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Other urls found in this thread:


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she has a pleasant looking face. i know losers shill girls here all the time but i always got the impression she was nice from her pics.

I was going to post something horrible but the purity and innocence of a beautiful Orthodox woman made me feel shame.

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She's a ruthless sociopath politician IRL, but she's a qt

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fake and proves u are a MUTT

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shes like 40 but looks 19
absolutely blessed and puregenespilled

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actually, you are probably right. i apologize for my foolish statement

Her pussy looks 60

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>her pussy looks 60

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I may have been away from Yas Forums since the 2016 elections, but I thought that Tay-Tay was our Aryan Goddess?

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she's probably a sociopath like the other norbro said

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>i know losers shill girls here all the time
Ehem I'm not a loserinooo if I post mommy, excuse me??

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not based and Mischling-pilled

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I'd just push the daughter aside and go for the mom.

WTF those are tranny hands

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There has only ever been one, but she disappeared.

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these dolphins are posting in this thread

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Jesus, she's beautiful

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you just know


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all these girls look the same, big eyes, small chin,small button nose, mousy looking. this is Yas Forums's 'type'

>he doesn’t know

What are her feet like, senpai?


BVLL's law

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isn't the projared? why the fuck would you ever do this

>there is only 1 queen of /pol

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Checked. Tay tay is our goddess and fearless motherly Aryan, but her spirit couldn't be felr around here since the energy of 2016 dissipated. Maybe she'll come back. :(

As a temporary mommy, Natasha "Nyash Mash" Poklonskaya is alright, but inb4 the russoids show up and claim the high ground, I need a BLACKED shoop for immediate posting should they arrive

Russians are tired of this whore. She dreams of reviving the monarchy in Russia.

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Somebody knows what happend to her? youtu.be/sWtlaQ3G4Eg

she so mummy

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Whats wrong with monarchy. Look at USA fake monarchy, HOLLYWOOD. Russia would do well to have a real one

Based. Stop shilling this stupid slav whore.

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she seemed redpilled for a time, we thought she was /ourgirl/ because feminists would scream at her for keeping silent about politics etc. during the 2016 elections.
but now shes completely jewpilled, constantly crying about Trump and even released a video of her breeding a nigger:

so yeah, (((taylor swift))) will get the bullet aswell now. a shame

Ew and ugh

I wish you such a prosecutor as Natalya. And the president is like Putin. Then your countries will never come out of crisis

>ITT glorifying women
Cring, yikes and oof

with Putin as king?

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Nice hips