This but unironically

this but unironically

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking no good squatters. Why do tenants think they own the property they're renting? It's my property and you pay to use it, if you don't pay you don't get to use MY PROPERTY.

Do you imagine using the magic P word gives you power over others?

Imagine being a fucking commie thief and thinking you have a moral high ground

>Playing dressup in the woods because you're terrified of what the gobermint would do if you played pretend in public
Homoaexual and false

Imagine thinking that you're moral to demand tribute while the peasants can't work

Side thread

good aesthetics

How many of these shitty threads do you trannies need to have going at one time?

Killing communists should be encouraged and rewarded

Kys discord tranny. Fucking bum ass niggers.

This slide again. Sage

Imagine being a peasant by your own actions and choices and not by birth because you dont live in a commiefascist cuckstate

>thinking you can ''own'' stuff
You only own what you can protect. If I'm renting from you, I've effectively taken what is mine. What are you gonna do about it?

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try kicking me out of "your property" and see how many unbroken bones you have left at the end of the day

Get a job faggot

Imagine thinking birth circumastance has nothing to do with how well you do

Yes it does. Property is everything and if you and your ancestors failed to acquire it it simply means you failed. Envious, salty fuck.

Words and abstractions don't have power dude. Can you defend your shit or get the government do it? No? You don't own shit.

but under a fully individualistic world, communists would be killed on sight first

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The answer is no, obviously.

That's something landlords should consider

It does.

>i can't pay my rent because i was too busy stock piling toilet paper and weed

Only as long as people go along with that. When the choice is between being homeless and telling your landlord to fuck off, what do you imagine people will do?

You ain't gonna do shit except cry and complain, faggot.

>Glow thread

We know where you live tranny we will find you


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No you CAN'T just STEAL stuff from ME!

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Unrelated..coming here for years to read "non mainstream " accounts of shit media lies or doesnt report about..few times I've posted I've come back later and cant find do I reply to someone who commented on my comment? I'll click what I think I'd they're i.d and it shows me someone else's..who's is calling expected and welcome lol even comments three my way will help figure shit out

Go back to crossdressing and getting your lights punched out by nazis.

Are my bones broken because you're so fat?

>no spacing
i'd tear through them in 10 seconds.

Go back to r*ddit

stop paying rent and see for how long you've taken anything.

>Muh bad landlord
Suck my dick, without him you would sleep under a bridge

The real question is are you strong enough to take whats mine?

You a pussy bitch wont do shit

kek imagine being a poorfag and living in an apartment right now

>nigger tier thinking

Now that the trumpgibz arent coming for at least 5 weeks this is going to be chaos


I’ve paid you a small fortune.

>i need to make multiple duplicant threads daily because that makes me right

its always the upper-middle class retarded faggots believe this shit. actual blue collar working class hate commies more than anyone because they get to see first-hand what bullshit muh equality is

lmaoing @ ur life

Not really.. de jure there is another owner, but the defacto owner is he who lives there. I can see there being an arguement that you dont truly and fully own a property unless you live or work there on a daily basis

We live in nigger world now, thanks to Jewish greed
Get with the times or be left behind, cupcake

Your money and infrastructure have been important. Until now.

based commies attacking the middle class instead of billionaire elites and celebs.

Useful idiots :)

What kind of faggot larp is this?

The ironic thing is, Marx hated shit-skins & despite being a kike, the only thing he was right about was that the only one's who could make Communism work are Europeans.
That's who he hoped would take on his ideology

Cool it with the antisemitism

You won’t do shit faggot

why don't people just stop being poor?

stfu nigger

>you are a selfish nigger if you don't accept this deal that benefits me, the landlord!
Landlord fuck off.

It is MY HOME now.

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Imagine thinking people don't have the free will or autonomy to change their situation, and that they're entirely bound by their birth circumstances indefinitely.

You're a weak tranny Toronto freak, and will always be a weak tranny Toronto freak. You deserve nothing except to die in a hole alone like the failed abomination you are, and where you are now is nothing but direct cause of your own life decisions. It's not other people's problem you failed to grow out of your nanny system, it's no one's job but your own to take care of yourself.

Ontario truly is our California, you people are so fucking hideous both physically and mentally it's ridiculous.

And that is why in many places of the world you need recomendations to be a tennant.

Never been on reddit

Imagine a delay/crisis this small, bringing out all the commies, ripe for arrest.
A thing of beauty.

Landlord here, most tenants are alright, but vile tenants like OP are the people good tenants dont want to live next to

Imagine thinking you're not creating demand for mercenaries to suppress your little tenant revolt

They dont in this day and age.

Agreed, but you gotta admit skyrocketing rent prices, overvalued home and land values, increased zoning laws, massive immigration, etc. all contribute to the growing number of people demanding change in this area of the economy. It is just completely unaffordable to the average man.

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Serves you right for being a renter. Dumb shit.

Imagine having a rugged frontiersman mentality with no fucking frontier. Brainlet.

Property is acquired at the tip of a sword, or in this case at the barrel of a gun. If you and your family cannot defend your property, then you don't deserve to own it. And if you're salty about tenants arming themselves and refusing to pay rent, well you should have either gotten more reliable tenants or not have rented to begin with.