Didnt know street gangs can infect the entire world in a month
Levi Phillips
cv can't either
Joseph Gutierrez
There's going to be waves of emigration from cities once this is done, probably turning the country blue
Juan Cruz
>turning the country sick ftfy
Jace Ross
Liberalism is only possible with the diffusion of responsibility that a city allows. When liberals are forced to take care of themselves they become conservative quickly.
Robert Ross
Robert Nelson
It’s just a flu, go back to work.
Chase Taylor
Did you know that Covid 19 kills? Did you knoe ODing make up 2x moar? Covid is hiding the financial pandemic. t Bernie bro
Hunter Smith
>t Bernie bro Make it less obvious when you're trolling newfag
Ayden Cook
>CNBC >Source is unofficial bullshiter Welp better read the article.
>“New York City hospitals right now are on the brink of what I would call being maxed out in terms of their available capacity,” he said on “Squawk Box.” “New York has another about five weeks to go for this between now and when they’re going to hit peak hospitalizations, so the fact that they’re stretched right now is worrisome.” And there it is boys. "on the brink of being nearly maxed out" Look at all that bullshit hedging. Source; OP's Asshole confirmed.
Fuck Scott Gottlieb with a rusty cactus. Dont believe a word that lying fuck says. He tried to make Kratom more illegal than Cocaine and meth. FUCK HIM
Why is the military building a morgue on the streets of NYC, in your expert opinion, that is no doubt more informed and reliable?
Jack Collins
Do you charge for the things you pull out of your ass?
Bentley Russell
Also, how could it be a "current"? If you are in a job you want to keep, then your only option is to give your opinion anonymously. But then if the source is "anonymous officials," you'll immediately come back with "well, those are anonymous officials, not credible."
No matter what, you'll pretend up is down, black is white, east is west, all for your precious dow because Zion Don must get reelected.
Wyatt Ortiz
He does make a good point, though. The shitskins and bugmen in the city are used to having many things provided for them.
Hate to say it but this shit needed to happen. World needs a wake up call at how these democrat faggots pretending they have any semblance of order or control over the city is the larp it is. They want to act bigger than state and federal government but cant fucking handle a minor crisis without begging for help, fucking ridiculous. These fucking poofs make guiliani look like an intelligent badass lmfao
Luke Hughes
What do you mean "seems"? Try "is." The Medical Examiner is New York's official agency for autopsies.
Charles Torres
stfu and shelter in place, asshole.
Aiden Flores
Give it up. The drones won't believe it even as they start coughing up the lining of their lungs and desperately call for emts that will never come and end up in the deathlines piled outside the hospitals.
Colton Harris
Good. Fucking gommorah
Sebastian Roberts
Because you don't live in a free country. Wake up.
Carson James
Right... Of course they are. Any vids?
Kayden Bailey
okay, let me correct myself
">Members of the military seem to be setting up a temporary morgue."
better now fag?
Ryder Lewis
Agencies are often run by shitskins or deeply corrupt officials who've been on the take for years and put their friends in various key positions. That extends all the way to the state level. NY is one of the most corrupt state governments in the country, aside from maybe NJ, IL, LA. Hopefully another Giuliani arises from the ashes of Corona
Robert Foster
They are. Not seem.
Connor Baker
Im so fucking sick of these metropolitan wastelands acting like the rest of the country is there to serve them, like theyre the cream and the rest of this country is the skim. Seditious attitude and arrogance when they are an absolute negative to this nation bleeding us morally, financially, culturally, and the list goes on. They need to be put in their fucking place
Isaiah Rogers
Yeah man the average normie doesnt even realize how corrupt shit is because its been the standard for so long that people think thats how its supposed to work.
Cameron Diaz
>Why is the military preparing for all possibilities Because it's the military not some gaggle of ineffectual leftists
>Waah why won't you accept nebulous sources as factual
Dylan Nguyen
jokes on you i already recovered from coronavirus
Luis Murphy
>nebulous Obviously, you're an expert with superior credentials, so why don't you post proof of those credentials and then provide your analysis based on the facts? I'll wait.
Chase Parker
Because the USA has fallen and the Constitution is literally nothing more than an old piece of yellow paper. Wake up you fucking clueless simpleton.
Remember when NY and NJ were encouraging everyone to not be racist, and visit the Chinatown businesses? And they had government officials holding photo ops with the Chinese on the streets? I do.
Jayden Reed
The hotspot neighborhood is in Queens, a mostly Mexican area sandwiched between two huge Chink areas (Flushing and Elmhurst).
The name of that hotspot neighborhood? Corona.
Daniel Phillips
Elmhurst hospital is a complete shit show under normal circumstances. Most disgusting and dysfunctional hospital I’ve ever been to. I’ve been to almost every hospital in queens / Nassau cuz I get injured constantly from playing basketball.
Ryan King
The virus wipes out NYC and Trump takes NY in Nov. Failing to see the issue here.
Jace Nelson
ya gotta stop doing those 360 windmill dunks in heavy traffic, my man.
Henry Wilson
There's an average of less than one homicide per day in NYC.
Colton Scott
Used to be able to dunk before I wrecked my ankle
Chase Davis
>completely missing the point low iq r*dditors out in full force