ᛋᛋ Hello, and welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ
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This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·Fascist/NatSoc ideology
·Race Realism
·The Aryan Ideal
·Nationalism & Patriotism
·Racial Identity Movements
·Physical and Mental improvements
What are you waiting for? Improve yourself, comrades, community, and folk altogether!
>卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))
>But what really is National Socialism?
Would you like to know more? Check out the pastebin & learn the truth!
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- projectwhite.org
- gab.com
- bitchute.com
- t.me
- gab.com
/NSG/ + /SIG/
It’s time to be a better man. What have you done today to improve your mental, physical & spiritual well-being, user?
The first step into liberation from (((the system))) is to realize that to live is to struggle. Really internalize this truth in your being and actions and when possible spread it to others that you care about. In the end the Natural Order will always prevail. Nature is inherently fascist & the modern world goes completely against it . But the results are telling us already: it's tearing itself apart. Nevertheless you as an individual can & must always choose to go against the flow, to fight and to persevere, while the rest of society rots and withers away in its mediocrity. You must make the walk, not because it is long or hard, but because it is right. And, in the end, you will know that the righteous are always vindicated.
Modern society is to blame for there being so many people who don't deserve to live. Most people in the West used to harden as they grew on their own, as a natural process like in thw wild. Now, without much effort, you can remain indefinitely infantile due to the system's decadence. There were always outliers that became like this throughout history, but now the general masses have succumbed to this condition. There is no longer a rite of passage into adulthood, & people now choose to be sheltered and to live comfortably. This is involution at its purest form. Everyone has a "dandy ol' time" being a degenerate well into their 50s. Constant entertainment, precooked meals and pornography has robbed us of our man-hood.
The modern world is so self-destructive half the battle is just weathering the storm until the whole edifice has degenerated so much that we can rise and deal the final blow. Live to live your life correctly and that will bring happiness to yourself and those around you.
Stop drinking ALL soda/artificial juices and stop eating junk food. Stop buying super-market meals and try to grow your own vegetables that aren't infected with pesticides and plastics. Healthy and economic, as well as peaceful. Till the soil like your great grandfather did. Try to drink mostly water or coffee/tea with little to no sugar added. Purchase meat and produce from local producers that you know personally. A big reason why western men’s sperm count has gotten lower is because we do less outdoor jobs like we used to 50 years ago, which means less sun exposure and less Vitamin D production.
Thus we should grow our own food, get outside more, and not rely on commercial food producers. Over specialization creates a society without purpose for many and too much interdependence. Cities are inherently self-destructive because they are unnatural. Multiple cities reaching more than hundreds of thousands in population did not exist prior to the mid-19th century. The countryside would remain unaffected in the long run if a future collapse occurs. 99% of our history has not been like this with populations concentrated like ants and living like parasites. It’s a very volatile mix and you do not want to be a part of it. There’s a reason liberals are concentrated in these shitholes.
While you don't have to go 110% /innawoods/ right now, it's always good to be in a state of relative independence, and in a small closely knit community. It is such values and societal composition that will survive a collapse and reclaim what is left once the dust has settled. Hopefully the kikes will be gone with it, their degenerate little empire burned to ashes.
Remember, you don't need all the latest work-out equipment, supplements or drugs to get a naturally fit look. All you need is natural movement and you'll achieve the body you're MEANT to have as the Homo-Sapiens male. You have a tiled floor? Jump from one end to the other. A fence outside? Climb over. You have a lot of work on your computer? Put it on a shelf so you have to stand and thus better your posture.
Also, set goals for yourself. See if you can lift sandbags that weigh up to 80kgs eventually. Carry it on your shoulders, throw it as far as you can, attempt to eventually lift it with nothing but a single grip. Get used to being able to punch something as well. Do NOT be a limp wrist faggot who would cry if he gets hit. Be able to defend yourself.
Also anons, move out of the cities and learn a trade. Find a nice girl in church, start a family.
While I do use my computer like now, I try not to make it part of who I am am. We are constantly stimulated by technology. This is unnatural since we used to be able to just sit for hours and reflect, now we get anxious if there is no internet connection. To be able to relax and just think is a form of "meditation" I suppose, but it’s nice to do it. I have a garden I go sit in during the late afternoon and just gaze out on the nearby mountains. I don't think about anything in particular, I let my mind wander. Really healthy and fulfilling.
The vast majority of things that modern society has brought us have severe consequences. The only "good" things it has brought are directly or indirectly related with making life painstakingly easy and almost meaningless or just increasing world population to insane levels. The kikes would have us be dependent on them soon; once post-industrial society hits and we become unproductive slaves to the state for our monthly food ration.
>”lmao nothing matters, I just want to enjoy pleasures in life, no higher being exists, no greater purpose in life exists”
To atheists/nihilists lurking the thread:
Your consciousness is the only thing verifiable in the entirety of existence, since a consciousness not recognizing itself is a paradox. It's Descartes' cogito, and it's the basis for absolutely everything, and I say EVERYTHING, philosophical and scientific that can follow.
Then we have Parmenide's existential paradox. If a thing ''is'', it cannot ''not'' be, for then we'd have no basis whatsoever to even contemplate it. Furthermore, saying that something came out from nothing and will go back to nothing is equally illogical, since nothing is logically impossible. So we have to assume that everything always was, and always will be, albeit not in the same form.
So what happens then? What happens is that your consciousness, your capacity to synthesize and accumulate information, or what is commonly known as the soul, whether it was inside your body or completely separate (the question is utterly irrelevant here) always was, and always will be, logically, which leads us to believe that there was a Before as well as there will be an after for every verified consciousness (i.e. you as a the observer and synthesizer of this text), there is an afterlife, and there was a before-life.
The question remains, however, as to what that afterlife is. Equally interesting is the question of where consciousness comes from. And this is where philosophy lets religion take the torch.
I'm really getting bored of those pseudo-sophisticate ultra-materialists that seem to be everywhere these days. It seems funny to me how so many smart people insist that their capacity for logic and reason can somehow reach outside the bounds of our existence, explain it in a meaningful way, even though the very terms and concepts they use to, oh so authoritatively, state "idiot, when you're dead you're dead, see?!" have been invented in minds very much created by the very phenomena they so glibly dismiss as irrelevant. "Consciousness? Pff, a hallucination of the brain! Qualia? Ephemera! There's meat and dirt, and that's IT, and you're a fool, and probably some sort of weirdo, if you think otherwise."
The vehemence with which many of those people defend the idea that they're ultimately nothing, completely irrelevant and futile, makes me think that there's more to it than just pure calculation and cold logic on their part, as most of them claim. People don't get so worked up over things just because they think they're true. Most aren't nearly that noble. They have some sort of emotional stake in the game.
A good National Socialist reds and reads and reads until he's dry to the bone. Check out these book lists and starting learning the truth.
Remember to punch a Nazi today y’all :)
Thank you for your contribution, user.
I bet you would break a knuckle while trying from all the onions you've consumed.
Israel is nice this time of year huh?
A good National Socialist always strives to perfection. And to achieve that goal, he's constantly improving himself both physically and mentally. Roll those numbers and get moving!
For those who like to go hard, this one's a bit tougher.
requesting the 'embrace the third position' pic
Roll 2
Is there a Schutzstaffel one?
I gotchu famalam
You will run a lot today, my friend.
It's in production, brother.
TFW can't throw away videogames because everything I own is on Steam.
Uninstall them, then proceed to uninstall Steam. Simple as that.
Hope it's close enough
I'm looking for the image with a specific quote, I can't remember the quote exactly but it went something like "if I told you the elite keep to their own and are ruining the world you would call me a progressive, if I told you who the elite were you would call me a Nazi".
Does anyone here have that image?
Don't think so, sorry. I have this though.
Here's the quote but with wrong image. Real one had Hitler with a cape
Good enough, cheers cobbers.
Wtf? Why do you have a Hitler quote with Taylor Swift instead?
She was an "Aryan queen", for a time.
Currently reading "Revolt Against the Modern World". Evola just seems like a loon totally honest. He goes on about Traditional societies and how they functioned whilst belittling Christianity for no apparent reason. Here's a warning before anyone reads Evola's stuff: He doesn't write from a fascist perspective, he writes from a pagan traditionalist perspective.
His work covers Fascism too, user. What are you talking about?
Ever read Mosley? I think you'll like him a lot.
Don't let your land fall to these people.
Don't worry, user. They're scum, and we already know how to deal with them properly.
No it doesn't. His work covers spiritualistic pagan Traditionalism.
Aside from Catholicism, Mosley is probably my greatest influence. His speeches are amazing and in terms of how the Irish were treated he was on the right side of history. I've been meaning to buy some Mosley literature lately too.
can you post more of these?
I have this too
And these
And that's it. Or at least, I'm not bothering searching from more.
Shills really are just getting to be shit at their jobs these days.
So what Country do you lads think has the best chance of going National Socialist in the near term future?
Asked this in an /nsg/ a couple months back and some dude made a pretty convincing case for Norway.
Still not completely sold on it though considering how cucked virtually all of Scandinavian is culturally right now.
Well if this whole corona thing doesn't blow over it might be the catalyst for major political reform in America. Hell who knows, maybe the corona relief bill will be our gracchi reforms and lead to equally unseen results.
Bless u
I'd say either Greece, with Golden Dawn, or Sweden. NRM currently has about 3000 people, so they could make a coup if they wanted
No problem
What did he say about Norway btw?
Maybe, if they are armed and the US is predisposed so it cant be bothered to come in and (((liberate)))) them.
Pointed out there still 95 percent white and since they arent in the EU they arent accepting anywhere near the number of refugees other nations are.
Norway also doesnt have the "hate speech" laws or the holocaust denial laws that most other european nations have for similar reasons.
He also said that in the right economic down turn they could definately go for it
Though to be fair he himself was a norwegian poster so he might have been a bit bias to his own chances of success
That doesn't really seem very convincing. 95% white isn't really enough for a serious revolution. Not to mention, their konar is going up with Corona. The government also has a 300k reserve of money per citizen thanks to the oil.
Norway doesn't really seem probable imo.
I think it's the USA:
>No hate speech laws (Doesn't mean censorship doesn't occur, just that it takes effort on the part of the system to do it)
>Even the whitest areas are feeling the effects of immigration and niggers
>Cultural distrust of government
If Trump showed us anything, it's that the white working and rural class are not at all happy with the status quo. I think that the next election the Republicans lose will bring a crazy amount of disgruntled conservatives over the line into our camp.