our problem, shes from the UK and to throw her at another country she has never even entered is wrong, imagine if the roles were reverse, our country would have enough to say.

Also according to law she was raped, abused and exploited, she is a victim of child abuse, it would be immoral for us to turn our backs to a child abuse victim. She is only showing no sorrow because she’s scared and defensive after the abuse she suffered.

to animal user talking about the fox in his garden the downside is if shit starts falling apart wait till the urban folks run out of money and let their pitbull crossbreed doggos with no food out to roam and we get roaming packs of hungry dogs savaging cats and anything else.

>Woman, 21, with no pre-existing conditions dies from coronavirus, family reveal as they pay tribute

>REVEALED: Boy, 17, who became first US minor to die of coronavirus may have been killed by septic shock complication - as his Uber driver father now battles the disease in California where death toll hits 51

Absolutely agree lad.

go back to work all you fucking normies
fuck sake cant get a word in edgeways

put seethenonce in it too

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I hope gazza doesn't get it. I bet his immune system is shagged.

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I can feel myself becoming more positive and enthusiastic about life recently. It's as if I've reached a point where I can look back at my teens and 20s and see where I have gone wrong, and identify my flaws and bad habits during those years. Finally I am maturing and becoming less uptight and terrified by life.

Nobody is interested in anything other than Wuhan Syndrome atm, if she wants attention she will have to claim to have it, and then they won't let her in.

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That boy died of sepsis, not coronachan.

poor girl 21 is no age
shit article

Shame you're about to die then lad

i hate newfags and tourists and larpers edpecislly

Old news, who cares

t.had a coffee

I can tell from that picture alone that she absolutely had gonorrhea or some other embarrassing STD that'd be easy to hide from the doctors.
Toll status: Paid.

>Legally because it’s illegal to be a stateless citizen according to international law.
She's Bangladeshi sorry their rules not ours.

We’re here to stay cum sponge

stop sucking upto me you fucking race traitor

>Cucumber sandwiches
something else i'm not gonna get to eat for 18 months

Cucumber sandwiches are good t b h
The grandest palace of Henry VIII; perhaps it is to be expected; in any case, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance were full of color, sometimes very garishly.
The Romantics led us to believe that the past was drab and dreary

not sure who your talking about specifically,
I agree that countries should take responsibility for their terrorists
And 'citizenship' shouldn't ever be something that can be stripped, or then all our "citizenship" are worthless...

But we really need to stop handing out citizenship like cotton candy.

Daily reminder to not the respond to reptilians

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>hang around politics board
>something happens
>newfags arrive
Goes with the territory, hang around or something if you don't like it, there are many online spaces which have hardly any newfag problem but Yas Forums isn't one of them

She was born here.
But no, if you go join a terrorist organization it should be automatic removal of citizenship. Lefties don't care about "slippery slope" so why should I?


you don’t read very well, do you?

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They are especially good with a thin scraping of Marmite, also the quality of the butter is crucial

reminder that this virus is mutating extremely quickly, even by RNA virus standards. this means no vaccine, even if the scientists can somehow get around ADE (impossible to begin with)

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Peter Hitchens is a stupid fucking cunt. He's the Russell Brand of the right. Checkem.

what a time to have gypsy cunts turn up in your village

the human world
the natural world they pretended was wonderful
i went to an abbey recently and they had a romantic painting of it on show
the hills were totally exaggerated because they wanted to compete with italy

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Fuck off back o your general, retard.

I've been reading you moaning about newfags for years

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the right what?

Cough on them

>if you go join a terrorist organization
THINK for 5 seconds lad.
WHO determines who's a terrorist organization?
What if one day your involved in legitimate resistance to your increasingly tyrannical government.
Under what you just said, your citizenship can be taken from you.
And there is definitely historical precedent for western government to falsely label legitimate groups "terrorist"

Real life isn't plauge inc mate

and bangladesh have said they would take care of her appropriately if they got their hands on her
>bring back the rope

>Cucumber sandwiches
Bet they'd be nice with some cream cheese and salmon

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Good bread too, can't be having it on poverty 50p bread

anyone else struggling to get through to uc

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The English countryside is stunning; rolling green hills as far as the eye can see; then after, that open country and white cliffs.

Dreamy, Caulde-Ron

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Yeah, hence only know drugs beneficial to the patients are the AIDS symptoms supresents.

mature cheddar and cucumber sandwich.
spot on.

This lockdowns over in 12 days, hooray

Shamima Begum was a red herring you absolute mong. While the news was going mental over her being denied entry, hundreds of millitants were allowed back into the country.

LMAO, he'd do his nut

Fucking this
Reminder the British government are prosecuting people who joined a pro-democracy resistance group in the middle east.

>And 'citizenship' shouldn't ever be something that can be stripped, or then all our "citizenship" are worthless...
citizenship isn't one thing for all. there are different types of citizenship in the UK and i would guess the same laws apply in Aus. if something can be granted it can be taken away.

sound divine!
Dam you for making me hungry at this time of night...
I really should sleep.

Hardly the fucking Lancet is it?

>arrange the cucumber sandwiches around the turntable for each of your guests
>if it is set at the wrong speed, the cucumber sandwiches may fly off
>and you and your guests may be eating a lot faster than anticipated

Fucking hell have you seen the share price for Games Workshop?

Neat, they can do whatever with their citizen :^)
Okay, that's true, but I'm should there can be a separate category to IRA and ISIS.

gazza has drank so much booze he is basically a walking talking hand sanitiser bottle.

this isn’t even a political site you spastic it’s a social failure support group and echo chamber. nobody gives a fuck about politics, they just care about blaming everyone else for their problems and larping about situations that will stop them being such fucking losers without having to take personal responsibility for themselves.
Every now and then, it dies down a bit and everyone is slightly less retarded, then some big larp happens and we’re back drowning in teenagers crying anout muh “lefties” and race wars

Jew PM
2 pakis State offices
>trusting the government

Same here. They’re after livestock

What’s in a cucumber sammich?

Peter is performing a social service at this time. I'm not sure I agree with him, but it is important to have dissident voices who will stand up against groupthink (something Russell Brand has never done).

no place i'd rather be from

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It'll be extended like Spain

lmao did he wreck you on twitter again?

>India bans exports of drug touted by Trump as potential Covid-19 treatment
india deserves international sanctions for this.

>the Middle Ages and the Renaissance were full of color, sometimes very garishly.
That's true. You might like some of the pictures on this twitter page lad.

>The Romantics led us to believe that the past was drab and dreary
I always thought it was because of enlightenment thinkers. I really don't know in any case.

Are all Canadians actually retarded?

My local GW shop has renamed itself Warhammer, have they all done that Satan?

>tfw missed the dip to buy GW shares
checked also

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>tfw half the royal army get labeled as terrorists

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>This lockdowns over in 12 days, hooray
I ain't clicking on that shit nigga

I bet ya BoJo is going to extend it for untill reported death increase is stoped to something like 30people a day

>it’s a social failure support group
Unironically why you're here, me too

Watch as Disney buys them

doommong uses the mail for pretty much nearly everything he posts

Dont they own warhammer? Fuck i still need to buy that RTS and those Vermintide games.

The army isn't Royal.
Only the navy and Air Force.

All countries are taking measures to look after their own populations, and that is exactly how it should be. This is a big setback for globalisation.

It's only symptom suppression drug, it isn't cure

except i’m self aware of that


Oy wheres your loicense?

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i believe so.
brighton and worthing branches both have

And thank fuck for that.

He doesn't give a fuck

royal army physical training corps

a worldwide lockdown needs to last until we either have a vaccine (impossible) or a cure (very unlikely). anything less than that will lead to billions of deaths worldwide.

Steak and eggs

And of course you are the only one, everybody else is an edgy teenager muh pot noodle

they created warhammer
they're on the FTSE 250 can you believe

>Royal Engineers
>Royal Artillery
>Royal Regiment of Scotland
>Royal Tank Regiment
>Royal Military Police
and so on

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Is that's the reason, why Harry, the Hewitt was showing himself in it?
bastards, basically

I haven't kept up with Warhamer news in years but are they SJW now like the way comics have gotten?

>arguing against things i didn’t say

Not sure. I didn't even know they were that big a company. Guess they're shifting a lot of toys now that kids are home from school etc.

Hasnt china been locked down for 50 days thus far?

british nigga and proud

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heres to hoping george fucking soros gets corona

Is anybody here invested / investing in shares at all?

Somebody I know just invested in "oil" but not sure how much and which companies.

Apple are gonna buy Disney

>doommong revealing himself as a globalist

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So stop recording deaths and be done with

Cum, your favourite

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its easy to believe
the space marines are always flying the templar cross

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They're capbadge and corps.
The army itself doesn't hold the royal title.