How is the rest of the world going to get revenge on China?

How is the rest of the world going to get revenge on China?

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nuclear war

Revenge for what. The virus is a nothing burger remember. China did nothing wrong.

China did this. Jinping must pay.

Idk, but in for good ideas.

Feel like it would be pretty funny to just outright boycott all chink owned businesses in the USA

Did what? Corona is a jewish hoax. China had nothing to do with this. Leave china alone.


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United North American Union.

Canada has tons of raw materials and minerals/oil.

America boost its manufacturing to the moon.

Mexico brings in the cavalry with labor.

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sǒylent chink

By ordering a sweet China laser and writing a Death To America e-mail.

>Canada: filled with sjw's globohomos

>USA: Split 50/50 between globohomos and Brainlet Conservatives

>Mexico: Full of low IQ mutts

>China: Homogenous, population larger than north america and europe combined. Already unified.

You're fucked mutt.

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Probably just sanctions, i.e nothing.

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By giving them money to manufacture a Valve Index, then calling it a day.

kys chang

Financial reset.

Nothing if they know what's good for them. Trump attempted to battle China with tariffs and they defeated him easily. The rest of the world is too reliant on China now to simply try and pull the rug out from under them. But the media clearly wants them out of the equation based on how many people have been easily persuaded into becoming blind racists now and hate anyone with slanted eyes. Let's not forget how vindictive China can be and how they reacted to Denmark publishing that virus flag meme. If you're going to destroy them you better do it quickly and efficiently. Because if you fail, China will respond with indefensible fury.

We should leave them to their own devices.

There's nothing we could ever dream up to do to them that would cause more pain and misery and anguish and death to them than what they will do to themselves if we leave them to it.

Fuck's sake, look at what they've done to themselves already. Communist regime. Cartoonish levels of pollution. Faulty escalators. Eating bugs and bats as food. Split-crotch pants so their children can shit anywhere. Concrete buildings that are nothing but a very thin layer of concrete spread out over styrofoam blocks.

We can't fucking punish these people, nuking them would be a mercy.

subhuman cunt eyed insectoids abuse doggo. they need to die.


let loose some american lyme disease ticks on their shitty animal markets

If you follow the trail long enough you'll see who is really responsible (Kanada).



This. China is the way it is because the old chink men in charge are jealous of the BWC that their women swoon over. The only way to finish them off is mass cucking.

Wait, I thought we were supposed to hate Russia? Oh well, as long as we're united against a common enemy (that isn't our own regime) it's all good. See you at the next Two Minutes Hate- down with China!

If you love it so much then go live with the fascist, rat-eating chinks with their censored internet. Faggot.

t.Seething Chink

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This desu
Just stop trading with china. Starve the pig!

Seems like nothing. Not even a slap on the wrist. Trump even stopped calling it the Chinese Virus - which is what it is

I want stormtrooper uniforms for Mexicans

If US doesn't do it then no one will?

92% of China is Han.

92% of Africa is nigger. What's your point?


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sleeper agents

I really don't understand what China did here that everyone hates them. So a disease emerged in their country, they locked down millions of people to try to stop it. The Western world slept on it while East Asian countries were able to mitigate the effects. Now the West gets hit hard while China's solved their problem and they whine that this is all China's fault. Maybe they should have taken advance precautions when Hubei was locked down, but I guess that was too "extreme".

They’re likely not. Shit will go back to relative normalcy here not too long from now, and none of the big-wigs will have learned a thing. Country, family, everything takes second place to the almighty dollar for them.


For most of my life China was an isolated mystery that didn't allow anyone in or out, but then they wanted to be a part of the global community and made major strides, then their true nature came through, and now they have slave camps full of Muslims, it's a hyper-police-state, their economy is based on slave labor and stolen tech, they respect no country's laws regarding IP, and now they've unleashed death on the world while lying about it.

It'll take a few months to return them to isolation, maybe then they can start over. This time is different; the Chinese people, robotic though they are, have tasted capitalism and Westernism and won't accept a return to the dark days, China will have a cultural upheaval and will return stronger, but for now, for our own safety, we have to crush them.

This. It's a hoax, amirite?

>For most of my life China was an isolated mystery that didn't allow anyone in or out
most of your life occurred more than 40 years ago?

My company is already moving work out of chinkland. I’m going to accelerate that even more, since they aren’t delivering on the shipments they promised.

How about bring all the jobs back? Stop selling homes to foreign investors who are mostly chinese. The best way to get back at China is put your own country and people first.

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go back, fucking s@y faggot.

They lobbied the WHO to encourage everyone not to close borders and stop Chinese travellers

They blamed the US for bringing the disease to China with shitty Alex Jones-tier speculation

They started blaming foreigners in China for their country's second wave rather than accept they didn't fully stop the outbreak that started within the country

ching ching ding dong gina din do wong

All out nuclear strike, glass the whole country

Bring all manufacturing etc back home. Implement national socialism. Boot out all brown people. Make our countries great again.

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Isolate the place. They will destroy themselves and if they step up to the border, the world will have already be locked and loaded.
Self-isolate is another way of saying border up.

Stop selling food to China and you can kill half of them without firing a shot.

Yeah I wish I could agree with this two of my friends are in the hospital, and my girlfriends neighbor died from it.. don’t be a fucking retard.. my friends more than likely going to die..

It's so obviously their fault. Anyone who isn't blaming China by now is a chicom shill

So it's their fault because they insisted they had it under control when that wasn't the case?

Literally every other country was saying the same thing until two weeks ago. If the West was dumb enough to take China at their word and not look at facts on the ground it's still the West's fault for not being prepared. Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and South Korea saw the same information and actually took precautions. Guess which countries get to keep schools and businesses open and have a death rate below 1%?

Chinese government made the virus in a lab but they didn't have plans to release it (although they could have in the future). Rogue agents within China tried to sell it to rouge agents from America so it could be released in America and crash Trump's economy, ruining his chances for re-election. If the Chinese and American intelligent agencies team up to eliminate these rogue agents, it would make the world a much better place for everyone.

If any American or Chinese government/military people are reading this, please take my advice seriously. Neither of you are the cause of this, please stop the real enemies.

More than ANYTHING Chinks want to be respected and taken seriously. It'll drive them nuts if Westerners - whom they both hate and admire - make fun of them and belittle them.

>lie to the world and say that nothing is happening while sending chinks from the infected zones to spread the disease in the west
>tell chinks living in other countries to buy all the masks and send them back to china
>tell infected chinks to go out in public and give people hugs
>accuse people of racism when they don't want to hug infected chinks
>demand apologies from the rest of the world for getting infected with a virus that they created and deliberately spread
It's not just the virus, it's the fact that they did everything they could to turn the outbreak into a pandemic and then tried to pretend that they were the victims.

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Deny them shekels.

Move the jobs ANYWHERE else. Diversify your supply chains to NOT depend on Chinkistan.

More human trafficking for massage parlores around the world?


They intentionally SPREAD it. It's obvious and intentional. They arrested chink doctors who tried to warn us.

Revenge over what? A total nothingburger?

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