Why are Americans so fat?

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Corn lobby and capitalism.

Food is cheap and plentiful. Unhealthy food is convenient. Lack of discipline.

King Corn

>Why are Americans so fat?
because They eat too much
How dumb are you? Really some questions here were made by retards. Even after 7 years i can't comprehend idiocy on this website.

It's a slide thread

Why are Canadians?

sugar jew

>I can't comprehend someone asking why a people in particular apart from the rest of the world is so fat
>hurr it's because they eat too much why u so dumb durr

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Same reason your so Asian. Comfort is corrosive.

estrogen in the water.


good post my aboriginal friend.

You can't get fat by eating protein on fats look it up.

Because orange man bad.

The fuck is protein on fats?

>a people in particular apart from the rest of the world

But they're not "particular". Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Mexico, the UK, you guys, and New Zealand are also fat fucks.

our food is insanely cheap and calorie-dense, low quality slop

we’re the girthy base supporting Canada. so you’re fucked leaf

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the USA is fatter than all the countries you listed, they are a particularly fat people. The obesity rate is 42.4% there. This is outrageous.


>Lack of self control mostly.
>Starches and sugar (in various forms). >Inability to read nutrition labels.
>Inability to cook or prepare meals
>mindless snacking
>laziness and sedentary lifestyle
>thinking anytime "1st world hunger" strikes they must stuff their gullets
Take your pick
>PROTIP: it's all of the above

Yeah and you're at 30-something. Give it a decade.

We can see you depicting your nigger hands on that image there Tyrone, at least you tried shooting for accuracy.


is he related to Corn Pop? He's a bad dude, if you haven't heard

Quebec's obesity rate is about 23%. We're nowhere near you and never will be.

Corona bulking

Because we deal with Canadian shitposters daily.

only niggers clean pools leaf

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Lots of food, little movement, long distances that can't be travelled on foot.

Calorie dense food and a fuck load of sugar in practically everything

Bread is cheap.

Think about that shit.

Bread is cheap and everyone who is overweight eats it in a surplus. They are used to eating 3 meals a day or more and they have no portion control.

Thin people are used to eating smaller portions and can't fathom eating 3 large hotdogs without getting stomach pains.

It usually stems from childhood obesity and the normalization of a family that can't cook for shit so they just buy pizza or make high caloric food.

Most fat people don't give a fuck whey they shove into their mouth as long as they like the taste of it.

Most successful and healthy families have a good grasp on healthy eating and taste. They know how to make proper chicken and vegetable meals and can add some variety with salads that have other kinds of lean meat.

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Canada has the same foods as the U.S. and our Obesity rate is 26.7%


It's a leaf what do you expect.

>Day of the Rake

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Sedentary lifestyle, endless corn subsidy.

2 years of alcoholism

Read the Dorito Effect

im like 180 pounds and i dont give a fuck. I live in a country where as a poor man i can eat steak 3-5 time a week if i wanted. I'm not going to squander that opportunity. There may be a time where even a little bit of meat will be seen as a luxury from heaven. Enjoy it while you can.

>Bread is cheap.

Not in your country. A steak is literally 40 bucks. But hey at least you got free health care, just don't mind the big ass lines.

Also bread is fattening, so are you trying to get fat?

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>Canada has the same food

You don't know what you're talking about. In the states everything is bigger. The packages you buy food in are bigger, the beverages are bigger, the fucking chip bags are bigger.

The take away from this should be that even though everything is bigger in the US, it's also cheaper than in Canada. Canada is fucking cucked and overvalues EVERYTHING from it's housing market to the fucking SOUP PRICES.

Canada is a fucking shithole and needs to be nuked, but you should stop denying that the US and Canada have similar problems because if the US is a bitch, Canada is a fucking homeless prostitute.

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>Canada has the same foods as the U.S. and our Obesity rate is 26.7%

Cause most of your people cant even afford it, I mean 40 dollars for a single steak?

High Fructose (added sugar) and added fat in most foods. Zero calorie/diet education. Schools dont teach Gym class much anymore. Less kids playing sports and more gaming.

Majority of kids are ineligible to join the military cause they're too fat or they end up getting major bone stress Injuries during basic training in any branch. I'm a medic who works in an Initial Military Training unit, so I see a lot of lower body injuries and osteopenia MRI images. Most young recruits under >25 can easily recover and adapt though.

because they are greedy and overeat

>bread isn't cheap in canada

You stupid nigger. Canada makes so much fucking bread we burn the excess left over.

Of course the US has cheap bread too, but it's also because we're just so fucking cucked that even though we make so much of this one thing, we give it away to burgerland.

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Cursed for living on native american land

Whataburger is the culprit.

this is so true

any time i have been anywhere in american the cost of everything is SO MUCH lower (even after accounting for currency exchange) AND bigger and actually fucking tastes better.

>What is Bread price-fixing for 600, Alex.

Capitalism gives us the option to go up for second and third helpings. Its poor self control that is affecting our waistline.

Extremely cheap unhealthy food, sugar and corn lobbies making these foods mainstream and part of a 'balanced died' by way of FDA regulations, and absolutely zero education on nutrition and healthy habits in most states education systems. Not to mention the prevalence of food advertising, and the cultural need of Americans to eat out.

Cause they eat literally a stack of those American pancakes with syrup and butter for breakfast, with those pop tart things on the side.

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Because they feel the need to stuff their face every 2 hours even though they have a double chin sleep apnea and diabetes. Also most "food" here is designed to be addictive and destroy your health/vitality.

>The packages you buy food in are bigger, the beverages are bigger, the fucking chip bags are bigger.

yeah to supply that demand which is non existant in Canada because we're not fat fucks like the Americans are, fucking anglo leaf.

>if the US is a bitch, Canada is a fucking homeless prostitute
why don't you go live down there if you think so little of Canada and so highly of the US. Oh wait you'll have to pay a mortgage sized loan back if you go through schooling and enormous price gouges if you go to the hospital down there.

Hey Eastern Bloc motherfucker take your shitty jew posting elsewhere

>Meanwhile in Denmark the most Democratic place in the world.

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Well I would show Norway but....you know....Muslims.

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This. But desu I'm just glad america got over that "lets throw everything together in a gelatin" phase back in the 50's- 60's. Id rather weigh 400 lbs than eat tv dinners and hot dogs suspended in gelatin.

>High Fructose (added sugar) and added fat in most foods
we have the same food companies selling to us in Canada from America, that's literally not an excuse.

because we get cheap food from mexicans and cheap electronics from china and in exchange they get crisp newly printed american dollar bills

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german food like hot dogs and hamburger

I also think part of the problem is that American culture rewards stuffing your face and drinking a ton of 'light' beer. Like sure cheap wings and beer is one of the best parts of being American, but its a double edged sword.