Bored muslim here i will answer all your questions about islam as long as you are respectful

Bored muslim here i will answer all your questions about islam as long as you are respectful.

>Why did muhammad have sex with a 9 year old
there are multiple explanations for this, all are viable.

1-Many sources say she was aged from 12 to 19.
2-.In the time and place prophet muhammad was at 9 year olds were considered mature and everyone had a younger than usual wife, meaning it wasn't taboo back then.
>Why do you go around the cube and what's inside it

The kaabah is the holiest place in islam, it's the first house of god, we simply pray there, the room inside the kaabah is too small so we pray outside, we dont worship the black stone.
>Are you using taqqiyah to lie to us?
1- taqqiyah is a shi'ite practice and i am sunni

Now lets get all the buzzwords out of the way, i am a mudslime, a muzzie, a sandnigger, a terrorist rat, anything else?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why don't you assholes stay in your shit hole countries?

kike who doesn't want to admit his people are jewish

>help me
>help me
>help me
>help me
>*pop pop pop*
>"I am the god of hell fire and I bring you"
>*runs her over with a car*
>"Fire, doo do doo"
gets me every time

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Allah is a nigger

As you can see i am in my country idiot, as for refugees, i agree most of them can be scum, but you bombed their countries and caused instability.

Kys sand nigger

Have you ever eaten Kosher food when Halal is unavailable?

OP is a faggot. Islam is heresy and Mohammed was a low IQ pedofuck. Islam was right about LGBTQ though.

If i convert do i have to grow a beard?

What percent of Muslims worldwide do you think would be OK with the murder or forced conversion of all non-Muslims?

you low IQ retards can ask a real muslim questions to clear things up and you decide to insult me like subhumans, shows you stupid you all are, FUCK YOU!
No but muslims can eat kosher.

we have a saying here, eat at a jewish house and sleep at a christian house.

Why don't the flee to more stable Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, etc instead of coming to Europe?

Does the jurisdiction of your jihad extend into outer space?

>but you bombed their countries and caused instability

Not an excuse. My grandparents stayed here too even though their country got bombed. Your muslim brothers are invaders

No, but growing a beard is a sunnah.
i don't know, i'm sure you have statistics of pictures that say over 50%, but everyone i know doesnt give a shit about non-muslims, in fact there are many churches here and the christian minority is treated well.

What's the deal with the dietary restrictions? For example, can you still go to heaven if you enjoyed a little pork once in a while? How about alcohol?

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Go fuck a pork chop faggot

Do you even know how many refugees we have? as for gulf countries they are kikes and part of the problem.
>Your muslim brothers are invaders
not my brothers, as i said most of them are scum and leave because they are rejected here, your fault for letting them in, but again some are real refugees.

Is it true that the prophet Muhammad "took back" some of what he said early on? I've heard that some of his earlier revelations and later revelations are somewhat contradictory. Is this true?

Are you aware that jews are a common enemy to us and that we never had problems in the middle east until Israel was founded?

why are your women such thots?

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Everything that harms the body is forbidden, alcohol can make you lose your mind and is addictive, pork is filthy, god allowed you everything on this planet and forbade 2 things, why so selfish you NEED to consume the 2 things not allowed?

Ghazali was a fag.

Why was your prophets child bride always washing the seaman stains off of his robes?

Of course
Yes, allah revealed to muhammad a verse in the quran, his companion umar revealed it to the masses too early, so he had to take it back, but i am not 100% sure though, i could be wrong.

>she was totally older but even though she wasn't older it's ok because it was different times
If you truly believed he was a perfect man and prophet you wouldn't need to lie for him, you wouldn't need to justify his behaviour. You'd just proudly state what he did was right and you know it was right because he did it.
But you don't. Part of you knows it, you feel it deep inside and don't want to admit it to yourself, you know he was a horrible man.

why are there rivers of honey in heaven? like wtf lol

There are whores from every group

1) How much information can you give about Mu'tazilites?

2) What is this nasheed about?

Rivers of honey, milk and wine and water.

>In the time and place prophet muhammad was at 9 year olds were considered mature and everyone had a younger than usual wife, meaning it wasn't taboo back then.
Did muhammad later say it was bad and that no one should ever do it? Or is it still allowed in islamic law?

What's Islam's opinion on race? I know that you welcome every race into your religion and call them brothers. Is miscegenation haram? Why don't muslims realize that there are superior and inferior races?

Islam is just Judaism.
1) a non-muslim kills a muslim, he must be put to death.
2) if a muslim kills a unbeliever, nothing really happens.
3) if a muslim kills a muslim, there must be a fair court trial

the same concept is known in Judaism. Actually taken from there.
Islam and Judaism share many concepts, especially on the darkside.

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As a muslim , do you support separating church from state ? Do you believe in the philosophy of freedom , or you retarded monkeys have nothing but religion to guide your life and your countries .

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Jesus however said, that the jews are of their father the devil, because they lust to lie and murder.
Indeed Jews also got the concept of lieing and hiding their religion and it's real intend towards the unbeliever.
The small difference here is, that islam wants the unbeliever to become a muslim, while Judaism simply doesn't want them to knwo the truth.

However both know the concept of lieing and "permissible lies" in one way or another and both know the lust to deceive and lie to the unbeliever.
TEXE MARRS The Talmud, World’s Most Dangerous Book—Forbidden to Gentiles

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some quite good lessons on Islam can be found here:

The first two are the most important and recommended. They are eye-opening. Or more like they underline the experience the average non-muslim does make with muslims and many flaws and things of their behaviour and way of behaviour start to make a lot more sense.

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So like I heard your prophet went on a donkey and flew to the moon? What was that about?

Thanks for the explanation! Do Muslims believe that they worship the same being as Christians and Jews? Or is Allah different from God and Yahweh?

Also, what flaws do the Sunni see with the Shia and vice-versa? What stereotypes do you hold about each other? What do you agree on and what do you disagree on?

How many nukes deserve to be dropped on Israel?

A philosophical group who appeared in the 8th century in abbasid times, they were quite influential before they got debunked by sunni theologians, i dont know much about their belief but they rejected most of the hadith.

The nasheed is about a message carrier on the battle field and general piousness.

pic related:

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Never gets old.

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Is Jesus an important figure in Islam?

>you should let your enemies move to your country because they're your enemies
yeah fuck right off with that mohammet.

The only mistake we made was not completely destroying all of your shit sand people nests so the world would never have to be bothered by your disgusting religion and culture again.

Everyone is equal in islam no matter race, however i agree some races are somewhat inferior, but that doesn't change that we have to treat them humanely and equally until they prove themselves to be unworthy.
>do you support separating church from state
church should be state
not a donkey, it was a creature called the buraq, he went from mecca to jerusalem and from jerusalem to heaven.
>Do Muslims believe that they worship the same being as Christians and Jews
Yes, jews and christians are called people of the book, meaning that at one point their religions were the correct ones
>Also, what flaws do the Sunni see with the Shia and vice-versa? What stereotypes do you hold about each other? What do you agree on and what do you disagree on?
it was mainly political but sadly its deeply rooted now and too long to explain in one post, in simple terms they think the prophets family should always rule and they hate the ummayads for not letting hussein take over the caliphate, and they invent stories about the sahaba to insult them.
>How many nukes deserve to be dropped on Israel?
no nukes, the land is holy, we should conventionally slaughter them or drive them out.

Because pork is yummy

Allah is literally god so yeah i agree

What 2 things? Have a reference? Because Jesus came and said it is not what goes into the mouth that defiled one, but what leaves it.

Yes, he is mentioned in the quran a lot and his story is in the quran too, he's a major prophet.
soulless fat zogmachine

1) How old were you when you decided to be religious?

2) Why did you choose islam?

3) How did your family and friends react - were they shocked, felt sorry for you, or did they accept it?

Cheeky cunt.

chicken and beef and lamb are yummy too.
alcohol and pig

Why does Sanhedrin 54b of the Babylonian Talmud match Mohammad's excuse for fucking a 9-year old almost verbatim?

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How do you feel your ancestors were raped and forced to believe the Semitic poison they believe today? And that before they believed in ancestor worship and the real gods of the old, not some desert fairy tales?

>1) How old were you when you decided to be religious?
>2) Why did you choose islam?
was born into it
>3) How did your family and friends react - were they shocked, felt sorry for you, or did they accept it?
they are all muslims so i dont understand the question

What makes Muhammad a more believable prophet over someone like the "prophet" Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church? Why can't they both be right, or none at all?

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>just a prophet
But that's blasphemy.

NPC mentality

>old good must follow ancestors footsteps

I want to become a Muslim but i have a lot of tattoos. Can you tell me can i still become a Muslim? I don't have the cash to get rid of the tats but i believe everything i have read about Islam to be the truth so i want to become a muslim. I don't want to get strange looks and stares in the masjid though. Do you have any experience as to how converts are treated?

How do I make the best Basmati rice?

Is Camel meat any good?

>implying mormons aren’t just european muslims

According to you, to me, you saying jesus is god is blasphemy, we respect and love jesus very much, he is not god, saying he is is a great transgressions, he's not the son of god either because that implies god has human characteristics.

yea in the old testimony also camel and snake is forbidden to eat.
Zakir Naik tried to prove with the old testimony that pork was forbidden. He left that verses before out, that talked about snake and camel, too.
Muhammad ate snake and camel.
And now his bone ssupposedly rot in the desert, jesus is in heaven.
Jesus si the word, but what do you know about the word?
Surat 6 aya 116 makes clear, that most of this world will mislead you. Why don't you have any doubgs that it is the islamic teachers themself, maybe even the islamic scripture, that is already misleading and that is your test?
At least you should get to know the word, but heck you rather care about muhammad and your teachers, than anything else.

Jesus is the word? Check the word and follow it.
Stop listening to your teachers and the lies of this world, only because you are a chicken.

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