Many here in Yas Forums claim that christianism is “our” religion but I want to know if they are real Christians or if they are just larping as one. So I want you to ask these questions:
Do you give all your earned wealth to those in need and live only with what is necessary to survive?
Do you love your enemies and wish they no harm whatever they do?
Are you ready to offer the other cheek if someone attacks you?
Do you call brother to any other human you meet independently from their race/culture?
Are you puritan both in acts and thoughts?
If you don’t answer these questions like Jesus might do, what is the point of proselytizing this faith in the first place? I think most Christians here don’t follow any command of what they claim to believe in, prove me wrong.
Redpill me on Christianism
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself nigger.
The deep penetration of Jewish Marxism has a poster here writing that the Christian faith is an -ISM
There it is: 'Christianism' Hur hur hur hur.
Hmmm. This thread has a slight hint of islam shit smell to it.
What a shitty answer fag.
Isn't christianism a correct form to call it? Why argue about semantics?
no lmao fuck off mohammed.
Why do you need to pretend in a magic being floating in the sky to feel good about yourself? All of these Semitic religions are ridiculous. Burning Bushes, pedophile prophets. I mean, Jesus was cool for beating up the kike money lenders 2000 years ago, but now the kikes run Christianity Inc. think it correct because of it's Universal use.
How come Universal? Because Jewish false intellect has all things -ISM ised.
Some of them are utterly ridiculous: Gentrificationism, Lookism, Culturalism, Genderism, etc etc.....
No, not 'semantics' but intellectual insanity.
In English, the correct way to say it "Christianity"
The cult of rabbi Yeshua created by Jews for the goyim.
Christians Do the best they can, if Christians could keep all the commandments all the time we would not need Jesus to die for us. But because we recognize that we are sinners, yet love the Lord, It drives us to do better and repent. The Lord Jesus came to save the lost not the pure.
This is a Jew waging Judaism or a Muslim waging Islam. Disregard their hostile and very factually incorrect opinion.
>prove me wrong
Nah the bible already did it. Go read if you want to be saved like some of us.
Christians are flooding our countries with foreigners
I'll tell you the truth that no Christian appears capable of recognizing: Christianity is the worship of the worst demon mankind has ever described and has nothing to do with the Christ. They look but they don't see. They listen but they don't hear. They speak for the father when they don't even understand the son. Christ would be utterly ashamed of the religion that has stolen his name and perverted his teachings. Soon you will all understand what I am trying to say. I hope you all know what is about to happen.
I didn't knew English was that jewed. The questions still stand despite of that.
Jewish people are the ones who are pushing multiculturalism and Ethnic diversity for their Amalek-enemy countries Europe and America.
Christians happily do what the Jews say and flood our countries with foreigners
No on all counts OP
Doesn't matter because Jesus forgives.
He did however let himself get tortured and killed. When his followers wanted to fight he told them not to.
Oh so you’re Christian?
Why aren’t you literally Jesus?
Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household
It was prophesied. He had knew from the beginning
yes Jesus was pretty meek for the messiah
If Jesus died for our sins what's the point of not sinning? Is there a moral point of not being a sinner if every sin has already been forgiven? Should Christians forgive all sinners like God already did?
>Why don't you act like one?
Fuck off, Moshe.
Should Christians not act how the bible tells them to?
>Signaling hypocrites is now a Jewish thing to do
Ok, López
Sinning is inevitable. God's standards are so high that there is no possibility for a human to live a perfect life. The point is to be aware of what you do, and follow the only two commandments given by Jesus: love your neighbor as yourself, and put God foremost in your mind.
Christianity is actually super simple, 2,000 years of flawed human tradition had calcified the religion and invented all these gate-keeper protocols that must be observed.
Which is utter nonsense. Just thank God for what he provides, and be cool with other people.
It's inherent in the words of Christ that all Christian's should forgive all sinners. Hopefully by recognizing that they themselves are sinners.
>The mentality of a child
The world today is much too different to take the teachings of the Bible literally. The teachings are meant to teach us how to behave in our local community, or our tribe if you will, because in those times your local community was all that you had. The term "global" had no meaning. When you start forcing non Christians who do not abide these rules into Christian communities it ends in sorrow for all every single time. Some people do try and take the teachings literally (so called christcucks) but they are fools.
Anyone got that image o "if we were living in a christian society."? I remember a long post with the 10 commandments attached to it. It was a pretty long post and each post had a picture attached to it. The first post talked about killing gays and covering up women.
What is the point of the bible if we can't take it literally?
>If you don’t answer these questions like Jesus might do, what is the point of proselytizing this faith in the first place?
If you answer these questions like Jesus might then what need of you for Jesus?
All have sinned and fall short.
'Christianism' is the concession of that much, and that you need an advocate whom is perfect.
Who is your advocate?
Have you tried taking it seriously instead or literally?
The Pharisees conspired against God and Jesus.
Their leaders did everything to have him killed.
Jesus rose from the grave and started a legacy.
wrong. Christians follow Jesus.
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
But many will come and say "iam christ" and deceive many.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
How can I take it seriously if I can't take it literally?
What has this to do with Christians importing niggers to us?
>Do you give all your earned wealth to those in need and live only with what is necessary to survive?
Communism, so heres.y
>Do you love your enemies and wish they no harm whatever they do?
Pacifism, so heresy.
>Are you ready to offer the other cheek if someone attacks you?
Pacifism, so heresy.
>Do you call brother to any other human you meet independently from their race/culture?
Globalism, so heresy.
>Are you puritan both in acts and thoughts?
Protestantism, so heresy.
In short:
>I am too lazy to read the Catechism - thread #86798698696
Friend, your thread is full of shills. Ask me any question you may have of Christianity, and I will attempt to answer, with Biblical sources, in an attempt to spread good will and knowledge with you.
The first thing you must do when asking any question of Christianity is to ask those attempting to teach you the following question:
"Is Jesus Christ also God in the flesh?"
This is a test, given to us by Jesus in pic related, to discern good intelligences from evil or ignorant ones.
Shills cannot or will not answer this question. Their handlers do not allow them to praise Christianity for real. Anyone who replies to said question with anything but an affirmative is a false prophet.
>"All I know about Christianity is the retarded things Atheists *think* Christians believe."
Jesus Christ is god in the flesh
It's not hard to say it
I know it isn't. The people who come to deceive you will have trouble saying it. Test any memeflag or shill and they will insult you for asking it.
Based and Scripturepilled
I don't believe they have trouble saying it.
I've asked many shills and many people. You'd be surprised. For whatever reason, they just will not answer it with a firm stance. It's like naming the Jew, they begin to sweat and squirm. Go to any thread right now with an active memeflag or shill and test them.
I grew as a catholic and was taught these commands, are you claiming that Jesus was a heretic according to your vision of his teachings?
Is Jesus Christ also God in human flesh?
Your friend
>"It is raining cats and dogs!"
>"Dude, you're a liar"
Christians in America are usually right wing, not sure what you're thinking of.
Okay I will try to find a memeflag
What? I don't understand what you are saying.
Because your organisations claim to be christian.
Bad people claim to be a lot and many things, if they can take advantage of it and exploit it or exploit you somehow.
Today they are christian, tommorow they are buddhist, the next day they are atheists, just to be pagan on the very next day.
They claim to be a lot and whatever helps them the most. At some point the ymight even claim to be you or like you, only to take advantage.
Just as someone who want's to wage war, will do it and base it on whatever passes his way and is useful enough.
Yes, why not? No one can prove it not to be.
>How can I take it seriously if I can't take it literally?
Have you comprehensively read the *entire* bible AND the theology of the various denominations?
Are you aware that to more than half of all Christians the bible is just one tool and not "supreme", right?
What questions do you have of the Bible exactly, friend?
In Judaism the god Satan is the enemy of Yahweh, the god of the Jews. The Hebrew name ‘Satan’ literally means Enemy, the Adversary, the Accuser etc. It is useful to think of Satan as the god of the Gentiles. According to the Jews Yahweh is the one true god and all the pagan gods of the Gentiles are false gods, idols. Collectively, all the heathen gods of the Gentiles could be described as ‘Satanic’ i.e. enemies of Yahweh and the Jewish people. This metaphysical dualism was inherited by the Jews disciples the Christians, who portrayed as ‘Satanic’ evil and demonic all the pagan gods of their enemies that they forcibly converted to Christianity or killed. The god of the Jews and the son of God Jesus became the only true God, and Jesus Christ’s enemy Satan the god that all the Pagans worshipped (including the Jews themselves, which creates the absurdity of the Jews being described as worshipping Satan, an absurdity that continues to this day. It is not Satan that the Jews worship but Yahweh!).
To put things into proper perspective before the ‘transvaluation of values’ done by the Judeo-Christians, the Ancient World was pagan and polytheistic and the Jews cut themselves off from the people around them. They not only saw themselves as unique and the rest of mankind as goyim, but metaphysically they viewed themselves as having knowledge of the one true god, a monotheistic god whose chosen people they were, in contrast to the false polytheistic gods of the pagan goyim around them, who their god YHWH-JHVH had given them dominion over.
I know that Christians in america tried to ban everything years ago
>everyone is not real christian but me
How can I know who is a real Christian and who is not maybe you are the false Christian.
If you can't take the bible literal than why would it be supreme right?
Also mislead people will do a lot, convinced to do the right thing.
I could say the same thing to you
I don't have questions on the Bible or it's teachings as I have been educated about them. I was asking why many people proselytize the Christian faith when they don't act like a Christian should do, I'm not asking them to act like Jesus but at least to be good Christians.
Parables are a way of teaching a moral lesson with analogy or hyperbole.
For example, the parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard - there was no actual vineyard owner nor actual workers, it is to illustrate a moral truth.
Yes, Christ used a parable of Turn the Other Cheek but He also said 'take up your sword' and 'shake the dust from your sandals'.
you are taking snippets of moral teachings, assuming they are literal statements only, ignoring other parts of the moral teaching, then demanding others believe as *YOU* think they ought.
Its insane
Judeo-Christianity is a plagiarism of the Sumerian and Vedic religion.
Abraham = Brahman
Adam = Adamu
meat to reply to
It's a safe way to distrust and sew hate openly. Noone is going to take the time to open the book to discredit the person hating, so when they say "Jesus hated Jews, so should I!!!" they can feel safe knowing that noone is going to call them out.
Just replace "hating Jews" with whatever the current controversy the false Christian is trying to side with, and there you go.
>But I heard that Jews hate Jesus Christ!
They don't it's a meme. They constantly promote him in medias and TV shows.
>But .. Jews hate the cross!
The ADL and SPLC wants to ban European native faith symbols meanwhile there's is no ban on Christian symbols despite the much memed lie about Jews hating Christianity,
Whereas the Christian government in Sweden just recently tried to totally ban the use of Futhark for being "hate speech".
Read the bible. If you hear the truth, you're part of the elect. Welcome
Repent before it is too late. The time has come. Get right with the Lord.
Yes I know that the Church I went to said that Jesus might have not gave everyone fish but made them share. They said that Jesus probably did not do any miracles
Fallen Angels Are Corrupted From Sumerian Sages Of Enki
The ancient seven sages of Sumeria who were under the direction of Enki, the Apkallus who taught mankind the knowledge of spirituality and civilization. Were the actual "Fallen Angels" who came down to earth from heaven in later Jewish rewritings.
the real redpill on Christianity
if you don't read the Word of God yourself
you will be deceived
so much bullshit
its the pillar of western civilization but should i really worship a kike on a stick,/pol?
How do you determine what is christian and what not?
You follow Jesus, you look into the scripture and read.
When the devil had tried Jesus in the desert, Jesus always reffered back to scripture "it is written..."
He died for our sins but we must still avoid sin because we must accept His gift of salvation.
Salvation is not a free pass, it is a goal to reach.
Do you, personally, no swear an oath that YOU, believe the following?
>Jesus is the Christ; fully human and fully divine; begotten of a virgin, not created; one in being with The Father; that Christ suffered and died for our salvation; that He rose again from the dead; that He established a Church on earth
Yes or no?
The early tales of Genesis are stolen and corrupted from the Sumerian's. Enki created Adamu with the red clay of the Apsu and breathes the breath of life into him. Later the Jews stated Yahweh creates Adam with the red dust of the earth and breathes the breath of life into him.
They then place Enki in the role as the Devil instead. So they can butt in with their own evil agenda. The original sin they inserted in the Garden of Edin a Sumerian term for the abode of the Gods. Is that of Daath in Hebrew which means the sexual union of the male and female chakra's [Adamu and Eva] which is done by the serpent energy which Enki symbolizes. The Magnum Opus.
That's a shitty church and non-Christian
I know it's a sin to hate and I repent about it but when I see someone proselytizing Christianity with hate that alienates me, that's why I started this thread calling them out as hypocrites. It's pretty common to see that kind of behavior here.
This place is full of dark spirits and false prophets friend.
>Jew fears the cross meme
Meanwhile in reality
You can lead a donkey to water but you cant force it to drink.
uhh nice filename
they were a catholic church
On the Jews and their Lies
First of all, you should kys for trying to advance these liberal atheist talking points
second of all:
>Do you give all your earned wealth to those in need and live only with what is necessary to survive?
this is not demanded of Christians. the idea of sharing amongst each other was directed towards his 12 disciples.
>Do you love your enemies and wish they no harm whatever they do?
I love my enemies because theyre openly my enemies, which means theyre honest in everything they say about me etc., and therefore I can take advantage of that. (as opposed to fake friends etc.).
>and wish they no harm whatever they do?
>Are you ready to offer the other cheek if someone attacks you?
turning the other cheek is completely out of context as of how you think of it (and you probably know that, but you keep pushing this debunked verse because thats the only verse that possibly gives you any argument). Jesus himself physically attacked people. and the idea of self defence etc. is highly promoted in the Bible.
Exodus 22:2 for example: "If someone breaks into your home and you strike him so he dies , the defender is not guilty of bloodshed"
>Do you call brother to any other human you meet independently from their race/culture?
Christians are my brothers in faith. That does not mean to welcome them into my country. the idea of borders and nations are mentioned in a positve context every single time its mentioned in the Bible. And no, youre not supposed to love everyone in the Bible. Jesus himself called homosexuals and abomination who deserves the death penalty, he called jews the synagoge of satan etc.
that filename means "yeshua hamashiach" and that means again "jesus is the messiah".
Which jews deny, among many things.
>Catholic Church
>"Christ didn't do miracle"
Fuck off, you're a shitty liar. Catholic churches literally have approved teaching books and lessons that are forbidden to say shit like 'Christ didn't do miracles'.
I knew this was a fucking bait thread.