Yas Forums approved games

Btw if you play at that dumb shit called Hoi4, just neck yourself.

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Custer’s revenge.

Frostpunk. Not so much a /pol game as just a good one. I'm new here, hi.

all games are degenerate


unfortunately Yas Forums has become shit.
You can have fun at shitposting though and the syria general thread are very interesting usually.

But the best board remains /his/


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in fact i don't play anymore but grand strategy games can be quite useful to learn something about strategy, management and history.

Rome 1 Fuckers

spotted tha faggot nigger

If you never played this you are a subhuman.

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Come home white man.

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I play a game where I have the highest score on earth. I roll boogers up and flip them against the wall. If they stick I get 50 points, if they fall I get 1 point. I'm a winner.

digits and it never comes out

Frostpunk is a good game.
Patrician taste my upside down friend.

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europa barbarorum 2

Victoria is based

Frostpunk is absolutely a Yas Forums game
It shines a light on the necessity of authoritarian behaviour in times of crisis, while also showcasing the power of faith, community and self sacrifice.
It's only problem theme-wise is that they where afraid to just have the religion be Christianity instead of a generic one.
Gameplay wise it might be the least replayable city builder but for the first play through it's really good

>that dumb shit
Bro all paradox shit is for literal retards that can't figure out real wargames. Go play war in the east.

patrician taste


finally some god tier opinion

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>he can't into high level strategy
This is why you're poor.

>(((thalmor))) fomenting a rebellion in order to weaken and have an excuse to invade the empire
The most Yas Forums thing about that shitty normie-pandering game is that retards play right into the jew-elf hand

After Victoria they became to politically motivated. Although hoi2 and darkest hour are pretty good. Eu4 was good until all of the dlc made Europe technologically the same as Africa.

this is not true.
Eu4 combat system is a bit dumb, but Victoria 2 is an overall good game, even though there could have been more effort in the military part.


No, paradox is braindead and completely ahistorical. Always has been. It's entry level normieshit.

>One copy of Victoria II with HPM
Vicky bros, what happened in the last HPM update? Unciv are westernizing so fucking quick, by 1895 China became a great power in my last run

>completely ahistorical
No shit, that's the fucking point.

u mad bro?

Lmao based
I still don't get why it was skyrim that triggered the "I'm such a nerd I played videogames for two hours today xddd" thing.

Ethnic cleansing


My uncle Tom quadroon friend loves M&B

Cute game that punishes you for overly racemixing slimes for profit.

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No its not. There is a difference between ahistorical and alternative history. Go play field of glory empires.

ahistorical, no shit sherlock.

They dumbed down the whole role playing system and made it more like a loot and shoot game.

i play hoi4 and i always betray the shitalians after im done with the allies

There's a mod for eu4 called eurocentric institutions. All institutions spawn in europe and non-euros can't take enlightenment so they remain ooga boogas

actually it belongs to the snow elves

only a german could find Hoi4 fun to play

Other Yas Forums games:
You play as a mad preacher and kill some sprite swapped enemies in a bunch of very nice levels with the help of prayers
>the tropico serie
You play as a tropical island dictator and must keep in the good graces of your citizens to be re-elected, but the way you build your island also changes the voters demographics (more schools means more intellectuals etc) In the latest entry you can enter the axis in ww2

i sense a future divorced homeless

> be glorious machine empire
> conquer some filthy xenophile egalitarians
> turn them to food
> sell food back to their own government

They aren’t supposed to be war games

If I play a nation I want to feel like I'm addressing that nation's historical concerns. If I play ancient Sicily in FoG I have to deal with Carthage trying to cave my shitter in while also playing nice guy with rome so they don't absorb me into their rape blob to secure their borders, while also trying to expand into the fractured Macedonian empire because greek pops are more likely to accept greek rule. Even the terrain and fortifications i historically had is relevant. In paradox games a nation is just a different sized blob with some pointless flavor talents.

what do you suggest?


Paradox are Jews so they nerfed Germany.

Tried it and they all spawned in China and India still.

i also play eu4 and ck2. but i like hoi4 cause they are much faster games. i dont have the time anymore to play 1 party over the peroid of multiple days

They are.

i killed all the elves i found
before i got into politics
i tought everyone hated them as much as i did

kenshi its the final answer

I dont play hoi4 I play Hearts of Iron 4

"play" è transitivo, non regge la preposizione "at" bensì vuole immediatamente il complemento oggetto

at least you can expell the jews and deus vult in ck2
name one game that lets you do this

HOI4 is a masterpiece

All the major paradox franchises are great.

Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic is great. Early in development with plenty of kinks but already my favorite city builder ever.



Kerbal Space Program

Kingdom Come: Deliverance


I encourage everyone to check out Project1999.com

Everquest is old school as it gets for MMO, but its also the most true form of a MMO youll ever experience. RIP Brad McQuaid the GOAT

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