Why don't niggers integrate into society?

Attached: nigger-ape-gaggle.jpg (1500x1024, 238.45K)

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I want to integrate them onto my dick.

Because they are wild sapiens.

American society is not their society. You are holding them to expectations they are incapable of fulfilling at this time and you are ergo hindering their natural progression. They are not capable of Western Civilization creation yet and most definitely not capable of being a citizen of Western Civilization so once you put them in your country, they sperg out and your crime rate goes sky high. It is not solely that niggers are more criminal or just dumber. Their operation and their operating system is different. Africa is the wild west. You could be killed by a warlord or nigger shaman at any time plus a tropical climate provides no hardship. Without struggle, there is no adaptation. Without adaptation/evolution, no progress. Niggers are adapted for a low trust, high violence, easy to survive hot environment. Taking them out of that environment without first adapting them genetically is what fucked you.

Society is for humans

Why doesn't any wild animal integrate?

As soon as they arrive, everyone else leaves.

Same thread, same pic related, different day.

This, white people forced their way of living on to the rest of the planet when nobody wanted it and now we all live in a soulless society driven by money and greed

Because the males are all shitty morons with bad role models
>I want to integrate them onto my dick.
Absolutely colonial and bleach pilled

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It's kind of sad, but it would probably help out your gene pool, you disgusting subhuman.

Because they're not capable of participating in a safe, advanced society.
They are barely more than the average primate, and they run entirely on violent emotions.

Attached: niggers.webm (480x720, 2.78M)

because they are niggers

because society sucks, chaos is great

Why should I subvert myself to a culture based around being weak and submissive

Because that culture will annihilate you when they get tired of your monkeyshines.

you shouldn't

>these two posts were typed out by the same person
No self awareness at all

I dunno, honestly Id love to lounge around all day in the sun by the ocean just not having to think about anything.

What?! We didn't move to the US, the US was founder on land we were already living on. Most modern white americans are recent immigrants via Ellis Island that came here voluntarily, knowing we were already here. The US is the worst thing to ever happen to America, it was the original globohomo and has gone out of its way to subvert us over the years.

You won't do shit, wigger. Whites have destroyed shitskins in every single fucking war we fought. Just look at the KD ratios. I am the whitest white guy I know: I look Nordic as fuck. Prussian German ancestry. Don't fuck with us boy, you WILL regret it.

>meme flag
fuck off, kike.
Whites create a safe, stable society that advances itself. That society is also fully capable of removing threats to it. We prefer peace and prosperity to low-level violent thuggery that niggers excel in. And we will remove those who pose a threat t our safe, stable, prosperous society when we've had enough.
Just like we burned your fucking people alive for shits and giggles when your monkeyshines went too far.

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You obviously can't read, retard.

They do, in their own 85 IQ mentally retarded way

This coming from a white guy using a meme black power flag so he can pretend to be a nigger to shit on whitey.

They commit way too much crime. Watch this


>t. insecure about BBC

What the fuck are you talking about you spastic god damn leaf? They think about plenty! Ooga, and booga.

Pure autism

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>meme flag
fuck off, kike.

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You won't do shit, wigger. Whites have destroyed shitskins in every single fucking war we fought. Just look at the KD ratios. I am the whitest white guy I know: I look Nordic as fuck. Prussian German ancestry. Don't fuck with us boy, you WILL regret it.

Attached: nord nigger.png (438x544, 12.92K)


Take your meds, autist

>meme flag
we've been over this, faggot.

You mean human society?

Because they are not human.


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Honestly i became an uncle tom when i was about to end high school. My life is great, all my friends are white they study very hard and inspired me to do so. Most of them will become docters / engineers. I started studying IT in college and right now i'm working for a multinational wich is owned by a friend of mine.

staying to your roots and acting black is honestly fucking stupid. I'm getting chances thrown over me from left and right...

We invented reading, retard. From the first papyrus scrolls of Ancient Nordic ruled Egypt, to modern literature and scientific papers: we invented everything you little shitskins take for granted. You step on our toes to compensate for your own feeling of powerlessness and lack of a father figure: as if slighting your superiors and escaping consequence free will prove your masculinity to yourselves. Guess what: our patience is running thin and has been at a boiling point for a while now. Your best bet is to walk with your gaze averted from our wrath, you little shitskins have no idea what's coming. Deep inside you feel a primeval fear when you see our determination-filled hunter eyes piercing into your soul. You fear the Nordic man and his phenotype, and I look Nordic as fuck. Prussian German ancestry.

Don't fuck with us.


re-read my posts, you daft fucking retard.

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How much would it cost for me to fly to their land and nut inside all of them

Between dicking this and masturbating, what would you choose, Yas Forums?
I think I would [spoiler]abstain[/spoiler].

White men do not take orders from shitskins: we dictate them. Your children will take McDonalds drive-thru orders from my grandchildren.

Could this be the new pasta that was foretold of.

>untermensch checking in
You gotta be a plebbit refugee if you're unable to review posts in a thread.
you'll hang with the niggers when the time comes, faggot.

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>meme flag
You're retarded, kill yourself

Delighted by the science in this post. Thanks user.

typical leaf faggot.

She looks like one of those fertility statues that people from ancient civilizations would have carved in a cave. Gross. Every nude black women reminds me of watching national geographic in the 90s.

Not likely. If a National Socialist government saw how Nordic I look IRL, it's far more likely for them to enroll me in a eugenics program.

I look Nordic as fuck, Prussian German ancestry.

>leaf flag
>catalonia flag
nice vpn btw, kike.

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What is happening there?

She fucking deserved it

You're a faggot who can't even figure out a thread on Yas Forums
You're untermensche - your mom took more nigger dick than your dad did.
And that's really saying something.

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Because they are not the same species as whites

Just dig them a well and breed them

>She looks like one of those fertility statues that people from ancient civilizations would have carved in a cave. Gross. Every nude black women reminds me of watching national geographic in the 90s.
Why yes I get get my fetish for bbw black mommy girls from 90s natgeo how could you tell

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What is there to integrate to?

Porn? Consumerism?

Mutt's law in full display. My parents kept it pure and Nordic. You realize you mutts suffer from an extreme abscense of masculine role models: on the contrary, we Nordics have Varg Vikernes; a mutt slayer, a survivor of 20 years in the harshest maximu security prisons of ice-cold Scandinavia. If Varg witnessed your inobstinence towards the Nordic man, do you think that you would eacape consequence-free, shitskin?

post a pic of yourself, i am really curious now

You can't even figure out how a simple thread works, and you're hyping up non-existent lineage.
You're a boring redit faggot who wandered into the wrong area.

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feeling cute. might arrow down a christcuck later.

niggers, that's what

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Well, yes, but what white guy is doing then?

I bet you have brown eyes you little shitskin.

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