I hate to admit it but he’s got a point...the cure should be free for the entire world. only literal sociopaths would disagree
I hate to admit it but he’s got a point...the cure should be free for the entire world...
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Then that kike can crack open a textbook and do something useful for humanity for the first time in his life.
What is a government commission you envious old jew
I agree it should be free. Why doesn't Sanders get his own scientist buddies to make it free for everyone?
How can he still find the energy to write a tweet after massaging Biden's balls for hours every day? Based
Reminder that Soros owns Gilead and Gilead owns the 666 Gaoxin Rd. WuXi biolab in Wuhan. What does it all mean bros? Can someone connect the dots? I’m too lazy
How does Bernie propose that we repay Gilead for their research and development of the vaccine?
mean while this fuck face just bought another house from contributions to his bullshit presidential run that was never going anywhere in the first place, fuck you sanders you fucking faggot.
they send how much they spent in doing so
we pay them that and a chunk
no trumpbux
still the congressman with less net worth fag
tfw Biden coughs
By giving them money instead of some Jew who's entire empire has collapsed just because no one bought shit they didn't need for a two week period.
Huh? Gilead has a cure? When was that even shown? If true, then this is just a matter of money and how about instead of doing $2 trillion in stimulus you bought $2 trillion worth of the fucking cure?
>this rich guy has less money than this rich guy
who cares, fag
Yo're literally starting your opinion with, "if you disagree with me, you are evil." Such an open mind.
>must be made free for all or it wont be made at all
We have an expression for people like Sanders here, they are called "bench trainers". These are the people in football matches who think they know everything and always have the solution to everything but in reality are completely inept and wouldn't last 5 minutes as an actual trainer. There's a reason Sanders always puts his tail between his legs and kisses the ring whenever there is a shot of him becoming president. He likes to talk and act outraged all of his life but he doesn't like to act. He is a grifter.
this user cares
I don't know about the wuhan lab but it looks like soros and gilead is an out right lie. Where is your proof?
>4th property
Proofs FIRST, anusfaggot.
Not even fucking close dude. The lowest net worth congressman I know of is Rep. Rick Crawford with a net worth of -0.3million. Yes he has 300k of debt and effectively no assets. Nice try making Sanders and his 3 mansions look like he is part of the poor downtrodden masses.
pelosi said it should be "affordable" so the kike should check his own party right now spending billions on non-sense
so there’s a price on human life to you? you drumptards reallt are sick
>mutts will defend this
We call that an armchair quarterback.
Give me one second I’ll post the SEC documents
>only literal sociopaths
They rule the world.
There was a thread months ago about governments in Europe wanting refugees to give everyone HIV so they can control us by giving us meds only if we stick to their rules. Gilead was in it as they seem to have meds against Aids. What if this theory is right, but it's about Corona and not about HIV? Anyone have screenshots?
You have to pay for food and medicine, so yes, even you agree there’s a price.
The medical company in question won't produce medicine for free
Go wag your finger at them for wanting to be paid for their work and product
Will we be able to read more about it in his new book?
>I hate to admit it but he’s got a point...the cure should be free for the entire world. only literal sociopaths would disagree
What the problem? Exactly?
Literally, only a psychopath would think his opinion was the only correct one.
How would it be free anyway ?
>we will not tolerate
who does this guy think he is lmao
The product of your labor should also be free for all. Fuck off poorfag.
>be science laboratory
>spend a bunch of money on researching and finding cure for corona
>give everything away for free
>go bankrupt and close forever
>new virus strain next year
>fuck, guess we all die cause NOTHING IS FREE you stupid libshit nigger brain
This fucker thinks everything should be free, so nobody takes him seriously when he pipes up about another thing being free
Armchair Generals
so he owns like 1.5 million shares. The Vanguard Group owns 101 million compared to a float of 1.3 billion shares. He isn't even in the top ten owners.
Fucking commie Sanders is tanking my Gilead stock. What a piece of human garbage
Spots owns a bit of everything nigga. He owns bitcoin too you gonna bitch about that?
Aren't these the same people busy denigrating the promise of treating the virus with Hydroxychloriquine and Arithromycin, two generic drugs that cost a dollar a pill?
Trump is the one out there promoting the nearly free solution of chloroquine.
Buy more Sanders has 0 political influence at this point.
what's it like being an utter spastic?.. i guess you don't even realise it, eh?
Resources are scarce, so yes there is a price on human life. Are you actively giving away all your money, food, time, energy, effort, goods, etc, to help those in the hospital? Nope. So you have a price you are willing to put on human life. Same as us, but at least we are willing to admit it.
Glad your shitskin ass doesn’t have a say in anything.
>oh you developed a vaccine for a global pandemic
>you can have whatever we feel like giving you
No wonder your faggot ideology fails every time it’s tried, spic.
By the time they market their shit everyone will be cured by Trump's HCQ.
Which he knew about ahead of the virus being mainstream almost for sure.
Okay, you guys are right, maybe I'm making a connection that isn't there, thanks for clearing it up
Underrated post.
and the year was 1976
A real revolutionary would take this fight to the wall. Bernie won't even take it to the convention. Because that's who he is, a fake revolutionary, professional loser who grifts the mentally handicapped.
Anyone can produce the stuff, that we award a particular contract to produce it to one company isnt a monopoly.
Bernie is a retard as always.
He likes to use big words and smashes them together so it sounds smart and condescending. Bernie, you’re irrelevant and not as smart as you think you are.
Why is bernie acting like he is still relevant
According to the NIH there were 2 clinical trials. One for Gilead's Remdesevir and another for Moderna, Inc called mRNA-1273
You did say you wanted us to connect the dots for you because you're lazy. Glad to help!
the pure luck vaccine......
That's normal that drug developers get protection on their product for 7 years. Orherwise no one would bother trying to develop new drugs. Bernie really is economically retarded. Yeah, just kindly ask drug developers to pour billions into R&D and then allow anyone to sell their product... Oh wait, he said "free" so you can't even sell it, just give it away!
Replying to myself here:
I should also point out that whilst Remdesivir worked in vitro (in a lab petri dish) against Ebola, which it was initially designed for, it failed in vivo (in actual human beings)
Food for thought
So the cure exists!!!
Can i patent a cure that is only bleach and some of my urine (immune). No no mo please dont make it at home or drink it until i patent it and am able to make money from blurinch
Then maybe you should volunteer your time to that corp. faggot.
The formula is free, but the equipment, the people to run it, and chemicals are not free.
Can we just go ahead and cancel the election already. Nobody cares about it anymore.
The FDA has long propped up monopolies. There used to be only one FDA approved yellow fever vaccine(one of the most common travel vax). Then the manufacturer stopped production during restructuring and they had to emergency approve another.
Even during a crisis a Jew finds a way to to complain about something.
map 1 of 2
So the Dems and MSM are moving on from chloroquine because they took a hard L on that. Got it.
map 2 of 2
is there a correlation?
Take your malaria pills dude
Bernie is irrelevant.
Consider it back pay for the trillions they have ripped off of Americans with their kike pals in the insurance industry. Do not defend billion dollar corporations that don't give a fuck about you and have been stealing from your country for decades
America First, leaf.
No lol. The only reason why it’s so prevalent in nyc is because of all the chinks who returned home from China.