Oh man. I just found out that Warburg and Oppenheimer, both Zionist jews, financed Hitler...

Oh man. I just found out that Warburg and Oppenheimer, both Zionist jews, financed Hitler. Is everything we believe today a Zionist lie? Is the rabbit hole that deep? Is even a big chunk of Yas Forums not fully redpilled on the kikes?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jewish people were financing both sides of the war, that's what Hitler knew that got him lifted to the throne by clear minded and straight-seeing Germans. Hitler argued if we don't kill them now, they will kill 25 million Germans in the same way Jews just got done killing 25 Million Russians just 2 generations before.

Hitler wasn't wrong about that. He just brought down between 300k and 700k jews with him during the holocaust before 5.2 million fled and resurfaced elsewhere in the world.

Biggest redpill is that jews help whites and whites help jews.

At some point, jews took control of this agreement.

You're not wrong. Zionism is a pact between Christians and Jews

>Is even a big chunk of Yas Forums not fully redpilled

Babbies first steps out of the darkness of ignorance....

wow that's fucking amazing JIDF but why don't you go fuck yourself in the face
Hitler did nothing wrong

>wow that's fucking amazing JIDF
I wonder if they have a 2 hour corporate meeting before deciding what to post.

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>Based on careful analysis today we'll post the both sides were funded by zionists argument

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based comment

The deal with Hitler is this. They financed him knowing he would lose. If he had won, they would be in trouble. So they couldn’t let him. But he and his mission were quite noble.


Hitler planned on never paying back the loan in the first place you dumbshit
Thats why der Juden mobilised the whole fucking world against him.
Are you actually this retarded?

But why would they finance his movement in the first place. Do you think Jews are clinically retarded or something? They had their reasons.

You think a Jew can resist someone asking for a loan?
You must be new here

>they dont know where (((hitlers))) mom worked

I will watch a video on bitchute called “Hitler v rothschilds” and perhaps you turn out to be correct.

Gute Lektüre Sohn

Alright well Albert pike Said the jews will make a false dichotomy in a big world war to further their goals. So what about that?

They did. They also made it illegal to name them.

Wait.. so you think Hitler was a controlled player in the Jew game? Or did I understand you wrongly?

You said: They will create a false dicotomy. Which they did.
They also made it illegal to name them. Therfor aslong as you point at niggers, muslims its all " ok" but when you ov vey them, you can go to jail.
The chessboard is rigged, its time to flip it.

>Jews help white
How are they helping white people now?

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Communism versus nazism is what I mean by dichotomy, not niggers vs Europeans..

But why do you then still support Hitler if his role was planned by Jews to create turmoil in Europe?

King, the jews always fund both sides of the war search for nathan rothschild and how the international jewry was able to fool britain in the napoleonic wars
they always did that the same happened to ussr the thing is hitler knew about that in wiki it even says that hitler asked if walburg was a jew things got out of the kikes hands in the moment where hitler wanted to backup the reich with natural resources in eastern europe to resist an eventual blockade and refused to use central banking scheme adopted by all the countries hitler used the zog money to ellect himself and to strenghten germany autonomy.

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In mein kampf its described in detail what whas the nationalsocialist foreign policy and why it used the methods described
the meeting presumably took place in july 1929
the book was published in 1925
for all intents and purposes te turmoil was already bound to happen independently of financing remember that hitler tried to take power ilegally in the beerhofbraus putsch where he was send to prison afterwards where the book was written in the first place
dont believe the hype

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What do you mean support Hitler? Do you keep him in your basement?
Looking at the doctrine it worked for whites.
I want a white nation. Same as liberia for niggers.
I ask nothing more. If that needs to be done by force sure.
If that is what you call support hitler. Then yes i support hitler.


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Very interesting. But I still feel that the entire bulk of national socialist ideology and thinking is connected to Jewish power. It’s like they profit from it. They profit from an ideology that directly opposes Marxism while still being part of the same paradigm. Sure, they took some new ideas like Aryanism, but in the end it does look like controlled opposition that just gives people some hope, like republicans and democrats. Well the doctrine is just so over the top. Aryans are the superior race, Germany needs their former land returned, jews are behind the surrender of Germany. All the ideas, or most of the ideas, that Hitler espoused, are kind of really suspicious. They make it seem like he really is controlled opposition, just a small player that works for Jewish interests by creating a fake opposition to Bolshevism. Imagine 1930s Germany without nazism and without communism, too. Just opposing the Jews and removing them from powers should have been enough.

Oh vey the thread

National Socialism works for whites, because they actually work and are not parasites.
You can bullshit or hypothese all you want.
I advice you to read some more on the doctrine and the economic ways of natsoc. it will clear up a lot of "doubts" you have, rather "feels".

It is entirely a different matter whereas marx stole the socialism concept wich refers to a very old german worldview commonly known as folkism that originated in prussia in a sense marx apropriated a lot of concepts from hegel a prussian so nationalist that was even criticised by schoppenhauer (another german philosopher) marx was obcessed with hegel in his youth however being a jew he later in life decided to do a critique on him and use his concepts to form his own thing te thing being the a new form of socialism which already existed at that time, meeting engels marx wrote the critique you can search for it if you want its quite interesting.
what hitler wanted to do was erase the jewish marxist influence on the ownership of the term socialism by having the original hegelian worldview in his nationalsocialist worldview he described it in the first half of the second volume of mein kampf, the notorious dichotomy is between the struggle between nations (globalism vs nationalism) and not the class struggle as marx proposed.
It is in the surface quite similar however it has conpletely different implications and outcomes.
stay pure king

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Hitler was a jewish agent, nazism was a jewish op. Think about it. It gave the zionists all they wanted. Israel, and a psychological weapon to suppress europeans for all eternity. Why did Hitler declare war on USA? When Germany got into war with Russia, their supposed ally Japan did nothing to help. Instead of of attacking Russia from the east, Japan just went on its own meaningless conquest of China. Some ally huh. And then, when Japan attacked USA, for some reason, Hitler decided to declare war on USA. Very peculiar behaviour for the man who suppoesdly had Germanys interest at heart.

Listen to this debate between the nazi retard who made The Greatest Story Never Told and a researcher who asserts that the nazis were basically a jewish glownig operation.


Useful idiot. Why do you think Israel funded Hamas?

The Warburgs had a train with an SS escort to take them out of Nazi occupied Holland to France

Zionists wanted Hitler and nazism and antisemitism to rise in Europe. Theodor Herzl wrote about this in his books about 50 years before Hitler came to power. Do you even know what the word holocaust means? It means "whole burnt offering". It's like a fucking ceremomony. The zionists wanted extreme antisemitism because that would 1. legitimize the idea that jews need their own state 2. make jews move away from europe, into palestine/israel, which they were reluctant to do.

that quote is fake but that is actually exactyl what's happening. jews are making mainstream right wingers in the west hate muslims. they are also running controlled opposition nazi movements in a similair fashion to how they are funding islamist groups like hamas and isis. they want their opponents to be frothing at the mouth, socially repulsive, rejected by society, losers. So anyone who questions jewish power is not only accused of being a nazi by normie retards, he is also being funneled and pushed into neo-nazism. Instead of being a reasonable anti-jew, like europeans have been for a thousand years, they want you to be a boot-stepping skinheaded retard screaming about how we need to liquidate the handicapped and homosexuals. Daily reminder that judaism was illegal in sweden up until the 1700s and it was the same in many other parts of europe. It was literally banned, and in the countries where they were allowed they were restriced to live in certain areas. The jews want you to believe in some kind of mythology where Hitler was the one great hope against judiasm. This is complete horseshit. Anti-judaism was mainstream before Htiler dragged it into the dirt, thanks to Hitler anti-judaism is now completely verboten in the whole western world.

God bless and God love you.


there are tons of retards in the world, most nazis are utter retards incapable of logical thought. they are also very shellshocked from waking up to the lies of the world and they find emotional comfort in hitler. if hitler was also wrong then who could possibly be right that kind of deal. it's quite tragic.

one of the indoctrinated retards regurgitating propaganda without substance

he was a Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist, playwright, political activist, and writer who was the father of modern political Zionism it is not a reliable source to quote in regards to politics against jews
you dont ask a fish how to fish
you ask for the fisherman
now that puts two things onto consideration
either A
germany keeps getting kiked and doesnt do anything and the german revolution suceeds and germany becomes a commuw kiked owned shithole
the revolution its stoped but the republic of weimar which was predominantly made up of german industrialists which were globalists/kikes
Hitler rise up to power using jewish money and uses it to assure german independency and purges the jews out of the reich in order to be defeates by these same kikes that went to america soviet union years before
it seems like in this hipothesis you put germany in a dammed if you do dammed if you dont situation my friend...
from my perspective is better to fall while shooting than while crying

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Please learn how to write. Why did Hitler declare war on USA? Why Hitlers constant halt orders? It was a controlled opposition from the beginning. Hitler himself fought on the side of communists before he became an agent for them.

Obviously jews should have been removed from power, you don't need retarded nazi larp horseshit to do that. The nazi baggage is like a 100 ton weight attached to all european opposition to judaism, and you fuck keep falling for this controlled opposition even today

Scofield Bible. Perverting Gods word.
>Since it was first published in 1909, the Scofield Reference Bible has made uncompromising Zionists out of tens of millions of Americans. When John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), said that “50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel,” it was the Scofield Bible that he was talking about.

Scofield who published the Scofield Bible was a member of the Lotus Club, and a lawyer, surrounded by 'Jewish' advisors

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yes, it's probably the biggest black pill and basically the bottom of the rabbit hole. makes you realize how completely fucked we are.


you are embarrasing yourelf sven
judea declared war on germany on 33 google that is all on the newspapers
other than that there it is the appeal for peace that hitler proposed on england
he never wanted total war
as for my grammar I despise english
as for america note that The Lend-Lease policy, formally titled An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States, (Pub.L. 77–11, H.R. 1776, 55 Stat. 31, enacted March 11, 1941)[1] was a program under which the United States supplied the United Kingdom (and British Commonwealth), Free France, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations with food, oil, and materiel between 1941 and August 1945. This included warships and warplanes, along with other weaponry. It was signed into law on March 11, 1941, and ended in September 1945. In general the aid was free, although some hardware (such as ships) were returned after the war. In return, the U.S. was given leases on army and naval bases in Allied territory during the war. Canada operated a similar smaller program called Mutual Aid.

A total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $565 billion in 2018) worth of supplies was shipped, or 17% of the total war expenditures of the U.S.[2] In all, $31.4 billion went to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France, $1.6 billion to China, and the remaining $2.6 billion to the other Allies
that was unprecedent in american history curious how all tha happened right after the fed was instituted (central banking right after the 29 crisis)

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Jews financed Hitler because he was a socialist and Jew love spreading that Socialism

its a fact that there are many controlled oposition movements hijacked by the three letter aphabet companies today such as the attomwaffe however by creating te paranoia that all the movements are sponsored by the feds is in itself ironically a fed tactic just like all these redditors that think that if you talk about anything other than tranny porn and donald trump you are a fed.

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>judea declared war on germany on 33 google that is all on the newspapers
And? What does that have to do with anything?

>he never wanted total war
Why did he do backroom deals with literal communist Stalin to carve up Eastern Europe? Why did he declare war on USA?

You're not answering any of my challenges, you're just running around the issues like a pilpuling jew. You're not even correct, the fed was created in 1913.

Adolf Hitler is being kept alive on the moon. All of the American Christian billionaire Nazis were told they have the ark of the covenant up there, but it's actually just the Nazi infinity machine.

Hitler was controlled opposition from the beginning. He hijacked the german workers party from Anton Drexler. Hitler was literally tasked by the German government to infiltrate the German Workers Party, he hijacked it, and the rest is history.

>The DAP was a comparatively small group with fewer than 60 members.[32] Nevertheless, it attracted the attention of the German authorities, who were suspicious of any organisation that appeared to have subversive tendencies. In July 1919, while stationed in Munich army Gefreiter Adolf Hitler was appointed a Verbindungsmann (intelligence agent) of an Aufklärungskommando (reconnaissance unit) of the Reichswehr (army) by Captain Mayr the head of the Education and Propaganda Department (Dept Ib/P) in Bavaria. Hitler was assigned to influence other soldiers and to infiltrate the DAP.[35] While attending a party meeting on 12 September 1919, Hitler became involved in a heated argument with a visitor, Professor Baumann, who questioned the soundness of Gottfried Feder's arguments against capitalism; Baumann proposed that Bavaria should break away from Prussia and found a new South German nation with Austria. In vehemently attacking the man's arguments, Hitler made an impression on the other party members with his oratorical skills; according to Hitler, the "professor" left the hall acknowledging unequivocal defeat.[36] Drexler encouraged him to join the DAP.[36] On the orders of his army superiors, Hitler applied to join the party[37] and within a week was accepted as party member 555 (the party began counting membership at 500 to give the impression they were a much larger party).

Hitler's talent as an orator and his ability to draw new members, combined with his characteristic ruthlessness, soon made him the dominant figure. However, while Hitler and Eckart were on a fundraising trip to Berlin in June 1921, a mutiny broke out within the party in Munich. Members of its executive committee wanted to merge with the rival German Socialist Party (DSP).[62] Upon returning to Munich on 11 July, Hitler angrily tendered his resignation. The committee members realised that his resignation would mean the end of the party.[63] Hitler announced he would rejoin on condition that he would replace Drexler as party chairman, and that the party headquarters would remain in Munich.[64] The committee agreed, and he rejoined the party on 26 July as member 3,680. Hitler continued to face some opposition within the NSDAP, as his opponents had Hermann Esser expelled from the party and they printed 3,000 copies of a pamphlet attacking Hitler as a traitor to the party.[64] In the following days, Hitler spoke to several packed houses and defended himself and Esser to thunderous applause.[65]

judea that I refeered was the organized boycott that america did right after the elections in germany
about the ussr its described in detail why he wanted an alliance with both italy and russia in the chapter 13/14 of mein kampf volume 2
the incident that I refered was the fact that america droped the gold standard and adopted usury trough jewish influence by the time roosevelt stepped into the office america was already judaised by its central banking due to laws created after the 29 crisis

Even 4chin thinks Rothschildren were the first banker Jews...

user, every jew family has 2 things that go back to ancient times - a rabbi and a banker.

No name Jews controlled European sovereigns in the 1100s. They were the advisors and the tax collectors.

Hitler was controlled opposition. They knew he wouldn't win, and they knew what they would gain from the actions of the Reich.

Htf you think they got kicked out of 109 countries?

king I provided literal links to his speeches whith the man literally talking out his points and you dare to call me a pullpilling kike ?
bro im really disaponted I tought you were just a fellow redpilled pollack but now its clear as the sun to me that you are a shill being pais by jidf with a vpn
dont ever talk to me or my son again

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>Jews help whites
Based retard.

He declared war on the US because the US was funding the allies and Soviets and were the main golem for world jewry.

Some based history for the noobs


yes - hitler was controlled op, was well rewarded for his role, and lived out a long and luxurious life in south america

Wonder what else the Warburgs are behind?

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It has been known since the 60's that Hitler was a Rothschild himself, through his grandmother who had an out-of-wedlock child with a member of the Austrian branch of the Rothschild dynasty.