What does one do here ?

What does one do here ?

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learn about the many different kinds of starch

Grow potato

Get shot by ATF. They will shoot your dog too.

Music, Beer, Herb, Disc Golf, D&D, Food, Bikes, Hike, Kayak, Camp, Fish, etc.

Cook potato

Elk hunting

Is it an irish colony?

Heroine, methadone clinics, and potatoes. I dated a girl from there once, and when she moved back there, she went insane.

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Potato hunting

potate potato

>you either grow potatoes or
>live long enough to become one

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huntin' and fuckin'

I heard there's a lot of fellow Basque people there, I wonder what made them move to Idaho?

It is said to be a Lithuanian's idea of Heaven.

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Cow tipping, bunny bops, rocky mountain oyster feeds, tubing.... plus pic related

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I'll tell you what they don't do. They don't file a 2019 tax return until they get relief checks, because they're smart enough to recognize their own leverage

Kill people from Washington, Oregon and California.


Everyone saying "potatoes" like it's clever has never been here and clearly never learned anything about Idaho beyond their 4th grade in public school

We are proud of our potatoes
Mountain climbing
Living in healthy white societies
Good gun laws
Legal sale of raw milk
Conservative/libertarian politics

We had Richard Butler
We had Ruby Ridge
We don't trust the federal government

Idaho is where you want to be when the race war breaks out

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God, Id love to move there. Washington, west Montana, British Columbia. Just me, magnificent nature and no one fucking else unless I specifically seek them out.

This, wholesome place bro.

What the fuck is that

Ski, run, bike, hike, boat, and shoot stuff

Go back to California you giant faggot and take all the refugees with you

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Nothing. Go away.

kill niggers

>What does one do here ?
Nothing. Exist.

Idaho resident here. Born and raised. We got a lot of outdoor stuff to do as many have said. I personally like taking trips up north to visit the hot springs and fishing. Lot friendly places (except Boise now that califags started shitting up the place). Dont come if you're from California

Are bongs welcome?

OK p*tato boi

Are you black? If so, most people will avoid you. But if not, you're welcome to come. Tons of friendly people, good foods, pretty places

If you're on a reservation, then meth

I imagine a lot of farming activity as well as drinking beer and hunting wolverines while grandma takes ATV trips to the dunes and uncle Rico throws a football.

White as they come. I just want a place to live cheaply, enjoy the inspirational nature and do my artwork without being bothered by anything

>What does one do here ?
Pack up and leave.

Meth and trailer parks and ugly hill folk

Smoke weed and have sex with your cousin, because god knows there's nobody else to bang.

laugh at all you corona fags

Why does Idaho have so many refugees and Somalians?
Literally stretches from Boise to Idaho falls.

None of your fucking business. Stay out. Espically niggers and eurofucks. This is the most racest state in the nation: good. They don't elect government officials that don't hate niggers. ya'll need to fuck off.

rural MN is racister

>Digits compel me
Because the democrats gave business loan advantages to foreigners opening business in the USA. Fucking Kikes made sure to proliferate niggers and soft niggers--why do you think almost all your restaurants are owned by foreigners?

Fucking over small business will hit immigrants the hardest because of the types of businesses they open: good.


Same thing you do everywhere, Pinky. COOOOOOM.

Fuck fat white bitches. Buy lake houses. Drink Everclear. Shoot deer. Run from bears.

sounds like heaven

-t. californian

This happens everywhere numbskull

Nigger every fucking state in this country has hiking fishing camping

Make cool movie

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Kike located.

Why there are so many states square shaped?

Not in europe. You go out in the woods, if you can even find any, and you have to worry about getting acid attacked or beheaded by a nigger.

They have stupid high population density and swarmed over europe like locusts---there is nothing left and we need to keep them from doing the same here.

Idaho grows potatoes and white people

More like cock potato LMAO

no, you'll turn the potatoes black

Hide your accent.

WA state grows more potatoes than OR and OR grows more apples than WA. There are more spics in WA because of how much more agriculture wa has. Between WA and OR enough food is produced to supply the entire nation with select crops. If the US were to close it's borders completely WA, OR, and part of Kansas could easily feed all of america.



That’s cool bro but he asked about Idaho

Replace OR with ID--they're both massive agriculture centers.
>Racist farmer not known for good grammar

where should I move? I hear cda area is nice.