I'm out of cigs and there's a lockdown so I can't buy more

I'm out of cigs and there's a lockdown so I can't buy more

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Good time to stop user. I'm quitting tomorrow.

>not prepping
>being an addict

15 points have been removed from your social ranking.

tfw i work at a gas station and have to go in tomorrow whether we're open or not.

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Yas Forums told me it was just a flu
Fuck that

>I'm out of cigs and there's a lockdown so I can't buy more
stop being a fucking addict and stop smoking
rare flag btw

no we didn't you fat fucking nigger shoe
there's been ample research and warnings since D E C E M B E R
just die
i'm not even sorry.
just. die.

Dude fuck you
I'm addicted and my subhuman government won't supply me with what I want how do they expect me to adhere to a lockdown if I need something and I'm not getting it.

>won't break a window to feed THE ADDICTION
What are you doing, user?

I am quiting chocolate and sugar in general. 3 days clean.

Imagine having so little self control that you get addicted to cigarettes.

i will smoke one for you

you should have stocked up

Nice! Make sure to keep eating fresh. In time you will notice your poop quality and quantity will increase. Less toilet wipes needed etc.

I only have 5 cigarettes for today. I plan to stop smoking until the corona thing is over. Dont wanna die on that flu shit because of smoking.

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Nice guy

Stop being a pussy and go Solid Snake mode.

Good thing I eat chocolate and sugar then. I really don't want to overfill the shitter.

I did that as well a few weeks ago. Feels good man.

I usually get one of these and they last me one and a half month.

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real cigarettes will kill your white blood cells anyway

just buy a damn ecig and $30 of liquid will last you a month

Time to quit brother, this is a blessing in disguise

fuck you

I don't know, man. Winston is like smoking sawdust half of the time.

i knew i should have bought tobacco and rolling paper, fuck me...

>I'm out of cigs and there's a lockdown so I can't buy more
Guess its time to quit smoking

Winston is the best brand after kent and marlboro.

There isn't a lockdown right now you autist

i am not quitting, dont fall for the anti-tobacco jew, smoking is not that bad for you.

I know there isn't but literally all supermarkets are out of good cigarettes, you expect me to smoke LD silver or goldcoast like a nigger?

lmao this

>He didn't stock up 6 months worth of ciggies
You're never gonna make it, might as well go try bat soup and tell us if it was worth all this trouble.

>he didn't stock cigarettes for the apocalypse

>Yas Forums told me it was just a flu

You heard what you wanted to, faggot.

One day I will gas all of you in a nicotine chamber.

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>i am not quitting
Apparently you are.

>tfw 30g used to last me 4-5 days
>so bored in isolation I'm going through it in 2 days

At this rate the cancer will get me faster than CV19


I don't know about that. I like rolling Pall Malls.


>i knew i should have bought tobacco and rolling paper

Yes. Yes you should've

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>One day I will gas all of you in a nicotine chamber.
Bless you papa Hitler

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>he doesn't know that smokers are at less risk of getting covid-19

Write a book.

Now imagine how people who have a deathly addiction to alcohol who will die from withdrawals once the stores shut down. They're apparently supposed to be after Easter weekend. I can't even believe how happy I am I kicked my drinking months before this shit happened. I was already going through seizures and hallucinations and shit while in detox centers and hospitals let alone being by myself or on the streets with those kinds of issues during all this shit.

it was a mistake, if i get out of this alive i will never do it again.
we dont have those here


You can't go to a gas station or convenience store?


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Just imagine how us smack addicts feel right now, OP.

What a shame. Isn’t there something long and tasty you could put in your mouth instead? Such as a penis?

last 2 weeks i couldnt, everything was shut down, but today they allowed us out to buy necessities, i went to 4 supermarkets and all the good brands were already bought.

Based. Stay strong. Stay sober leaf bro

We have a ban on the retail of menthol filters in the U.K in the next few days so one has to stock the fuck up

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Do you guys have rolling tobacco?

I'd be buying pounds of it.

>menthol filters

what the fuck is wrong with you?
smoke shops usually have it but all are closed.

Problem, OP?

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Kudos, congrats, glad to hear, good.

How fucking old are you?

>what the fuck is wrong with you?

Normal cigs taste like fucking ashtrays

I should be doing Uni work but I have no motivation since my rhythm of life was taken away. Haven't been this depressed since I was a neet last summer.

Train your willpower man. Lockdown is the best time for it. Will stop eating for ten days tomorrow, no coffee, booze and cigs included.

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Writing does help. You'll have trust me on that. Bit of a drag at first but that fades away after a while. Keeps you busy. At least 4 smokes less per day.

Probably smoking cheap shite then. I go with GV or American Spirit. I tried Riverstone last month and it was fucking disgusting.

Been two years since i stopped, best decision of my life, try to quit

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>menthol filters

Comfy ketosis user.

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>Used to be a sloppy NEET
>Since lockdown I’ve quit nicotine, porn and fapping
>Day 7 now
>Cleaned entire apartment
>Finishing my uni thesis
>Gone for 3x five mile runs


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You’re so stupid. LCBO and dispensaries have been deemed essential business across the country. None of these cash cows are closing. At best, you’ll see reduced hours... but you’re dreaming of you think they’ll take alcohol and weed away from Canadians

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I know several people who work at liquor stores here in Winnipeg saying they're closing after Easter.

anons: i know how to give up


based marlboro goldchad


How is a sand nigger like you not smoking Camels?

dont touch your face!

I've quit smoking 3 times now. I usually stop when I'm content and pick back up when I'm stressed. Just started smoking again thus year after quitting for 4 years. I'll quit again after summer.

You should have stocked up. Now the best option is to just cold turkey that shit and quit. Ive ordered apocalypse packages of ejuice and dip in the event shtf in the US. I will be goddamned if I sit through a quarantine without nicotine

>I'm out of cigs and there's a lockdown so I can't buy more
Sucks dude. I bought a bit of tobacco for the lock down and I don't even smoke. I can email you a single cig if it helps.

I don't even smoke but I will go buy some cigs and smoke them for you

I fucking miss Ireland. I miss Amber Leaf god damn it