ITT we pray to god to make the virus go away

ITT we pray to god to make the virus go away.

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You're supposed to pray for God's will to be done.
If God wants there to be a virus, just trust it's what the world needs.

Heill Óðinn, sæl Óðinn

Hail Mary, full of grace, the LORD is with thee.
Blessed are you amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now and in the hour of our death.

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please join me in this heartfelt prayer for all anons that clutter up the board by starting threads that are in clear violation of the page 1 stickies

dear lord god in heaven,
please smite every faggot that posts offtopic shit here with coronavirus that wipes out their parents, grandparents, wives, and children, but leave the OPs of such threads alive to ruminate over the errors of their shitposting ways.
in the name of your son jesus h christ we pray

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Ive answered your prayer owe me, faggot.

We pray to god to make the virus stronger to wipe out more renegades.

Mary isn't God

Yas Forums is a Christian board.

Lmao imagine actually believing this

Just stare at it bro.

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You can profit off of coronavirus deaths if you buy coronacoin $nCoV

Cringe. And I'm a christian. This virus was sent by God.


because some anonymous faggot says so

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Nah, son. I'm praying for total economic collapse and balkanization.

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That's right user.

>be preacher
>god is our armor
>christ is our shield
half of the congregation dies
>it was gods will

this is how christfags actually think

You're a complete idiot and I hope you die of corona

Does this really happen?

Why? it only targets draconiggers.

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hey god it's me, i know i havent talk to you in a long time but i know you're busy, anyways i just wanted to ask you to please FUCKING KILL EVERYONE DEATH TO ALL HUMANS LET THIS WORLD BURN AND BE CONSUMED BY THE FIRE

If you are going to do this, I will offer a piece of advice that may decide the fate of this planet: know who and what you are asking for help before saying a word. There are those that will claim to be God and deceive the ignorant. Seek that which is universal and without ego; anything else doesn't have your best interest in mind. The personal god is the concept that has caused more misery than any weapon, because it is the justification for not only the use of weapons but of wars. Seek the impersonal god, and nothing else, and you may endure what is coming. Otherwise, I hope you all know that the things you do on this planet are forever. You will regret every time you could have showed love but didn't.

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Please God make it stronger.

I'd like to donate 200 universal karma

i've closed my eyes for 60 seconds, focusing all my energy towards our goal.

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In this thread God replies you took the Ten Commandments out of schools, allowed gays and transgenders and permitted art and social media that profane my Son's name. You chose Satan over me, so go ask HIM to remove the virus for you. See how it fares. Good luck.

>forcing families to spend time together
>forcing prisons to release nonviolent offenders
>forcing the cancellations of pride parades and drag queen story times
>forcing the closures of brothels and gay bars
>forcing the closure of national borders
>forcing our economy back to a commodity-backed currency
>killing off of boomers and freeing up their hordes land/resources/careers
>killing off of those with weak immune systems and autoimmune diseases (LGBT)
>revelation of which industries are "essential"
>revelation of which laws are for safety and which laws are for revenue
The Chinese virus has done more for conservatives than any "conservative" politician has in over 5 decades.

Our Lady of Coronavirus. Salvation of the Roman people.


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b-b-b-b-bwe don't worship mary

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fuckin A --- theyre having a blast downstairs

We don't. We recognize her secondary role in the miracle of immaculate conception and she serves as a role model for young women.

She is not above Christ.
She is not above God.

Looks like your pope says otherwise, also has an entire room dedicated to her, complete with her images, and offers her gifts.

We pray to God that the virus cleanses the world of sin

>your pope
No. Francis is a heretic in Pope's vestments. Nigger hides his cross when visiting Rabbis.

Remember - Christ advised us that "the church" is inside us, not within the walls of any institution. I advise Catholics to read their bibles for themselves.

Again - Mother Mary is not above Christ and she is not above God.


Why would I pray to spare the sodomites?

>Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,


Based god, make the virus stay, make the world see how fragile and weak modern man has become, let it show the world how fragile our civilization truly is


Can't wait for Virgin Mary sex dolls

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Trump mentioned the cure - hydroxychloroquine. He hired the best doctors to give him that medical protocol after globalists tried to sabotage his campaign with this bioweapon. There are other zinc ionophores as well that help zinc pass through the cell membrane and prevent the virus from hijacking the DNA RNA machinery. Quercetin and EGCG from green tea are also being studied for corona for their zinc ionophore properties. Tonic water with quinine, green tea, green smoothies, and zinc!!

Pray that we can get through it, that the martial law the world faces will lead to a newly awakened age. Rather than that of the Satanic system of oppression and heretical authoritarianism.

To pray for the virus to go away would be like praying for one on the 7 angles holdi g one of the 7 bowls to not pour it out over the Earth, despite it being God's will.

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Why? Would you rather be cleansed with scorching fire?

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Dear god
Kill all right wingers

Matthew 6
>5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
>6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

But we don't live in the cities.

Yes you do

What happened to
> Conservatives are uneducated rural retards.
And you're still uneducated retards

It's not nice to try to return gifts user

Dear jew on a stick that saved me by dying of you killing me. Please don't kill me and send me to the heaven I believe that exist. Also forgive me for that beer... yes, that one.


Right so it shows the most populated centers of the country all vote Liberal. Yea that was my point you stupid inbred retard.
Both New York and LA are heavily infected.
Let's see how you do in future elections fuckers.

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just to be clear, is this the same god that has allowed this and all the other atrocities of the world? yeah uh no

Thy will be done, God. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Hey christbros, every time I post this thought in that cringy emo girl nationalist thread jannies ban it, so it must be good. Please consider it.

I've since come around to goth-christian as the obvious vehicle for an aesthetic revival. Tradness is the new punk rock, but it's not sexy. Goth is sexy. Gothic-Church is clearly the next move. I can already see the black and white album covers with photos of burning Notre Dame. Witch-hause music about burning heretics. Preacher collars on leather jackets. Jacked men with memento Mori tattoos reading poetry about struggling with sin. Industrial rock to retake Jerusalem. It's all there lads.

Maybe the youth that usually become edgy atheists would dig it. Kinda worked for avenge sevenfold and Lamb of God.

GOD: Are you FUCKING kidding me? you wished for this!

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>you wished for this!

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We ate the apple, he kicked us out. We have free will and God expects us to solve our own shit now. We created/enabled this virus and He doesn’t give two shits about us now.

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Our Father,
We acknowledge that we are sinful, prideful and arrogant; that we have failed to do Justly, that we have failed to love Mercy, and that we have gone astray. Therefore, Oh Lord, in your compassionate kindness and everlasting Love, shown to us in the body of Jesus who was killed for our sins and raised from the dead to rule in power and glory, bring our hearts back to You; create in us a new, clean heart, renew in us a mind for You, and strengthen us to work for your glory.

We also humbly petition you for our health: that this plague be not fatal. But in this, and All Things, may You be glorified and make manifest your goodness. We are poor and weak and sick, and it is only by You that we may be indeed Rich and Strong and Healthful.

Please draw us, individually, and as a nation, and most especially as Your Church closer to You through the Son, the Risen King, Jesus Christ.

Your will be done,

This, really. If you believe God is in control and has the power to stop it, why do you think he's gonna stop it now? Cause you asked him to politely? Cause a bunch of prayer warriors got together to make a mental prayer petition for him to stop? Is God's plan and will so pathetic that you can influence him with your bleating pleas?

Either you embrace God is in the mood to fuck some shit up and get right with him, or admit your religion is flawed and full of holes like a punch card and that he is not the omniscient omnipresent omnipotent super power you make him to be.

I have zero respect for the people cherry picking there religion while swearing up and down every last word of it is true, except for the parts I don't wanna use the highlighter on, or the parts that might offend whatever the status quo is today. Or Catholics cause they won't hang the pope and continue to pretend the bishop of Rome is extra special Jesus grease you need to get the heavenly gears moving.

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Fæðer ur, þu þe ért on héfn, håliȝ bé þin name. To kome þin rike. Wurþ þin will on érð så ért on héfn. Gif us todæȝ urn dæȝliȝ bréd. And forgifaþ us urn giltes, så we forgigaþ urn giltenden. And ne lædaþ us on kåstnung, åc lys us of ifel. Amen.

>Hillary Clinton won the largest metros, but Donald Trump carried more of them
You should try learning how to read subhuman
Now hurry up and die.

why contain it? blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. blah blah blah blah blah.

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>God expects us to solve our own shit now.
> Liberals all buying guns
> Globalism now called into serious question and doubt even by the left
> College professors crying about having to put their material online where it's exposed for everyone to read it
> Transexuals having to boil plastic bags to harvest some kind of estrogen mimicker chemical to get their dose.
Expects us to solve our own shit now? Far as I can tell this is the fix. Are you blind?
I mean while you faggots are all whining and winging about society being shut down I think many of you have failed to notice our arguments have won themselves over and over.
You're all too busy cringing and crying about nothing. Society was ass.
Get a girlfriend. Get married. Spend time with family. Learn to cook. Be a real human. Shut the fuck up.

>The Chinese virus has done more for conservatives than any "conservative" politician has in over 5 decades.

And, interestingly, it has also stripped away all the rhetoric from Trump and shown clearly where his heart is: The Economy and Corporations, not the people of the United States.

Looks like a crank. What happens when you turn it?

I've been praying for god to smite the wicked for a while, now I'm mostly switching to best prayer; gratitude for what I've been given. Waiting for happenings then complaining is some lukewarm shit that makes me want to spew.

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