Under what circumstances is having a daughter not advanced cuckery
Under what circumstances is having a daughter not advanced cuckery
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teach your daughter about money. might as well make a golddigger.
When you fuck her yourself before anyone else can
If it's aborted.
>no female children
>no future generation
Just kys and save us the bother of dealing with another genetic dead end retard
Imagine the smell
You don't decide to have a daughter.
You decide to be a cuck.
lay off the estrogen water leaf
fake news.
china and arab states work FINE and they murder most female births that are discovered
women are for raping nothing more, whn i see pic like this, this make me want to rape them and hit them in the god damn face.
Are you fucking retarded...you need females to keep your family going.... females bring allies in war and trade for you and neighbors....boys grow your numbers and bloodline
Anglos are truly a disgusting breed.
NO DUDE! Sex isn’t natural! All women are whores so you should watch porn or reproduce.
>Under what circumstances is having a daughter not advanced cuckery
When you're not fucking your daughter or trying to fuck your daughter
based and redpilled, watch how beta simps will deny it while ignoring the statistics revealing that thots just want to be raped by strong men
When I have kids, and a daughter, if she does anything remotely degenerate beyond the age of 18 she will mysteriously disappear
>Government issued Wafus
>Work fine
kys chang
Why are Aussie guys such Chad's but their women are brittish slags tier ?
>"all so she can get ravaged by another man"
>another man
>another - in addition to
>ravaged again
jordan peterson fucks his daughters
>h-how can you rape women oh maw gad !!! you are a monster !!!!
litterally every human on this planet and who is suffering from absent sex, but lying to them self
The only right answer
7/10 times it is. Your job as a man is to raise her to not be a degenerate cuck. Unless you're talking about that "raise a woman for another man to fuck" kind of cuck in which case fuck off with your jewish incest shit faggot kike.
I have a son and there were complications at birth. He and wife survived.
Next pregnancy was tested, twin girls.
Aborted the whores. Fuck that.
Both me and the missus looked at each other and noped.
When she becomes a lesbian and invites you for a threesome.
Women are good for a lot of things but sitting on a shelf and looking pretty isn't one of them.
They are on coke
I mean you've dedicated your entire life into creating her. What better reward than to engage in the ultimate act of intimacy with her? To experience the inside of her body, to leave your seed deep within her?
>having a daughter not advanced cuckery
forced meme is lame and tired
I dunno user. As a parent it's your job not to let them grow up to be a roastie mud shark. Think you can handle that? If it's anything like your social anxiety, you should just kys.
When you find some White Aryan BVLL for her in order to save the white race.
Forced meme to push kiked incest shit.
when you're fucking her yourself
Your grandfather from Sicily. Which basically makes you a nog.
I can't say i havn't ever thought about it. But it's just a hassle. Don't want to do anything that risks jail time. And this pseudo of respect and kindness in this world keeps me stress free
not for long, anyway
>Under what circumstances is having a daughter not advanced cuckery
just breed her yourself
Asexual/volcel daughter
When you don't have sick fantasies about fucking your daughter you stupid degenerate pastanigger.
kek based herd immunity
Built for BBC
>that pic
When will you leave back to Europe, cum skin? Your continent needs you.
>daughter pregnant = 100% your grandkid
>son's wife pregnant = 50% chance you got cucked
other way around
>keeps me stress free
it keeps you domesticated
hopefully the system will break some day and white men can be free again
free to kill their enemies
and free to rape women
Yep, never raped I women because of muh prison muh law muh women are intelligent and are like men too, why women are wet when get raped sensually tho.
As long as she gives you many grandchildren thats all that matters, just make sure she has children with the right person if you catch my drift.
Was raped right after the photo was taken
i dont even find pic related hot
they just look like trashy germbags at this point
mutts law
>breeding a random roastie
best case scenario the child is only 50 percent your genetics
>breeding your daughter
now you can actually claim the child is related to you at 75 percent similar genetics
>breeding your daughter of your daughter
the only hope of having a son that is actually like you with genetic similarity of over 75 percent
basically, not having incest is cucking yourself raising children at best only 50 percent genetically similar to you
Its a slide thread.
Anyway, you are 100 % correct
If you raise her right and marry her off early to someone you know will be a good and trustworthy husband you've done your race an invaluable service
Ew wtf
pedos get the rope
Fuck you
You could have a son and still get cucked. Checkmate.
Checks out.
You fuck her yourself
I have developed a method.
post the one with the Australian flag
What??? Sage this fuckhead anons please.
>Under what circumstances is having a daughter not advanced cuckery?