At first I thought you all hated welfare queens because of the gibs

But now I see that you all were just wanting some of your own..
Well why didn't you just say so we could have ended this debate and been on the same side the whole time.
Also I heard the congress bill is gonna pass today. Crisis averted!

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OP is a fag

its 1200 you stupid out of touch VPN faggot

My work is considered essential, so the government can keep its blood money. I earn my wage.

>But now I see that you all were just wanting some of your own..
Back - we want our own back. White men pay for pretty much everything and we get shit on for it by disgusting ingrates. Government has never done a god damn thing for me except steal my money and use a fraction of it for things I actually benefit from. In net, I lose.

No. I just want workers who can't work because of the government mandating them to stay home, to get aid and compensation. Everyone else should get fucked. Especially neets clamoring for ubi and fuck commies, socialists or whatever gay shit. The bill is a ridiculous mess the democrats held the country hostage during a pandemic to pass their wish list of nonsense. Hypocrites who try to call out Trump for the same thing during a debt ceiling raise just for wall money - which ironically now we're blocking all borders.

how do you stop the government from giving you free money?

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i actually don't hate people on welfare. the people that control the welfare system are the issue. the government keeps people on financial life support intentionally to create reliable voters and consumers. the average person would be a turnip-washer 100 years ago and they don't realize this. what use is there in hating idiots?

LOL how's school vacation been kid?

Since when?

No you don't even illegals pay taxes, I can't tell if you're a white nationalist or just missinformed.

>could just be a retard

So basically anyone who isn't you because you can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps?

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Government mandated shutdown should come with government footing the bill for my time.

>Even illegals pay taxes
Lmao, no they dont you fucking retard.

>So basically anyone who isn't you because you >can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps?

It's a little different when the government has hung you upside down by your boot straps. I want to go to work. They've taken a lot more than $1200 from me over the years. They're not giving me anything I didn't already put in. Fuck you commie faggot. Neck yourself.

>Image Search
>It's a meme from reddit
The options field isn't being filled out enough by posters here

It's coming out of their own pocket, and a mere fraction of what is going to be lost to inflation if you have savings.

Why is every lefty argument fucking retarded? Instead of repeating what CNN told you to say try being indroctrinated by someone smart. Their is plenty of brainwashing to choose from.

How does that even make sense? And you're making irrelevant assumptions.

>Well why didn't you just say so we could have ended this debate and been on the same side the whole time
Because we don't like you people. You're gross and smell funny and do nasty things to yourselves.

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If the government forces your restaurant to shut down they have done harm to you.

this so fucking much
I like to think my tax dollars feed niggers breakfast gibs so they can grow up strong to hate me and steal bikes.

You have a dildo in your ass as we speak.

This is a pittance compared to the debt they’re roping around our necks. $6T is enough to give every household $40k, why are we getting $1000 per adult? Fuck these traitorous faggots. It’s time to start roping them up from lamp posts

Not cashing the check.

Some of us don't qualify because we're make too much. Was hoping Dems would hold out and show their true colors. We're all know they don't give s shit about anyone.

This. The gubbament is the enemy of the white man.

Fuck you all, I pay 40% of my income in tax. I have never used any government assistance programs my entire life. For every dollar I make allmost half goes to niggers, boomers and trannies.

Thank you for helping Yas Forums recognize the pattern of Fake and Gay threads


>illegals pay taxes
you are a dumb faggot, who in their right mind is going to pay taxes on under the table cash!! do drug dealers pay taxes too??? you are an absolute nigger

>refusal to take the most basic steps towards self-reliance in favor of living as a constant drain on your neighbors
>wanting the government you pay taxes to to step in and provide temporary assistance in an extraordinary and unprecedented situation.

Got me!

Paid for

I agree.

They all deserve the rope.

are you 17 or 77? drug dealers absolutely pay taxes. they just don't pay the right amount. you know, like everyone else with a pulse

>it’s another episode of faggot OP doesn’t understand context
A re-run. Yawn.

What gibs? this is my tax money. i pay tens of thousands in taxes every year, niggers and illegal immigrants do not. holy shit democrats still can't do math.

you can actually look at the financial impact of citizens by race, only one race is a net financial gain over the course of it's lifetime. go ahead and guess which one.

You're the one happy to get your gibs
If you wanted to go to work you'd work at a place that never closes like say...
A jail, a prison, medical facilities, etc. But no you're just making excuses.. Please calm down kid you aren't old enough to know how the world works yet

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are you fucking stupid? when was the last time tyrone who sold you a $7 crack rock paid taxes on those $7?? you payed taxes to him by letting him cuck you and letting him live on welfare.

>receive $1200
>gov't money printing and bailouts for the stock market indebts me another $50,000 and devalues the $1200 i got
wow socialism is great

Here you go son here's some free thinking..

Yea this stimulus thing is a good idea even if it did come from trump.. It didn't actually (he stole it from mitt Romney)

But this isn't a cure nor will it help the economy. Because the gibs are only for 1 month not the rest of the quarantine period..

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Don’t waste your time with these peopl you could explain in detail the exact nuances that make it different from socialism and they’d still reduce it to the simplistic
>trump give money= socialist
They fall back on reductionism, not to simplify arguments to win, but because they lack the mental capabilities of intricate thought and require a simple version so they understand.

Temporary relief =/= Permanent socialism and failed economics, kek

>drug dealers pay taxes
Ha ha so you’re a comedian? I’d work on your material

Fpbp, reddit socialists mad taxpayers getting tax refund.

Imagine being a poorfag who makes less than $75,000

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There's a difference between getting gibs because you're a nigger who doesn't want to work and the government making sure I don't go homeless because they forced me to stop working you faggot fucking retard.

yea and then they post pictures with stacks of money and crazy cars and wonder why they get audited

Just like when's the last time you got your dick sucked for 5 dollars.. You pay taxes on that?
Or the last time you paid for the local kid to mow your yard for 10 bucks?
You're such a low IQ

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I’m just getting a fraction of the money stolen from me from taxes back, retard. Ideally, I’d keep all of my earnings and tell the IRS to go fuck themselves.

OP is a fag. Your an idiot if you dont take the gibs.

Nice chinklish there, VPN chink. You’re really convincing us over here.

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you're completely wrong
i'm getting the money that's already mine, or i'll pay taxes on it next year. you're a retard who thinks that state sponsored theft, ie socialism & communism, is the same as a tax stimulus, because you're a moron who thinks collectivism is a good thing so what do i expect from a brainlet

Was that you behind the dumpster at burger king? Better pay your taxes, son. IRS don't fuck around.

Wow, I never really thought of it like that before. Fuck that orange cheeto, I'm with her now!

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Wagie wagie get back in your cagey

No but seriously though, if you're employed and working for a decent living this is just you getting back a portion of the taxes you already paid, instead of giving it to tyrone and his baby mama

This is a giveaway to niggers. White people who work for a living make at least 100k and get nothing. Every nigger family gets 7500 and we get nothing. Fuck Zion don

>govt takes a few hundred dollars from me a month in various taxes for nearly 15 years
>govt gives me $1200 because of virus
Spare me faggot, by my numbers the govt owes me a lot more than $1200.

Simpleton lefties are at it again.
>thinks all right wingers must be supporting trump.
>doesn’t realize only libertarians still like trump
Many welfare programs are unsustainable with a high influx of immigration. How can single payer health care work, when the population is ever increasing? How can ubi work? The answer is simple, those policies become a lot more feasible when the borders are shut.
Also a lot of retarded white nationalists who want a white ethostate in America forget that America used to be a white ethostate. In the 80s 85% non-Hispanic white. What we need is something stronger.
All in all your post completely missed the point, as per usual for op fags

>socialism is equivalent to an economy ruining, deadly pandemic
I actually agree with OP for once.

You can always send the irs a check, and pay more in taxes, they won't turn it away

Must non-boomer trump voters are socialists.. They are just real ones not fake globohomo.

Here's the thing about UBI from the perspective of a libertarian economist: it benefits nobody by benefiting everybody. UBI falsely inflates the economy. We give you a grand, you spend it. The money spent and received is net $2k but in reality, nothing of value was actually given for the goods or services. However, it grows the economy, which is an immaterial concept to begin with. But a good economy is good for growth, both financial, spiritual and the advancement of mankind. It gives jobs to the otherwise unemployable, houses to the otherwise homeless, and the chance to be successful to the otherwise... unsuccessful.

So inflate away because nothing will be gained but the happiness of the people, especially when tax dollars of corporations are mostly used for it. But $1k from Walmart's pockets into yours means you're going to go to Walmart and spend.

It's unironically a really bold and brilliant idea.

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Agree with OP. Anons here are practicing their left beliefs. Spend all money you have, never save and prepare for the future, complain that people above certain incomes (75k) are rich and not impacted. Neets that dont pay rent begging for $1k, listing which console and gaming gear they're going to buy for their long future of neet'ing.
What happened to being responsible, prepared, kys to those that arent prepared, etc? Preparing for happenings isn't just buying some deenz and TP - it's also making sure you have $$ to make it. Love all the posts justifying not paying bills you owe.. Sad.

I haven’t missed a day of work during this entire thing and it isn’t looking like I will. Plus I’m pretty sure I had some mild case of this horse shit virus like 2 months ago.

Gay. The businesses like restaurants, airlines, hotels, etc have 90% of their revenue dropping and still have operating expenses (a restaurant pays a lease, etc).
Anti-business people would like these to suffer and close down, and instead balloon a social program for people with no jobs. You do know our system has lots of competition built into it and profit margins are razor thin overall, right? The anti-business angle is basically a pro-welfare state.

That wasn't coronavirus then

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No we cant because your dumb team wont give gibs to straight white men, soon you will realize we are the niggers now

Just give the people money and stop rents/mortgages until this shit is over. Problem solved faggot. You kike shills need to die

Yeah, if I wanted to work I'd have a totally new profession since my temporary layoff last week.
fucking brainlet kys.

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>stimulus = socialism
Go drink pool cleaner.

Hey retard.

Not every American is getting a check.

Only those that worked and files taxes.

Socialism implies everyone is getting a check.

Why can't people like you just go somewhere else if you don't like your host country?

Don't need sub IQ high school drop outs trying to compare giving $1.2k to 30% of the population is comparable to venezuela.

Also dumbass, this is a crisis period. Not sure how the government aiding it's people in a time of need is anything bad.

You faggots deserve the rope.

Illegals pay sales tax
They do not pay payroll tax
They aren't even legally allowed to work in the US

Lmao cope faggot. Return that check to the IRS or big guberment then you fake ass capitalist.

>durrr it's no socialist if it's only me!

so "corona relief package is socialism" is the new shill trend shitting up the board
thanks for the keywords for my filter

Forgive rents by having the government paying them, pause them and you'll catch up, or tell property renters to eat it?
There are lots of huwite people that buy houses and rent them, same as a landlord buys a building. They didn't get the property for free and use the rent payments to pay it off, pay property taxes, and maintain the property. Do they get their loan payments forgiven too and it's the banks that eat it?
Specifics are important and the bill isn't being written for your personal neet desires for gibmes. If your landlord cant pay their installments the bank forecloses on the property and kicks you out anyway, making you a person looking for a new place. Do we force people needing a new place to be able to pick any they like and get it free? Is this the gateway bill to get neets out of the basement?

This is playing out just like that lawyer settlement commercial with the millenial saying :Its my money and I want it now" - fag having dreams of moving out of parents, buying cars and so on. You fuckers should cheer Schumer.

UBI during a crisis only for people who work
UBI for everyone forever
Big think

1000 bucks is pretty great desu. If you knew anything about history (you don't) you'd be well aware of how little it used to cost to buy votes. Butcher a cow, buy a few kegs, hire a band, elected. Trump just bought an election and you do nothing fags will just seethe on the internet.

daily reminder that if you work for the government directly or as a contractor you are a parasite sucking taxpayer money no different from welfare recipients.

I thought we were supposed to prep for this and if not, kys. Hilarious how things change so much.
> "I got deenz but I dont want to innawoods. Gib me free rent cause I forgot about buying less vidya and saving."

Lmfao as if people are going to go back to normal wageslaving after a year or so of UBI. Even then things going to be much different.