COVID-19 in the food supply?

Been reading about people who have been extremely strict trying to avoid COVID-19 and were puzzled where they could have picked it up.

Was wondering if COVID-19 could be in our food supply, specifically meat products?

And if it was I don't think we would be informed as the panic it would rip society apart.

Any studies done on this method of COVID-19 transmission.

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Hot food kills it so unless they’re eating raw cold meat it’s nonsense

Normally vaccines take over a year to develop. But this Israeli company was starting that process before the pandemic.

>“Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”

Money is just as disturbing yet rarely mentioned for some reasons

food supply? of course if some faggot is sick that works grocery would get the virus all over shit
not to mention the postal workers, and delivery services of take out or actual supplies
they keep saying the cruise ship's virus was on surfaces for more than two weeks, after the people infected were gone
now tell me, how would someone not get sick from that?

Why "meat"?

Oh yes of coarse got to be meat products. Sage.

i assume bat soup was served hot.

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Because they either don't wear masks or wear masks like this and are breathing all over the meat all day anyway.

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you have to go back, retard

Nice get. But the bat was not fully cooked. Only the broth was hot.

yeah coz people are stupid and think wearing gloves and a mask saves you. bet they didn't wash down all their food packaging handles taps and everything they touched before making food.

>tries to use a pol meme to make fun of pol
Jeez, these fucks can't even be original

yesterday they came out & said 20k people came into contact with the 30 of infected people who are currently in quarantine by next week we TRINIDAD & TOBAGO is going to have the most deaths per capita in the world topping italy by thousands FOLLOWED by Venezuela

Bet my life on this

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I disinfect all my bought grocery stuff with vinegar solution.

This is some Lucky Larry shit.

meat is fucked up, they actually kill innocent animals to make it
I'm going vegetarian

Animals are not innocent, they are animals. Innocence can only exist in the presence of free will.


This is the hour of the scourge!

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Maybe bringing it in on clothes? I've worried about this myself. When I shop for groceries I wear a mask and goggles and once I'm home I disinfect everything I bought plus my phone and hands with 70% alcohol sanitizer and wipes. I don't really have any chance to do the same to my coat, though, so while I do take it off as soon as I come home I figured there's a possibility of the virus being on there.
Food packaging is a big one, as well as the surface of fruit and vegetables that probably get touched by tons of people in the store. Rinsing those won't fully remove the virus.

Either way, no matter how strict you're being you can never reduce your chances to zero. So it makes sense that some careful people are still getting it, it's just a fact of life that all you can do is reduce the risks.

and they wear masks for vegetables?

this is one of those half arsed vegan threads

cooking kills the virus

you most likely would have got the virus off packaging

you would be more likely to get it on the supply line if vegetables were not washed and cooked

I have stopped buying apples for this reason

built for BWC

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Hey, I'm not OP. Don't ask me why he didn't include vegetables.

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look at it this way, you have no idea how the industry works.

food is grown, either outside or in greenhouses. it's sprayed with herbicides, fungicides, insectisides. the workers are racist angry mexicans and chinese and sudanese niggers that spit on your tomatoes and pee on your lettuce. they think it's funny. no farmer is sanitizing his tractor. you have no idea how this works, these poor, worthless, diseased alcoholic freaks just throw things around like fucking drug addicts until the job is done. inside a warehouse they take all this and crate it up. there is no cleanroom, it's a dusty warehouse filled with sweaty angry niggers from around the world. the crates are made out of recycled pallets that were pressure treated with chemicals that kill people.

that food is then carelessly trucked around and delivered to grocery stores, who meekly tell you to wash your fruits and vegetables.

honestly you should grow them at home and try to buy your meat locally. that's the best you can do for meat, but the greens you can handle with boxed planters on carts i swear you don't even need land.

moving on to dry goods, they work the same way.

going back to the warehouse stage, instead of crating the product from the farm they store it in silos that are never sanitized and really can't be, they are always full and they are huge and they cook and dry the grains, they can't be washed. a hopper that can't be washed then feeds all these grains into trucks that could be washed but are not.

the trucks then take the grains to cereal and cheez-it factories where more angry dumb niggers spit in your food and don't clean machines that could be cleaned. these sweatshops run 3 shifts, they don't clean shit. workers think it's funny to flick boogers in things, and the health inspector thinks it is funny too: fuck whitey lmfao

so all that contaminated food is boxed up in recycled polluted cardboard from the trash company, it's their dumpsters the cardboard comes from, the ones filled with putrid garbage, yeah. so that cardboard is recycled into boxes for dry goods and then these finished goods are sent to a final warehouse.

in this final warehouse, rolling tracks of robbermaid bins with your convenience store's order number on them roll by on an assembly line of angry racist sweaty niggers who just throw your shit in the box and slap it shut and ship it. there is even trash in the box, when you get it, from the last convenience store that returned the empty box. apparently they stock candy you didn't order, the box is filled with it's packaging.

there is no sanitation. the cost of food will skyrocket as the only source of good food becomes food grown in a clean room. that's a $400 tomato, motherfucker.

>were puzzled where they could have picked it up.
It's fucking airborn. They could have gotten standing outside. In our food?
Well it's probably on your food packaging.
Everything at the market probably is coated in a nice dusting of virus.

the only thing keeping you from dying already was your own immune system. that's how fucked the food production and distribution system really is. now with the virus you have to wonder how clean the stuff you already hoarded really is.

it's the chinese masseuses that nobody wants to admit going to

Let them all in. Without them we won't survive. Es

> I'm going to eat raw vegetables and fruits that someone coughed on instead.

its in the water supply

Is it weird that I do this?

I’ve seen fuckers at the grocery store doing that “hairnet is a mask, right?” Stuff and it makes me shudder.

Someone is ordering these insects to spread the virus

It's all over the boxes and packaging of your food. You dumb inbred fucks. Think about this shit. On ANY DAY OF THE WEEK at any time EVER in your life from age 0 till you die if you've ever picked up a box or food item in your house and prepared it then eaten it your a fuckin complete moron if you didn't wash your hands thoroughly EVERY TIME you touched the package. The food is in a fuckin warehouse then sitting on the shelves where beaners and disgusting minorities and white trash coughs and fondles the items while you walk through a store with a shopping cart crawling with e.coli and other bugs and viruses all over it then you share those with the packaged item. Then you go home, open your food and then get all that shit on your food then put it in your mouth then act surprised you're sick. I fuckin hate people

Fucking kikes.

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leave meat out of it then. could it somehow be transmitted via our fruits, vegs and grains? i did not mean this to be a vegan thread. was thinking about bat soup when i made this.

also how if it was being transmitted via food i doubt the authorities would tell us out of fear of mass panic.

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easy solution: just eat your own shit.

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Me and my gf don't go to store and only get deliveries. Once we get them, we disinfect every single package. Fruits etc we just wash.

someone finally gets it. wonder why africa isn't getting it as bad?

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Microwave everything. Sure the food won't taste as good, but it will the virus.


Every item individually wrapped in corona plastic shipped directly from China.

This. Been doing it for years.

>smoking marlboro red
kek, those are luxury cigarettes over here


A reminder that I could pee into a dixie cup, call it a vaccine, but it still has to go through testing and trials which take up to 18 months. This is just a company that is trying to lure investors.

Hot weather. Few doctors to go to for testing. But watch flouride contribute to the viral power...

they're luxury here $7-$25+ a pack depending on your location. Blows my mind they won't buy a cheaper cigarette. Same with Pepsi- they can get a whole liter of soda for the same price as a 16oz Pepsi but you'll always seem em with a Pepsi and Marlboro

Recently a homeless in Orlando was diagnosed, and I cant help but wonder how they had been exposed and diagnosed before a slew of other downtown area professionals and workers

Early on in the Wuhan lockdown, an Australian user had a slant-eyed ex-gf who was a doctor in china and she had friends who were doctors all around china and in wuhan, and she was texting him information that she had gotten from her colleagues and he was passing it on to us.
Her colleagues were telling her that they should be boiling water, and we know it can be passed through feces, so it makes a lot of sense that it has been passed through the water supply this whole time.

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very odd, indeed!

>I don't really have any chance to do the same to my coat
Wear a rain cape over it. Then clean this one.

>the jews are neutral and irrelevant to any context they partake in, unless the context is positive