Home Office

Are you able to work remote in your current job?
If you are not a medical professional or a craftsmen and can not work remote you are a cuck.

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I’ve got a comfy state gov job and I literally have not worn pants for several days now.

Wtf is with all that female clutter?

yes, financial services here

just ordered a sit stand electric desk and vertical mouse. have monitor desk arms. mechanical keyboard

i need to buy a good ergo chair though. my backis killing me. willing to spend $500 if it is good.

steelcase leap

I am very suddenly working from home. I was not prepared. I ordered a cheap laptop cart off Amazon because everything else is closed and I want to leave my house as little as possible. Not very comfy. I have a pretty small space to work from. What do you guys suggest that can be deliver to make it more cozy

explain to me how will you eat if truckdrivers stop working
also stop making photos of your mothers desk

"He" is a Mac user.

Im nurse and i work from home right now since i refused working without respirators.

>get IT job
>script my entire job to do it for me in 1/8 the time
>work doesn't block Yas Forums so I browse it the whole day while script runs
>now working remote, still getting paid to basically browse Yas Forums and let my script run
Nothing has changed for me, desu

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Plants are a godsend m8. If a garden centre is still open near you go get some.
Also, be sure to dress - just jeans and a t-shirt - rather than sit in your PJs or comfy clothes.

what script?

No shit. I fucking hate working outside and having to work now while everyone at my company works from home or just gets paid to be off work.

>Are you able to work remote in your current job?
however, i have to change my background in Zoom when we do teleconferences

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IT job masterrace. Still getting paid, doing the same job remotely, don't need to wear clothes or do laundery or shower or shave. Plus I can drink from the moment I wake up.

Define "IT job" where you can script your entire workload?

Yep, work IT for a small fiber internet company

I had a poinsettia over the holidays and I just kept waiting for it to die, but it never did and I ended up just throwing the living plant out, so maybe I am good at plants now. I think garden centers are closed ,but they have a small selection at the grocery. I will pick one up next time I have to run out

Nope. Work an essential physical job. I dont even know the ammount of semen spillage that has been wasted by every poster here since this nonsense started. Probably a few Olympic sized swimming pools at least.

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Yes I am, although not having access to lab space is annoying and everyone is using super computer space now so it's a little boring.
I have a comfy set up switching between my work laptop and my gaming PC. A nicer chair would be useful.
I normally work in a cave so it's nice to be allowed to just walk out to my balcony or into my backyard whenever and I'm exercising on company time which is really nice. I could get used to this if more of my work could be done remotely.

This looks like the desk of someone with very soft hands.

>what script?
Written in python. My job was basically a super repetitive task that got boring after 3 days, so I literally learned python just so I could be lazy
>define "IT job"
I don't want to get into too much details, but it deals a lot with repetitive CLI commands and spreadsheets.
>Plus I can drink from the moment I wake up
Based. Even if your job isn't IT, you should at least learn some sort of programming language and automate your tasks to free up time and make it look like you are working. Like if you do a lot of shit with excel, there are python libraries for that

the absolute S O Y of this picture.

Same thing here basically, I'm an actuary at a large insurance company and I scripted the repetitive shit so I can show up at work at 9 and leave at 2 and do more than everyone else at the same time. Now that I am working at home I have so much free time it's hilarious. It's a part-time job at this point.

IT master race brother. Built my desk in two days, one was for staining.

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I am able to work from home, but boomer leadership are still at the "it's just a flu" stage so we're all still coming in, infecting each other, and likely contributing to the eventual deaths of our very nice senior citizen employees

Would you prefer if there were RGB flashing neon lights around the entire desk?

I did a lot of that with mine. Then I got the term "script guy", so I had to do it for others.

And yesterday the company shutdown for a month so I'm outta work until May. Going to write a few dead man switches to keep myself occupied.

>Then I got the term "script guy", so I had to do it for others
Don't share your scripting capabilities with other people. Keep that shit secret.
>the company shutdown for a month so I'm outta work until May
They couldn't just let you work remote?
>Going to write a few dead man switches
Idk, writing backdoors or intentional failures could backfire and get yourself into some serious legal trouble

>Hm, what could this surface use?
>Oh I know, another swastika.

Both are bad and for teenagers

I work as a key account manager in sales and basically have to do nothing, lol

I'm also a parasite... comfy as fuck !

Can i programm a script for me that automatically calls potential customers and fakes my voice? Basically like that one simpsons episode

You can just do it with a prerecorded message
>i know this because i get a dozen spam calls a day

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Same. I do wonder if they’re going to fuck with our taxes by wanting us to claim hime office.

I work IT. I've been mostly WFH for two years. I went to the office five times in 2019. Haven't been this year yet but we are mandatory remote now. Business as usual for me.

Might be too obvious, but im not serious anyway, sadly what little i must so i cannot automate

Somewhat, but I only have two weeeks then they are shutting down for a good while and I'll probably get laid off anyways. Then I can live on neetbux

Or undies?
Dual screens with trap porn on one and work in the other.

What is your role specifically? Coronachan released me from my helpdesk hell, I'm never going back.

This is a new paradigm. "home workers" will soon be seen as unnecessary, and eliminated or replaced with AI.

It do be like that garguz

Basically me

Do you have a drain...or is it a vent...under your desk?

Yeah, it's pretty based but I do miss coming into the office, oddly enough. My days have been blended and I feel like i'm putting in even longer hours now that my job is a few feet away from me constantly.

Security engineer. Unix specifically

Boomer, I am the ONE who makes people redundant lol

Lol, I've been working from home since 2011 and can count the times I've been in an office on one hand. It's great. I hope more people get to keep wfh indefinitely.

Not sure if serious. He's using the pipes as structural support for the desk, there is no water flowing in them.

It was difficult at first to separate out personal and work space. I don't have a dedicated work office but a combined space.

never iS0y holy fuck

Seething poorfag

>spending $2000 on an underpowered, outdated-at-release iFaggot proprietary piece of dogshit instead of building your own comp with 2 2080 nvlinked
iFaggot iNigger confirmed

If your job can be done from your home ..... then it can also be done from Mumbai.

I drain my jizz directly into the vent for easy cleaning.

Yes, literally nothing changed.
Well, more slack chat than kitchen talk.

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>His employer doesnt equip him with the latest comfy iMac
>He doesnt develop his analytical models on Spark clusters
Laughing @ your life bro

My desk is a box on top of a folding chair

Can’t be bothered to do anything except reply to people

Shut the fuck up you non-essential nigger leach. You could have died a week ago and no one would have noticed.

>Idk, writing backdoors or intentional failures could backfire and get yourself into some serious legal trouble
Nope, my DMS connect to a static webpage, executes the code on that page and then locks itself. If they ever go looking, that static webpage will have well disappeared by then.

>He doesnt know the outsourcing disaster
>Indians developed shitty, unusable models/software that werent suited for the data
Stay ignorant, uneduacated ITlet

>using ((((((((apple)))))))) products ever
if you do anything worth doing at all, it's either done on Wangblows or some flavor of linux
enjoy your 3.2 GHz ""turbo"" and shit filesystem
retards who spend all day staring at excel spreadsheets and dragging windows around will never understand doing anything that's actually resource-intensive

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iMacs are comfy to work on remote Servers.
Dont need the power stationary you sysadmin cuck.

>His employer doesnt equip him with the latest comfy iMac
they do and i dont use it.
>T designer
seethe more iFaggot nigger bitch
2019 imac 27"
had to restore 2 times already
once because i changed my admin name and lost all permissions (great OS)
deadline at 5pm, mouse loses power at noon
cant charge mouse while using it
>mac pro
wiped no less than 3 times
utter shit

nice specs you have there
take a look at this bad boy
win7 4life
youre reaching cope levels that shouldnt be possible

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