If you use these words you should get cock cancer:
>we're all immigrants
Fuck you.
Words & phrases the left use
You are literally, unironically a heckin faggorino.
Literally the First best heckin postarino
Now you're getting cancer. Enjoy it
UnIronically based first poster
Nothing wrong with these
Normalshit preoccupation
Only used ironically
>we're all immigrants
Liberal preoccupation
You're getting Aydz
>flatten the curve
My cock is tingling
Flatten the curverino
How can we get this trending?
That's the cancer kicking in
its commie propaganda to get us to give away our freedom
>implying everyone in Yas Forums doesn't unironically say unironically
Why did you post my wife?
>From the makers of let's unpack this, it's flatten the curve
> Take your meds, schizo.
Pro tip - the jews ARE the left.
>unironically policing language that's literally trending
Yikes. You might want to kill yourself before you lose your mind completely. Also your list has little to do with what "the left use" aside from some immigrant-hugging slogan, you absolute cuckold. You're just triggered by some words and get into an autistic rage and shovel every word you personally don't like in your category for makebelieve shitposting. Again, just end your life if it's THIS difficult for you.
Stfu faggot.
On an unrelated note, that chick is too top heavy.
Problematic post. OP is unironically a literal faggio.
look at that fucking milkers
>animal companion
you're getting cancer. good luck
You forgot cuck
your cack is now diseased. take care
fuck everyone who says this fucking Orwellian Proword
she should eat more to get some ass, her tits-ass-belly ratio is wack
I knew it would trigger you. Your life must really suck, and the sweetest part is that it's your fault.
They'll burn in hell.
Excellent post
complete snowfaggot detected
Does anyone know why Jewish women have massive udders?
there's a decent beer, especially for summer by evil genius called adulting, i wont refer to it by that name, because it makes me feel like a faggot with a dick going into my mouth if i utter the word.
Well, if you're in America YOU ARE an immigrant.
[spoiler]Everyone gets cancer.[/spoiler]
Horse face and man-ass/hips
Better hips
La abominacion de las negros Brasil
selective breeding based on maximizing matrilineal capacity, big fat milky tits, stocky frame, wide hips, etc.
Literally an unironically heckin based posterino, OP. Upboated!
I see some faveladas bundas.
pee pee goes brrrrr
yeah LEGAL immigrants
>born here
>an immigrant
a fuckin leaf
Sauce on the strumpet
I was born in America and am descended from Americans who founded America. I am a real native American, not one of those Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions.
You are a king of comma splices though.
>google can't even reverse img search
There are plenty of legitimate uses for the words literally and unironically. But I agree with you on the rest of it.
why did you suck off a nigger faggot
>the science is settled
my favourite
>the fact that xyz...
I normally don’t reply to leafs, but you are really retarded.
The brazilian doesnt print pee pee you moron
Alt right
clean food
So,I don't want to be (((that guy))) but showing sexualized women is problematic to all the trans men and womyn and A-sexual, non-binary individuals out there. Be. Better.
yikes, there's a lot to unpack here
>literally limpwristed fat faggot with a bitch dog
Do they really think we as Christians care about this lazy of subversion?