Brit/pol/ Pie & Mash Edition

>Prince Charles tests positive for coronavirus

>Benefit assessments suspended for three months while new claimants told to stay away from Jobcentres

>Vehicle owners to be granted MOT exemption in battle against coronavirus

>Sky ‘Looking After’ Customers By Putting Up U.K. Television Prices Amid Coronavirus Crisis

>'Avoid using microwave to get faster internet'

>Urgent action needed as spike in porn site traffic raises abuse fears, say MPs

>Scotland to pay student nurses band 4 to tackle Coronavirus

>Youths run riot drinking, smashing bottles and setting wheelie bins on fire in County Durham

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Other urls found in this thread: Saveloy/

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First for are Mozza

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buying a crossbow to defend yourself in the ranges that you'd expect in the average british home (

Hiya mate!

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are pozza more like


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PMQs, lads:

Last PMQs before Parliament breaks. On until 1:00pm.

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that's why i got a longbow

Alright lad.

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nothin persoannel kid

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also larping

Anyone got that fake tweet of Dominic Cunmings say to form raiding gangs?


>Baked beans with gravy
Whoever made that should get fucking shot.

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>air pistol with the power of a tennis ball hitting the floor dropped from a metre

repost for educational purposes
>i read it in the sun
ffs lad please stop being dim
this is one of the primary case law regarding self defence. if you don’t have good reason for carrying something and it is perceived as an item for self defence, then it you will get done.

if you brain someone with a monkey wrench, you’ll get off with it if you’re in garage fixing up your car, not if you outside the local weatherspoons. the law on this is more complex than you’re making out

It's lush lad

>a fucking pellet gun

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>tfw no ginger Scottish gf to make me clootie dumpling

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>local chiken and chip shops closed
>local cafes closed


I am dying for a decent burger / coffee.

They sting like fuck

Daily reminder the filthy Anglos deployed the virus in China under the instruction of their Jewish masters to maintain the dominant position, backfires.

this could be the detox western civ has long needed all the TP panic buying is starting to make sense

I'm getting scared lads

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aeropress or moka pot, and lavazza ground coffee.
simple as. no need to pay Tarquin a fiver per cup

that’s not what i’m telling you, i’m telling you you’re failing to understand the law on this. don’t use any weapon that you don’t have good reason for carrying. just because you don’t like what i’m saying doesn’t mean it’s not true, no matter how many things you’ve read in the sun.
i’m trying to be helpful here but you’re starting to piss me off

They are such thick cunts

Gun Type : Spring Powered Pistol
Calibre : 0.22" (5.5mm)
Max Velocity : 420 fps
Muzzle Energy: 3.1 ft/lbs
Barrel Length : 6.87"
Overall Length : 9.12"
Shot Capacity : 1
Barrel : Rifled
Front Sight : Blade
Rear Sight : Adjustable for windage and elevation
Trigger : Two-stage adjustable
Trigger Pull : 5.0 lbs
Action : Overlever
Safety : Always off
Weight : 2.0 lbs

Why did she do it bros?

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creatine in a bag and a mid tier air pistol, kek.

she couldn't get smashed by her black boyfriend

Break barrel springers are fun with a bit of diesel.

Stop LARPing.

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>eating at a chicken shop

She had autism

It does look like a wig though, gotta be honest.

larpers in this thread who think tyrone is coming to steal their pot noodles

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Have a look through the archive, this is the lad that posted them. Saveloy/



she looks like freddie mercury in this pic

Ah it's better than it looks to be fair.

>I am dying for a decent burger / coffee.

Are you American? French?

>They are such thick cunts
why do you think that?

Do you just hate women?
Are your a leftist/remainer?
A Bitter incel?

>oooh oooooh oooooh
>oh no you stung me ohh ow ouch i guess i'll leave you alone now

where is the postman
my p3 filters aint coming are they

110,000 wating list for universal credit kek


>Muzzle Energy: 3.1 ft/lbs

Kek, thats not really enough to kill a rabbit at point blank range, squirrel from 20ft away maybe. There are legal CO2 and sping pistols out that have a muzzle energy almost double that, crossman 2240 or any weihrauch pistol are at least 5.5ft/lb

what do you think about this Self-EMployed shit they are going on about at PMQ's? i am self-employed and i don't get a salary, i just take a dividend, because i can't pay myself if there is no revenue. how can they work out how much i should get?

Just been to Asda, madness there. A woman shouting at staff about some shit and literal bouncers on the door.

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She should start doing dishes, if she wants to be fucked.
Thick, both utterly thick cunts

I think they've worked out you can get fucked unfortunately...

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I have never seen so many people fucking rambling about, people who are normally inside on the best of days are just walking around

Its not even funny anymore, It would be funny if we were at war and getting bombed and everyone was just walking around having a laugh

but this mentality with the virus doesn't work, my mom is coming up to her 60s and thinks she won't get it and needs to keep a stiff upper lip

you know for a fact people have given up washing their hands

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Public heath when we get to the other side of this whole thing will be much improved. All that regimented hand washing and now all the fat cunt takeaways are closing. Only thing you can reliably buy in the supermarkets is fresh veg (if you haven't already bought all the pasta and tendies). Only thing you can get reliably out the house for is exercise. Only qualm on all this is everyone is getting sloshed at home every evening because there's no need to crawl onto a bus/tube or behind the wheel of a car to get to work. Can sit in PJs on the sofa hungover doing emails and the like.

Not just weapons. If you carry a packet of spaghetti with the intention of using it as a mean of self-defence then that packet of spaghetti would be then classed as an offensive weapon. Intention is extraordinarily important in English law.

I think the supermarkets in london in 2 weeks are going to need armed gaurds.

Read twatter posted, try to keep face straight.
>Unless you are a jew

don't be i've had it and had worse colds

i used to shoot a m8's gas-powered pistols, they would explode clay pots from 20 feet

Jezza going at Bozza about us getting are bennies at PMQs lads.

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How've you done your bit for r NHS today?

Panic buying normies still in full sperg I see.

>fresh veg
Coated in carcinogenic pesticides that can't be washed off. Nice 'n healthy.

>3.1 ft/lbs

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>EU flag
yep nothing to report here everything is in order

with brexit, the social and cultural changes brought about by CV and the possible death of multiple members of the royal family, we could literally be on the verge of a british renaissance

dont forget lads, the birth rates are everything. get those numbers up and disregard anyone who says otherwise.

I went to asda last week and chavs were getting offended at staff because stuff was out of stock

"ahm puttin in a fukin complaint about yeee, yah fukkin daft cunt ahm gunna geet me husband"

"its fukkin rediculuse"

At least she donated those fine ass organs

Been coofing all over the place to keep them in work

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>replying to posts that have nothing to do with him with nothing to add but retarded rambling
hate the new tripnonces ngl

I'm a white Nigerian and I'm proud of that.

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i don't mind that personally, i think it is fair. but i also think that the average person should get fucked too.

Shelves were actually fairly well stocked tbqh, im friends with one of the managers there and she said its been like christmas until these new measures were bought in.


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Just reported you. Enjoy making another account you cunt.

all the paki takeaways near me are still open
only mcdonalds and kfc is closed

isn't she like 15?

>Stop loving your wife
never ;)

Because im kind,
I'll share with you her most beautiful picture.
Hope it consoles you, once you realise mine & Bee's destiny is written in the stars lad.

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i'm just as chinese as you are pingling!!!

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what do you expect to do with this, realistically?

my cousion married a nigerian woman and there is a picture of him dressed up like that
i imagine that boomer has a nigerian wife too

Best bet is a multi shot co2 one, even less power (about 1 to 2) but useful for shooting repeatedly at someones face to give you an edge.

Unless they have an actual firearm, which means you may as well just accept death.

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People are going mental over the smallest of things. Some dude in a suit cut the line in front of some old lady and one of the bouncers ran over and forced him to the back of the line. Was pretty funny hearing him whinge about how he needed to get stuff before going into work, proper stuffy cunt.

The thotocaust continues unabated.

I have a hw45 in my gun safe, far as im aware its the most powerful pistol you can own without a section 5 ticket or a long barrel with stock pistol on a section 1.

and when i say most powerful, its shite, good enough for clearing pigeons/rats out of a barn, squirrel/magpies on a low roof, plinking and maybe putting a mixy infected rabbit out of its misery at point blank.

You generally need 4ft/lb at impact on a headshot to kill a rabbit.

NHS employee on annual leave here, spent the morning sleeping and wanking, about to start on the whisky and have a bet on the South African horse racing. Feels good to be a national hero.

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>my cousion married a nigerian woman

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You stupid cock
They are coal burning

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m8 you could flick someone with a greater force than a pellet gun. the power limits were designed for that to be the case. just punch the cunt.

it's not gonna bounce off of somebody's face though is it?
granted it's a small target

as much as I want them to hug it out
We will never see that

Can't even shake his hand

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my dad did too and he has one of those

Hit targets in a field. What else would I use it for?

had all this in December

Went to Iceland today with mask goggles and gloves 8 people in there random things sold out but still loads frozen and fresh meat. Surprised me. After making plain pasta a few days ago I realized I need stuff to put in it. No limit on buying either. Co op had fuckings lines of people. Iceland is the one lads. Cheap as fuck too.

all but chills

The local squirrels are fucking doomed m8 when he gets hungry.

Too much sauce.

i went to sainsbury's an hour ago and it was chill but there was fuck all on the shelfs, all i wanted was some scones a some whisky couldn't even get that. When are they going to stop. ENOUGH!!!

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Kek. Small convenience stores, Tesco, Sainsbury's etc have everything. Went shopping yesterday and it was fine, saw about 3 people too. I live in city centre and I imagine hardly anyone uses them now all the workers are at home in the suburbs.

>not buying a good old british over and under with a nice countryside scene engraved in the side of it
What kind of patriot are you?

Might give it a go, cheers for the heads up.


>my dad did too

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